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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Invitation

Тhe aim of the lesson:Educational: To widen the vocabulary. To consolidate the sounds.Developing: to develop speaking abilities, listening, logical thinking and voluntary and involuntary memory. Bringing-up: To bring up the children for good manner at
Welcome to the Open lesson!Theme: Invitation Тhe aim of the lesson:Educational: To widen the vocabulary. To consolidate the Checking up the homeworkAnswer the questions:1) Where is Dover?2) Where is Cambridge?3) T is exactly in the middle  W is one letter New words: to invite [in`vait]- шақыру• invitation [,invi`tei∫әn]-шақыру қағаз• postcard [poustkα:d]-құттықтау хат• Ex:3. Read the invitations DmitryI invite you to my Party At 10 Ex:2 Read and answer the questions.a) Do you invite your friend to Ex:4. Read the dialogue Carol:   Were you at John’s party Exercise: 5, page 107.  True (T) or false (F )? Exercise:5c Read and write the wordsin’vait]-[invi’tei∫n]-[‘bo:riŋ]-[di’li∫әs]-[indʒɔi]-[‘wandәful]- Exercise:5d Write the words in right column[∫]    [ɔ:] Ex: 7 interview your friend. Use these words: wonderful, like, delicious, boring, Homework  To learn new words by heartExercise 9 page
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Тhe aim of the lesson:
Educational: To widen the

Тhe aim of the lesson:Educational: To widen the vocabulary. To consolidate

vocabulary. To consolidate the sounds.
Developing: to develop speaking abilities,

listening, logical thinking and voluntary and involuntary memory.
Bringing-up: To bring up the children for good manner at the party.

Слайд 3 Checking up the homework
Answer the questions:
1) Where is

Checking up the homeworkAnswer the questions:1) Where is Dover?2) Where is

2) Where is Cambridge?
3) What is the Kazakh for

4) What is the Kazakh for agriculture?
5) What’s the weather like today?
6) What was it yesterday?

Слайд 4 T is exactly in the middle W

T is exactly in the middle W is one letter

is one letter before T. A is between W

and T. R is at the end. E is between T and R.

Warm up:

Слайд 5 New words:
to invite [in`vait]- шақыру
• invitation [,invi`tei∫әn]-шақыру

New words: to invite [in`vait]- шақыру• invitation [,invi`tei∫әn]-шақыру қағаз• postcard [poustkα:d]-құттықтау

• postcard [poustkα:d]-құттықтау хат
• party [pα:ti]-ойын сауық кеші
• delicious

[di`li∫әs]-өте дәмді
• boring [bɔ:riŋ]-жалықтыратын
• disgusting [dis`gΛstiŋ]-жағымсыз
• lovely [lΛvli]-әдемі
• enjoy [indʒɔi]-рахаттану
• hate [heit]-жек көру

Слайд 6 Ex:3. Read the invitations
I invite you to

Ex:3. Read the invitations DmitryI invite you to my Party At

At 10 Queen St.
On Friday

At 5p.m

To Carol
From Tom
Please come to my
Party on
15 March at 4 p.m.
Hill Rood 20

Слайд 7 Ex:2 Read and answer the questions.
a) Do you

Ex:2 Read and answer the questions.a) Do you invite your friend

invite your friend to your birthday?


b) Do you send a postcard to your friend? Yes./No.

c) Do you send an invitation to your friend? Yes./No.

Слайд 8 Ex:4. Read the dialogue
Carol: Were

Ex:4. Read the dialogue Carol:  Were you at John’s party

you at John’s party yesterday?
Dmitry: Yes, I was.

Was it good?
Dmitry: No, it was a little boring. The food was
not delicious.
Carol: Were there many people?
Dmitry: Yes, there were. And where were you?
Carol: I was at Tom’s party. There were not
many people there. But it was lovely.
The food was delicious. I enjoyed it.

Слайд 9 Exercise: 5, page 107. True (T) or false

Exercise: 5, page 107. True (T) or false (F )? a)

(F )?
a) Dmitry was at John’s party

yesterday. __ __
b) The party a little was boring. __ __
c) The food was delicious. __ __
d) There were many people. __ __
e) Carol was at John’s party too. __ __
f) The food was not delicious. __ __
g) Carol enjoyed the party. __ __

Слайд 10 Exercise:5c Read and write the words






Exercise:5c Read and write the wordsin’vait]-[invi’tei∫n]-[‘bo:riŋ]-[di’li∫әs]-[indʒɔi]-[‘wandәful]-

Слайд 11 Exercise:5d Write the words in right column

Exercise:5d Write the words in right column[∫]  [ɔ:]  [ә:]

[ɔ:] [ә:]

[a:] [u:] [dʒ]
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Delicious, boring, enjoy, were party, food

Слайд 12 Ex: 7 interview your friend. Use these words:

Ex: 7 interview your friend. Use these words: wonderful, like, delicious,

wonderful, like, delicious, boring, lovely, enjoy.
Were you at a

party yesterday?
Was it good?
Were there many people?
And where were you?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-invitation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 179
  • Количество скачиваний: 0