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Презентация на тему к уроку Festive time. Spotlight модуль 5а

Festive timeВремя праздника
The theme : Farmer – arm + stick +oven + a – Festive timeВремя праздника We are going to do: do exercises, read, learn new words, learn Our aim is to learn the new words, the differences between “make” Phonetic exercise: Celebrations, celebrations!Need a lot of preparations,We all are busy,Phone calls Fillword (12 words)bake, dance, wish, busy, excited, shopping,preparations, cake, festive, dusting, washing, tea Exercises for our eyesLook at the ceiling, look at the floor,Look at The differences between “make” and “do” To make means to produce something Ex. 1 , page 46 Check your partner Season’s greetings Mother’s Day“Mother’s day” is celebrated on the last Sunday of November in List of adjectivesopen - искреннийshy - скромный, creative - творческий, emotional - эмоциональныйclever- умныйbrave- смелыйkind- добрыйgood- хороший, energetic- энергичныйfriendly- дружелюбныйpolite- вежливыйmerry- радостный, The results of the lesson: we’ve learnt: the new words, the differences If the information of the lesson was clear for you show me That’s all for today, thank you, goodbye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Festive time
Время праздника

Festive timeВремя праздника

Слайд 3 We are going to do:
do exercises,

We are going to do: do exercises, read, learn new words,

learn new words,
learn the differences between “make” and

“do” ,

Слайд 4 Our aim is to learn the new words,

Our aim is to learn the new words, the differences between

the differences between “make” and “do”, and information about

some holidays.
Our task is to do lexical exercises, using the new vocabulary.
Our problem is to find a way of congratulating.

Слайд 5 Phonetic exercise:
Celebrations, celebrations!
Need a lot of preparations,

Phonetic exercise: Celebrations, celebrations!Need a lot of preparations,We all are busy,Phone

all are busy,
Phone calls we make,
Do shopping, dusting, washing,

also bake a cake!

Слайд 6 Fillword (12 words)

Fillword (12 words)bake, dance, wish, busy, excited, shopping,preparations, cake, festive, dusting, washing, tea


Слайд 7 Exercises for our eyes
Look at the ceiling, look

Exercises for our eyesLook at the ceiling, look at the floor,Look

at the floor,
Look at the window, look at the

Close your eyes.
Roll your eyes clockwise (one, two, three)
Roll your eyes anticlockwise (one, two, three)
Open your eyes!

Слайд 8 The differences between “make” and “do”
To make

The differences between “make” and “do” To make means to produce

means to produce something (изготавливать, производить)
To do means

to perform an action (выполнять действие)

Слайд 9 Ex. 1 , page 46

Ex. 1 , page 46

Слайд 10 Check your partner

Check your partner

Слайд 12 Season’s greetings

Season’s greetings

Слайд 13 Mother’s Day
“Mother’s day” is celebrated on the last

Mother’s Day“Mother’s day” is celebrated on the last Sunday of November

Sunday of November in Russia. The holiday started in

1998 to mark the role of the most important person in everyone’s life. The light-blue forget-me-not is the emblem of the “I love you, Mom” actions that take place in Russia. These delicate flowers remind us not to forget our mothers.

Слайд 14 List of adjectives
open - искренний
shy - скромный,

List of adjectivesopen - искреннийshy - скромный, creative - творческий, emotional - эмоциональныйclever- умныйbrave- смелыйkind- добрыйgood- хороший, energetic- энергичныйfriendly- дружелюбныйpolite- вежливыйmerry- радостный,

- творческий,
emotional - эмоциональный
clever- умный
brave- смелый
kind- добрый
good- хороший,
energetic- энергичный
friendly- дружелюбный
polite- вежливый
merry- радостный,

Слайд 15 The results of the lesson:
we’ve learnt:

The results of the lesson: we’ve learnt: the new words, the

new words,
the differences between “make” and “do”,

about some holidays,
We’ve done lexical and phonetic exercises,
We’ve made a joint
greeting card,
We’ve made a lot of

Слайд 16 If the information of the lesson was clear

If the information of the lesson was clear for you show

for you show me red hearts. If you had

some difficulties show me yellow faces.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-festive-time-spotlight-modul-5a.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 256
  • Количество скачиваний: 3