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Презентация на тему по английскому In harmony with yourself

What is harmony?Harmony-the coordination of heterogeneous and even opposing (conflict) elements, in aesthetics - the coherence of the whole, born from a combination of opposites in quality entities.
Live in harmony with others What is harmony?Harmony-the coordination of heterogeneous and even opposing (conflict) elements, in What to do in order to be in harmony with others? In order to be in harmony with others, first of all, you A person must develop spiritually.After all, without spiritual development, a person can Accept people as they are (do not try to change them or change their thoughts). Do not hold grudges against other people, so that they do not.After Be sincere and be able to talk with other people, maintain a conversation. To create their own circle of communication, with which there will be The end.Be in harmony with yourself and with the people that surround you.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is harmony?
Harmony-the coordination of heterogeneous and even

What is harmony?Harmony-the coordination of heterogeneous and even opposing (conflict) elements,

opposing (conflict) elements, in aesthetics - the coherence of

the whole, born from a combination of opposites in quality entities.

Слайд 3 What to do in order to be in

What to do in order to be in harmony with others?

harmony with others?

Слайд 4 In order to be in harmony with others,

In order to be in harmony with others, first of all,

first of all, you need to be in harmony

with yourself.

Слайд 5 A person must develop spiritually.
After all, without spiritual

A person must develop spiritually.After all, without spiritual development, a person

development, a person can not cognize his inner world.

and, in general, develop himself as a person.

Слайд 6 Accept people as they are (do not try

Accept people as they are (do not try to change them or change their thoughts).

to change them or change their thoughts).

Слайд 7 Do not hold grudges against other people, so

Do not hold grudges against other people, so that they do

that they do not.
After all, if you give people

good, then they will sometime respond with reciprocity.

Слайд 8 Be sincere and be able to talk with

Be sincere and be able to talk with other people, maintain a conversation.

other people, maintain a conversation.

Слайд 9 To create their own circle of communication, with

To create their own circle of communication, with which there will

which there will be as much more common views

on life

It is with these people that the best moments of your life will pass.

Слайд 10

Lоve yourself and your loved ones.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-in-harmony-with-yourself.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 247
  • Количество скачиваний: 0