Слайд 2
The topicality
of the research
was caused by the
wide use of English loanwords in the Russian speech
of teenagers.
Слайд 3
The aims of our project work are:
to analyze factors contributing to the influx of anglicisms
in Russian
2. to study the impact of loanwords on the speech of our schoolmates
Слайд 4
The achievement of these aims involves the following
-To determine the reasons
for borrowing
-To find out the attitude of students to
the phenomenon under investigation
Слайд 5
The novelty of the research lies in the
fact that, we have examined the influence of loanwords
on the speech of students in a separate school
Слайд 6
English borrowings have an impact on the
cultural life and the linguistic behaviour of young people.
Слайд 7
Subject: investigation of the sources of borrowing and
the reasons for the use of English words in
everyday speech of our students.
The object of the study: lexical units of English origin.
Слайд 8
The methods of our research are
analysis of
the theoretical material, newspapers ,advertisement,films ,
questionnaire survey
Слайд 9
«A borrowed word or a borrowing
is a
word, a phrase or an idea
that has been
by the speakers of one language
from a different language…»
Longman Dictionary
of Contemporary English
Слайд 10
Why are there so many English loanwords in
modern Russian language?
What affects the process of lexical
borrowing ?
Why do teenagers prefer English loanwords to Russian words?
Слайд 11
The influx of English borrowings into the Russian
language has greatly accelerated in recent years as a
result of the fundamental political, social, economic, and cultural changes, as well transition to market economy .
1. The social and linguistic background of borrowing :
Слайд 12
There are several factors contributing to the influx
of anglicisms in Russian:
The language of the
is one of the main
transmitters of English influence
Слайд 13
The language of
is a new phenomenon in
Слайд 14
The youth has a leading role in making
new English borrowings popular
Слайд 15
a) The lack of equivalent
1.2. Linguistic motivations
for borrowing
The fate of new borrowings is usually determined
by linguistic factors:
Слайд 16
b) Differentiation of meanings:
Слайд 17
c) Economy of expression:
“борьба на руках” was
replaced by the English “армрестлинг”.
Слайд 18
d) The desire to be innovative
expressive-экспрессивный exclusive-эксклюзивный
Слайд 19
According to recent investigations loanwords are distributed in
the following way in different types of discourses:
fiction they comprise 6%,
in common communication their quantity is 9%,
in business discourse they make up 14%,
in scientific discourse-22%
in mass-media discourse they are the most numerous-30%
Слайд 20
саммит, электорат,
брифинг, импичмент,
бартер, брокер,
ваучер, дилер,
дистрибьютер, инвестор…
Spheres of Using English Words in
Слайд 21
Computer World
‘ньюс’ (news), ‘юзер’ (user),
‘гамер’ (gamer), ‘онлайн’
‘чат’ (chat), ‘чатрум’ (chat room), etc.
Sport World
‘фристайл’ (free
‘овертайм’ (overtime),
‘плей-офф’ (play off),
‘сёрфинг’ (surfing), ‘
‘файтер’ (fighter), etc
Слайд 22
Everyday life
Слайд 24
Very often borrowings exceed an average percentage of
loanwords in mass-media discourse.
The proof are the below
given lines from “The Arguments and Facts”
«- А бонусы топ-менеджеров наших крупных госкорпораций в конце прошлого года доходили до нескольких миллионов долларов…»
Слайд 25
The true writers and poets are sure think
about the purity of the Russian language and
try not to use any borrowings in their works if there are Russian equivalents
Слайд 26
2. The adaptation of English loanwords in Russian
a) Orthographic adaptation :
1. transplantation : Panasonic
– Панасоник
2. transliteration: slogan > слоган, tabloid > таблоид,
3. transcription
image [ˈɪmɪdʒ] - имидж, know-how [ˈnəʊhaʊ] -[ноу-хау]
Слайд 27
b) Phonological adaptation:
without change:
decoder > декодер, remake > римейк
jacuzzi > джакузи;tuning > тюнинг.
Substitution based on similarity:
fitness > фитнес
casting > кастинг
rafting >рафтинг
jogging >джоггинг
Слайд 28
Free substitution:
rap > реп /рэп
laptop > лап-топ /лэптоп
thriller > триллер
leggings > леггинсы
Слайд 29
In this research, we also have intended to
carry out a study of English loanwords
borrowed into the
speech of students of our school.
Слайд 30
Practical Part
(sociological research)
Слайд 31
The results of the survey show :
25% of the respondents often use loanwords, 10% of
them do not use at all, 65%- rarely.
Figure 1.
Слайд 32
Figure 2.
on the
Internet- 34%
in school -28% in
at home-18%
Figure 3
Why do you use English borrowings?
For 76% of respondents the usage of English loanwords became a habit
17% think it is fashionable
7% use borrowings
in order to stand out among the peers
Слайд 34
Internet-35% media-26% friends-23%
parents and teachers-16%
Слайд 37
In the whole we can state that our
hypothesis has been proved.
Our work has demonstrated borrowing
process from English into Russian is real in our life and we watch the intensive influence of English language on Russian one.
Слайд 38
3. Список использованной литературы:
1. Гальперин И.Р. Стилистика. –
Москва: Высшая школа, 1981.
2.Л. П. Крысин, Слово
в современных текстах и словарях: Очерки о русской лексике и лексикографии .
3. Л. П. Крысин. Толковый словарь иноязычных слов. 6-е изд. М.: ЭКСМО, 2005.
4. Longman Advanced American Dictionary.2003
5. Современный словарь иностранных слов. «Русский язык», 1992
6. The Integration of English Loanwords in Russian: An Overview of Recent Borrowings SZABOLCS JANURIK, H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/D .
7. Maximova T.V. English loanwords in contemporary Russian speech,
Вестник ВолГУ. Серия 2.Вып.6.2007,с.79