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Презентация на тему Lesson with Native Speaker

About Me Tell us about yourself, please My name is Itay Drory, I am 28 years old, for the past two years I am the Israel champion in inline speed skating and the first representative
Sport is my LifeItay Drory About Me Tell us about yourself, please My name is Itay Becoming a speed skaterHow did you become a speed skater?While I working Becoming a speed skaterAt the beginning of 2011 I was called to A Little about speed skating What is speed skating? Tell us My training program today How long have you being in Russia?I`ve being Team is priceless !  Do you have friends in Russia Special things before competitionsHow do you get ready for inline races?I can My new friends from Sport College in N. Novgorod
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 About Me
Tell us about yourself, please
My name is

About Me Tell us about yourself, please My name is

Itay Drory, I am 28 years old, for the

past two years I am the Israel champion in inline speed skating and the first representative of Israel in the ice Long track speed skating.  When I was young I began to skate on rollerblades which were very popular as a part of the 90's culture. However, there was no guiding hand to show me the way how to change my hobby into a professional sport career.  After I finished my army service, I chose a career in the computer industry, where I built my career up to a manager position for four years. 

Слайд 3 Becoming a speed skater
How did you become a

Becoming a speed skaterHow did you become a speed skater?While I

speed skater?
While I working long hours at the office

in front of the PC, I got drawn back into the world of sports and started skating in my leisure time. Only this time I learned to skate fast, maybe even too fast .... During my first year when I started to speed skate, I finished at the second place on a 10 km race in Israel, and later that year I participated in my first international marathon (42 km) in Berlin, Germany. 

Слайд 4 Becoming a speed skater
At the beginning of 2011

Becoming a speed skaterAt the beginning of 2011 I was called

I was called to Canada to be examined in

a Canadian ice speed skating team. After the tests they agreed to allow me to practice with. During 2010 and 2011 I worked on promoting a formal inline skating Marathon Championship in Tel-Aviv, Israel.  The event has now been held for the 2nd time in a row with more than 200 skaters.  I made 1st place for 2 years in a and became the champion of Israel in inline skating. 

Слайд 5 A Little about speed skating

What is speed skating?

A Little about speed skating What is speed skating? Tell

Tell us a little about it, please. Speed skating is

a competitive form of ice skating in which the competitors race each other traveling a certain distance on skates. Types of speed skating: long track speed skating, short track speed skating, and marathon speed skating. In the Olympic Games long track speed skating is usually referred to as just "speed skating", while short track speed skating is known as a "short track" in which contestants compete with each other in a distance ranging from 500 meters sprints to a full marathon of 42 km.  This sport requires very strong muscles and hours of grueling training at the gym, ice and on the wheels. 

Слайд 6 My training program today
How long have you

My training program today How long have you being in Russia?I`ve

being in Russia?
I`ve being in Russia for a half

a year. I`ve been called to Russia for practice my skills in speed skating.

What is your training program?
My training program today is to train in Russia. The training takes 7-8 hours a day. Intense training that requires much from my body, and among other things, much money.  My goal is taking part in the World Inline Cup in Italy this summer, and participating in the world/euro championships on ice this winter to achieve the rank for Sochi 2014. 

Слайд 7 Team is priceless !
Do you have friends

Team is priceless ! Do you have friends in Russia

in Russia for example among your colleagues?
What can you

say about your Russian team?
Yes, I do ))) Team is priceless! They are always with me. When it is hard or when you need motivation, my team will always be there for me. I'm so happy to be a part of this ice speed skating Kolomna family. During the race they cheer me to go faster and push my limits, after the race they are there to smile and support.

Слайд 8 Special things before competitions
How do you get ready

Special things before competitionsHow do you get ready for inline races?I

for inline races?

I can say the best way for

me is bringing my body to a skating route everyday with changing trainings each day, for example 1 day sprints, 1 day uphill, 1 day intervals and 1 day just pure slow technique skating.
2 days before the marathon, I stop skating, 48 hours before, I go for 2 easy running, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening, between 8-10km in a slow pace of 5:30-6:30, just to remind the legs to stay warm, 24 hours before the marathon, I rest and doing nothing special of sports, this is the time to meet with the girlfriend if you have one )))

And just clean your head the day before with good ideas about the race and GET A GOOD SLEEP 

  • Имя файла: lesson-with-native-speaker.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 172
  • Количество скачиваний: 0