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Презентация на тему к внеклассному мероприятию Russia is our Motherland

«Russia is my Motherland»Men love their country, not because it is great, but because it is their own. 
O.V. LobastovaEnglish Teacher      Kirov - 2017Муниципальное бюджетное «Russia is my Motherland»Men love their country, not because  it is «Associations» «A magic 5»493152610121187 “Parts and wholes” “Parts and wholes” “Painting”The Tretjaykov Art Gallery in MoscowThe Hermitagein Saint Petersburg A Girl Morning in a Pine Forest, Ivan Shishkin The Trinity, Rooks came,   Alexey Savrasov Two Again, Fyodor Reshetnikov Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Golden Autumn, Isaac Levitan The Portrait of A. Pushkin, Orest Kiprensky “Proverbs”Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you Souvenirs from Russia Matryoshka, Russian, the best popular, and the most known, souvenir, is.Matryoshka is Khokhloma, the style of painting, on wooden tableware and, is, Gzhel, on white, is, a style of Russian ceramics, has Valenki, winter, are very, popular footwear, or Russian boots, in cold. Valenki A samovar, a traditional, is, water for tea, Russian device, it boils. Ushanka, fur hat, is, or shapka Ushanka, a traditional, CinquainRussiaGreat, strongGrows, defends, develops Russia is a country of many possibilities!Motherland Thank you for yourwork! Resources 1.http://wdesire.ru/uploadfiles/tasks/20170104_7d8906b514a5340613d4073d8c9855ec.jpg2.http://stene.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/grachi-prileteli.-1879.jpg3.http://klin-demianovo.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/bibel-bilder-christlicher-glauben-14-ikone-im-hain-mamre.jpg4. https://walldeco.ua/img/gallery/123/thumbs/thumb_m_01405.jpg5. https://ds02.infourok.ru/uploads/ex/08a0/0004fe27-5a1ca914/hello_html_767d8614.jpg6. http://mtdata.ru/u9/photoCA1F/20312595813-0/original.jpg7. http://cs636229.vk.me/v636229766/3a0e5/C3WSbinxtsI.jpg8. http://cp16.nevsepic.com.ua/post/4/137_files/65ecfed52206427862eb846bfd3486a0.jpg9. https://otvet.imgsmail.ru/download/72864228_354b1ee3ac4233d0bff76a0c9ac1d030_800.jpg10. https://vesti22.tv/sites/default/files/news/673765884.gif11. http://images.slanet.ru/~src2936794/Samovary.jpg12. http://vodniy-mir-tula.ru/bekililor/5406-13434.jpg13. http://imageloop.ru/images/330759_gzhel-rospis-oboi.jpg14. http://www.russian-mayolica.ru/media/images/%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0(7).jpg
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «Russia is my Motherland»
Men love their country, not

«Russia is my Motherland»Men love their country, not because it is

because it is great, but because it is

their own. 

O.V. Lobastova
English Teacher

Kirov - 2017

Слайд 3 «Associations»


Слайд 4 «A magic 5»

«A magic 5»493152610121187

Слайд 5 “Parts and wholes”

“Parts and wholes”

Слайд 6 “Parts and wholes”

“Parts and wholes”

Слайд 7 “Painting”
The Tretjaykov Art Gallery in Moscow
The Hermitage
in Saint

“Painting”The Tretjaykov Art Gallery in MoscowThe Hermitagein Saint Petersburg


Слайд 8 A Girl with Peaches, Valentin Serov

A Girl with Peaches, Valentin Serov

Слайд 9

Morning in a Pine Forest, Ivan Shishkin

Morning in a Pine Forest, Ivan Shishkin

Слайд 10 The Trinity,

The Trinity,   Andrey Rublyov

Andrey Rublyov

Слайд 11 Rooks came, Alexey Savrasov

Rooks came,  Alexey Savrasov

Слайд 12 Two Again, Fyodor Reshetnikov

Two Again, Fyodor Reshetnikov

Слайд 13 A

A Snow Maiden,  Victor Vasnetsov

Snow Maiden, Victor Vasnetsov

Слайд 14 Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Grey Wolf, Victor Vasnetsov

Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Grey Wolf, Victor Vasnetsov

Слайд 15 Golden Autumn,

Golden Autumn, Isaac Levitan

Слайд 16 The Portrait of A. Pushkin,
Orest Kiprensky

The Portrait of A. Pushkin, Orest Kiprensky

Слайд 17 “Proverbs”
Ask not what your country can do for

“Proverbs”Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what

you, ask what you can do for your country.

(He спрашивай, что твоя Родина может сделать для тебя, спроси себя, что ты можешь сделать для своей Родины).

The world is my country, all mankind are my brothers, and to do good is my religion. (Земля - моя Родина, все люди - мои братья, а добрые дела - моя религия).

As long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortal. (До тех пор, пока Вы готовы отдать свою жизнь за человечество, ваша Родина – бессмертна)

Слайд 18 Souvenirs from Russia

Souvenirs from Russia

Слайд 19 Matryoshka, Russian, the best popular, and the most

Matryoshka, Russian, the best popular, and the most known, souvenir, is.Matryoshka

known, souvenir, is.
Matryoshka is the best known and the

most popular Russian souvenir.

Слайд 20 Khokhloma, the style of painting, on wooden tableware

Khokhloma, the style of painting, on wooden tableware and, is,

and, is, furniture.
Khokhloma is the style of painting on

wooden tableware and furniture.

Слайд 21 Gzhel, on white, is, a style of Russian

Gzhel, on white, is, a style of Russian ceramics, has

ceramics, has got, background, blue designs.
Gzhel is a

style of Russian ceramics, has got blue designs on white background.

Слайд 22 Valenki, winter, are very, popular footwear, or Russian

Valenki, winter, are very, popular footwear, or Russian boots, in cold.

boots, in cold.
Valenki or Russian boots are very

popular footwear in cold winter.

Слайд 23 A samovar, a traditional, is, water for tea,

A samovar, a traditional, is, water for tea, Russian device, it

Russian device, it boils.
A samovar is a traditional

Russian device, it boils water for tea.

Слайд 24 Ushanka, fur hat, is, or shapka Ushanka, a

Ushanka, fur hat, is, or shapka Ushanka, a traditional,

traditional, Russian.
Ushanka or shapka ushanka is a traditional

Russian fur hat.

Слайд 25 Cinquain
Great, strong
Grows, defends, develops

CinquainRussiaGreat, strongGrows, defends, develops Russia is a country of many possibilities!Motherland

Russia is a country of many possibilities!

Слайд 26 Thank you for your

Thank you for yourwork!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-vneklassnomu-meropriyatiyu-russia-is-our-motherland.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 1