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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для учителей Как вводить лексику на уроках английского языка

It's often a good idea to use a student-centred approach to teaching vocabulary. Rather than just handing over the meaning to the students, make they work for it in some way. matching exercise, looking at pictures,
How introduce vocabularyUseful tips for teachers It's often a good idea to use a student-centred approach to teaching Vocabulary with a strong context is much easier to understand, more meaningful Sometimes it is necessary to elicit vocabulary from the group to support It's not enough just to teach learners the meaning of a word. Using a vocabulary box A vocabulary box is a great teaching and learning resource. Not only One student per lesson can be nominated as the 'scribe' – they When recording vocabulary, don't forget to also include any relevant features for Remember to review the cards and words in the box regulary, as A vocabulary box should be an open access resource for learners to Give each student a card from the box and instruct them to Give each student a card from the box and challenge them to Sometimes called 'back to the board'. One student is nominated to sit This one is better for more capable learners. It is great for Using vocabulary box words, a teacher can easily create a vocabulary task
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 It's often a good idea to use a

It's often a good idea to use a student-centred approach to

student-centred approach to teaching vocabulary. Rather than just handing

over the meaning to the students, make they work for it in some way.
matching exercise,
looking at pictures,
listening to music or watching film,
Make sure they have a chance to get it correct though! It's not fair if they can't win!

Student-centred approach

Слайд 3 Vocabulary with a strong context is much easier

Vocabulary with a strong context is much easier to understand, more

to understand, more meaningful and much more memorable. Try

to present vocabulary in sentences which support, underline and help to explain the target language .
For example, 'After the wedding, they went to the Caribbean on their honeymoon.' 
Learners have a good chance of being able to deduce the meaning of the word honeymoon from the context. Teaching learners to do this promotes learner independence and makes them much less reliant on the teacher and more able to use their own skills.

Teach vocabulary in context

Слайд 4 Sometimes it is necessary to elicit vocabulary from

Sometimes it is necessary to elicit vocabulary from the group to

the group to support an upcoming activity, such as

a reading or listening. There are many ways to do so easily. It is important to pick the correct method depending on the circumstances and word.
You can use: -Realia - real objects -Mime or act -Use a cline - a scale which goes from one extreme to another -Explain using a scenario

Eliciting Vocabulary

Слайд 5 It's not enough just to teach learners the

It's not enough just to teach learners the meaning of a

meaning of a word. In order to use a

word, a learner will need to know its collocations at the very least. What are its prepositions, if it has any? What verbs or other word combinations is it commonly paired with?
Other ideas include: -Formality -Spelling -Pronunciation - word stress / connected speech -Synonyms & Antonyms – words with similar or opposite meanings -Connotation – does the word have positive or negative associations?

Meaning is not enough

Слайд 6 Using a vocabulary box

Using a vocabulary box

Слайд 7 A vocabulary box is a great teaching and

A vocabulary box is a great teaching and learning resource. Not

learning resource. Not only does it allow you to

keep an 'interactive' record of vocabulary, but it also allows your students to have a level of control over what they learn and teaches them learner responsibility.

A useful tool

Слайд 8 One student per lesson can be nominated as

One student per lesson can be nominated as the 'scribe' –

the 'scribe' – they are responsible for recording the

vocabulary on cards and putting it in the box. It is a good idea that the teacher gives the cues as to when to do so, so that unnecessary or irrelevant words are not recorded.

The scribe

Слайд 9 When recording vocabulary, don't forget to also include

When recording vocabulary, don't forget to also include any relevant features

any relevant features for that word or phrase. Things

like word stress, word class, collocations, synonyms, antonyms and other information can be written and included on the card. If these features are regularly included, it has the added benefit of demonstrating by example the best way to note down vocabulary to your students. They will have practice of this when they are scribing and can copy the same method when they record their own vocabulary in their notebooks. 

Relevant features

Слайд 10 Remember to review the cards and words in

Remember to review the cards and words in the box regulary,

the box regulary, as it can get quite full

and very cluttered quickly. One nice way of doing this is to review with the class the words and phrases inside the box and sort them into categories of usefulness. E.g. These words are important and very useful. These words are somewhat useful. These words are less common or not relevant to us.


Слайд 11 A vocabulary box should be an open access

A vocabulary box should be an open access resource for learners

resource for learners to use at any time when

they are not busy. This makes it useful for:
Students who have arrived early to class Students who have arrived late and cannot join with the current activity Break time study Early finishers (students who tend to complete their activities and tasks quickly

Open Access

Слайд 12 Give each student a card from the box

Give each student a card from the box and instruct them

and instruct them to describe what is on their

card, without showing it, to another student, who has to guess what the item of vocabulary is. When they have both guessed correctly, they swap cards and go to find another player. In this way the vocabulary is circulated around the class, ready for group feedback to the teacher.

Mingle Swap

Слайд 13 Give each student a card from the box

Give each student a card from the box and challenge them

and challenge them to make a story as a

class. The teacher goes first by using their piece of vocabulary in a sentence. The next student must continue the story, incorporating the vocabulary on their card too. Then the second student takes their turn, and so on. This could also be done in smaller groups or as a written task.

Chain Story

Слайд 14 Sometimes called 'back to the board'. One student

Sometimes called 'back to the board'. One student is nominated to

is nominated to sit in the 'hot seat' so

that they cannot see the target language (on the board or on the vocabulary card). This vocabulary is then described to them and they have to guess what it is. This can be made into a competition by splitting the class into two teams and having them both guessing the same word.

Hot Seat

Слайд 15 This one is better for more capable learners.

This one is better for more capable learners. It is great

It is great for exploring and teaching context and

connotation. One student (or group) takes a card from the vocabulary box and must explain to the class why that item of vocabulary is a good or bad thing. The next student (or group) must then take the opposite opinion. The teacher can monitor, suggest, correct and decide which explanation they like more.

Positive + Negative

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-dlya-uchiteley-kak-vvodit-leksiku-na-urokah-angliyskogo-yazyka.pptx
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