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Презентация на тему по темеМой идеальный выходной Автор: Миронова Анастасия.

Timetable of my ideal weekend1) good dreamTo the mood for the weekend was a good you need sleeping
Project 1Work done: a pupil of grade 7-B Kuchina ValentinaTeacher: Sem’yantseva M.V.My ideal weekend Timetable of my ideal weekend1) good dreamTo the mood for the weekend so that was a lot of energy is necessary to eat2)eat Go to a park or concert3)take a walk 4) play sportsSport is not only enjoyable, but useful, because it makes watch TV with the family5) watch TV The perfect end to the weekend will be reading books. This magical Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Timetable of my ideal weekend
1) good dream
To the

Timetable of my ideal weekend1) good dreamTo the mood for the

mood for the weekend was a good you need


Слайд 3 so that was a lot of energy is

so that was a lot of energy is necessary to eat2)eat

necessary to eat

Слайд 4 Go to a park or concert
3)take a walk

Go to a park or concert3)take a walk

Слайд 5 4) play sports
Sport is not only enjoyable, but

4) play sportsSport is not only enjoyable, but useful, because it

useful, because it makes you healthy.
Play sports with

my friends

Слайд 6 watch TV with the family
5) watch TV

watch TV with the family5) watch TV

Слайд 7 The perfect end to the weekend will be

The perfect end to the weekend will be reading books. This

reading books. This magical world, which gives a lot

of emotions.

6) reading books

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-tememoy-idealnyy-vyhodnoy-avtor-mironova-anastasiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 220
  • Количество скачиваний: 8