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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Предлоги движения? (4 класс Кузовлев)

go intoGo into the houseGo into the shopGo into the cave
go intoGo into the houseGo into the shopGo into the cave go out ofGo out of the houseGo out of the shopGo out of the museum go acrossGo across the bridge go aroundGo around the statue get on Get on the busGet on the train get offGet off the busGet off the train go up/ go downGo up the mountainGo down the mountain Go straight on turn left / turn right
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 go into
Go into the house
Go into the shop

go intoGo into the houseGo into the shopGo into the cave

into the cave

Слайд 3 go out of
Go out of the house
Go out

go out ofGo out of the houseGo out of the shopGo out of the museum

of the shop
Go out of the museum

Слайд 4 go across
Go across the bridge

go acrossGo across the bridge

Слайд 5 go around
Go around the statue

go aroundGo around the statue

Слайд 6 get on
Get on the bus
Get on the

get on Get on the busGet on the train


Слайд 7 get off
Get off the bus
Get off the train

get offGet off the busGet off the train

Слайд 8 go up/ go down
Go up the mountain
Go down

go up/ go downGo up the mountainGo down the mountain

the mountain

Слайд 9 Go straight on

Go straight on

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-predlogi-dvizheniya-4-klass-kuzovlev.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 175
  • Количество скачиваний: 3