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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Проблемы экологии

Forest cuttingSTOP
Ecological problems        of our planet Forest cuttingSTOP What can people do to save forestsRational and economical using of paper Reduction of biodiversity • Annually 10-15 thousand varieties of organisms disappear Water pollution Most of the water resources on Earth is polluted. Waste In nature annually more than 50 billion tons of waste We have only one planet! But she dies because of us. We
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Forest cutting

Forest cuttingSTOP

Слайд 3 What can people do to save forests
Rational and

What can people do to save forestsRational and economical using of

economical using of paper products, buying recycled products, greening

the area around their homes

Слайд 4 Reduction of biodiversity

Reduction of biodiversity

Слайд 5 • Annually 10-15 thousand varieties of organisms disappear

• Annually 10-15 thousand varieties of organisms disappear

Слайд 6 Water pollution

Water pollution

Слайд 7 Most of the water resources on Earth is

Most of the water resources on Earth is polluted.


Слайд 8 Waste


Слайд 9 In nature annually more than 50 billion tons

In nature annually more than 50 billion tons of waste

of waste

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-problemy-ekologii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 169
  • Количество скачиваний: 0