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Презентация на тему по английскому языку по теме American First Explorers

America populated about 15000 years ago.Perhaps, explorers crossed the Bering Strait and were settled in the extensive territory from the South to the North.So, communities have created own cultures.When the Europeans learned about America, they began
American First ExplorersProcess of settling of America is a controversial issue. America populated about 15000 years ago.Perhaps, explorers crossed the Bering Strait and Christopher Columbus was a first explorer.The continent became a basis of crossing When the first Europeans have landed in America, there lived hundreds of Most of colonists were engaged in farming. Their life was hard because For 75 years after emergence in 1607 of the first English colony The first colonists of North America didn't differ in either uniform religious Gaklyuyt tried to base constant the settlement of America, but all attempts To the second half of the 18th century the American industrialists and 1607 — Virginia (Jamestown)1620 — Massachusetts (Plymouth and Settlement of a bay History of development of America and the first explorens have very big
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Слайд 2 America populated about 15000 years ago.
Perhaps, explorers crossed

America populated about 15000 years ago.Perhaps, explorers crossed the Bering Strait

the Bering Strait and were settled in the extensive

territory from the South to the North.
So, communities have created own cultures.
When the Europeans learned about America, they began the colonial invasion of the northern and southern parts.

Слайд 3 Christopher Columbus was a first explorer.
The continent became

Christopher Columbus was a first explorer.The continent became a basis of

a basis of crossing of interests of Great Britain,

France and Spain therefore the conflict around resources has led to a number of wars.
To Europeans the majority of the tribes of America was at various stages of a communal system.

Слайд 4 When the first Europeans have landed in America,

When the first Europeans have landed in America, there lived hundreds

there lived hundreds of various tribes of aboriginals. Each

tribe had customs, the language and the way of life. The tribes living on east coast went in for agriculture, and also hunting and collecting wild-growin edible plants. They lived in small settlements.
In 1607 the group of British has founded the settlement under the name Jamestown in Virginia. The first winter on the new place was for them very heavy because of cold weather. In many respects they have worried this first winter thanks to the help of local Indians. The next year when puritans have reaped the first on the earth of America a crop, they have arranged a big holiday to thank God for rescue. This holiday which and is called — Thanksgiving Day, is celebrated in America still.

Way of life !

Слайд 5 Most of colonists were engaged in farming. Their

Most of colonists were engaged in farming. Their life was hard

life was hard because it was necessary not only

to clear away the earth which has grown with the wood and to grow up a harvest, but also to defend from Indians hostile to them. In the south many European colonists began to grow up tobacco.

Слайд 6 For 75 years after emergence in 1607 of

For 75 years after emergence in 1607 of the first English

the first English colony Virginia there were 12 more

colonies — New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Northern Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.

Colonies of America!

Слайд 7 The first colonists of North America didn't differ

The first colonists of North America didn't differ in either uniform

in either uniform religious beliefs, or the equal social

status. For example, shortly before 1775 not less than a third of the population of Pennsylvania were already made by Germans.
Colonists often were defenseless before Indian attacks, one of which was in 1676 an incitement to revolt in Virginia, Bacon's revolt.
The ideologist of the English colonization of North America made famous chaplain Gaklyuyt. Prospecting expedition has reached the American coast in 1584 and called the open coast Virginia.

Слайд 8 Gaklyuyt tried to base constant
the settlement of

Gaklyuyt tried to base constant the settlement of America, but all

America, but all attempts ended with failure.
In 1622, nearly

a quarter of the population of the colony was destroyed by insurgent Indians.

Слайд 9 To the second half of the 18th century

To the second half of the 18th century the American industrialists

the American industrialists and dealers extremely dissatisfied with a

colonial policy showed discontent.
Therefore in 1754 Benjamin Franklin created the project on creation of the union of North American colonies with own government, but headed by the president appointed by the British king.
All this became prerequisites of the War of independence of the USA.

Слайд 10 1607 — Virginia (Jamestown)
1620 — Massachusetts (Plymouth and

1607 — Virginia (Jamestown)1620 — Massachusetts (Plymouth and Settlement of a

Settlement of a bay Massachusetts)
1626 — New York
1633 —

1636 — Rhode Island
1636 — Connecticut
1638 — Delaware
1638 — New Gempshir
1653 — Northern Carolina
1663 — South Carolina
1664 — New Jersey
1682 — Pennsylvania
1732 — Georgia

Chronology of the basis of the English colonies!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-american-first-explorers.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 171
  • Количество скачиваний: 1