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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Сельскохозяйственные машины

What is agricultural machinery?Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation of an agricultural area or farm.
Agricultural machinery. Tractors. Работу выполнила: Гаязова А.Р.- преподаватель иностранного языка What is agricultural machinery?Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation of Tractor, agrimotor – тракторIndustrial tractor – трактор-тягачIrrigation – поливSowing – посевChemical protection Machines for sowing – машины для посеваMachines for irrigation – машины для To increase – повышатьThe fertility – плодородиеExtra nutrients – питательные веществаDrills and Tractor By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union occupied Tractor DET-250 DT-54 (1949-1979) Tractor T-800 Tractor VT-200 Kirovets K-744 MTZ-80 DT-75 Road bulldozer Kirovets K-702 Harvester Don-1500 Types of tractors:crawler tractor skidding choker,forest fire crawler tractorsmowersforwardersloaders and forklifts based tractorstruck tractors Types of tractors:wheeled tractorscrawler tractorscrawler skidderstransport tractorswheeled tractor self-propelled chassiswheeled cotton tractorsbulldozers Give a name to the tractor:MTZ-80T-800 K-702DET-250 Ex.1. Прочитайте предложения на английском языке и  переведите их на русский 6) The main parts of the harvesters are lost during different diseases.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is agricultural machinery?
Agricultural machinery is machinery used

What is agricultural machinery?Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation

in the operation of an agricultural area or farm.

Слайд 3 Tractor, agrimotor – трактор
Industrial tractor – трактор-тягач
Irrigation –

Tractor, agrimotor – тракторIndustrial tractor – трактор-тягачIrrigation – поливSowing – посевChemical

Sowing – посев
Chemical protection – химическая защита
Combine harvesters –

зерноуборочные комбайны.
Crops – посев
Quality tillage – качественная обработка почвы
Machines for chemical protection – машины для химической обработки

Слайд 4 Machines for sowing – машины для посева
Machines for

Machines for sowing – машины для посеваMachines for irrigation – машины

irrigation – машины для полива
Loose – рыхлая
The root system

– корневая система
Drugs – препараты
Treated plants – обработанные растения
Harvest – урожай
Moved header – скошенный, скашиваемый жаткой
To remove weeds – удалять сорняки

Слайд 5 To increase – повышать
The fertility – плодородие
Extra nutrients

To increase – повышатьThe fertility – плодородиеExtra nutrients – питательные веществаDrills

– питательные вещества
Drills and planters – сеялки и сажалки

crops – полив с.х культур
Nutrition – питание
The growing season – период вегетации
Storage – хранение
Cereals machines – зерновые машины
Cereals – зерновые
Legumes – зернобобовые
Cereal crops – крупяные культуры

Слайд 6 Tractor "Universal" (1934-1940, 1944-1955)


Слайд 7 By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War,

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union

the Soviet Union occupied the first place in the

world for the production of crawler tractors .

Слайд 8 Tractor DET-250

Tractor DET-250

Слайд 9 DT-54 (1949-1979)

DT-54 (1949-1979)

Слайд 10 Tractor T-800

Tractor T-800

Слайд 11 Tractor VT-200

Tractor VT-200

Слайд 12 Kirovets K-744

Kirovets K-744

Слайд 13 MTZ-80


Слайд 15 Road bulldozer Kirovets K-702

Road bulldozer Kirovets K-702

Слайд 16 Harvester Don-1500

Harvester Don-1500

Слайд 17 Types of tractors:
crawler tractor skidding choker,
forest fire crawler

Types of tractors:crawler tractor skidding choker,forest fire crawler tractorsmowersforwardersloaders and forklifts based tractorstruck tractors

loaders and forklifts based tractors
truck tractors

Слайд 18 Types of tractors:
wheeled tractors
crawler tractors
crawler skidders
transport tractors
wheeled tractor

Types of tractors:wheeled tractorscrawler tractorscrawler skidderstransport tractorswheeled tractor self-propelled chassiswheeled cotton tractorsbulldozers

self-propelled chassis
wheeled cotton tractors

Слайд 19 Give a name to the tractor:

Give a name to the tractor:MTZ-80T-800 K-702DET-250

Слайд 20 Ex.1. Прочитайте предложения на английском языке и

Ex.1. Прочитайте предложения на английском языке и переведите их на русский

переведите их на русский язык.

1) There are a lot of different and the modest drills and planters in the farms of our country.
2) The growing season is very important for plants.
3) The loose soil is an important factor of the fertility.
4) One of the main tasks of every farmer is increasing of harvest and the fertility of soil.
5) Today there are a lot of new and modern agricultural machines.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-selskohozyaystvennye-mashiny.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 306
  • Количество скачиваний: 15