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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка по теме Школа

Ann and I go to school together. She is my schoolmate. How many schooldays do you have? My mother’s schooldays were a very happy time. Is Jane a school age child? When does the school
Ann and I go to school together. She is my schoolmate. suffixesMr Perry is a foreigner. He doesn’t know our traditions.Foreign+er= foreigner2. The PrepositionsTOThis can happen to everyone.‘Listen to me carefully’, -the teacher said.I need to speak to Elza Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the correct formSchool-leaver, Home taskEx. 3 pp. 32-33 (read and translate)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Ann and I go to school together. She

Ann and I go to school together. She is my schoolmate.

is my schoolmate. How many schooldays do you have? My

mother’s schooldays were a very happy time. Is Jane a school age child? When does the school year finish in Russia? My sister is a school-leaver. She is thinking of going to university. Our schoolhouse is very high. You can see it from far away.

Слайд 3 suffixes
Mr Perry is a foreigner. He doesn’t know

suffixesMr Perry is a foreigner. He doesn’t know our traditions.Foreign+er= foreigner2.

our traditions.
Foreign+er= foreigner
2. The ruler of our country is

the president.
Rule+ er= ruler
3. It was very noisy in the room.
Noise+ y= noisy
4. The boy sang so loudly, that I couldn’t hear the music.
Loud+ly= loudly

Слайд 4 Prepositions
This can happen to everyone.
‘Listen to me carefully’, -the teacher

PrepositionsTOThis can happen to everyone.‘Listen to me carefully’, -the teacher said.I need to speak

I need to speak to Elza face-to-face.
Mom, maybe you can talk to my

Maths teacher.
We can write to her relatives in Germany.


I’m afraid of dogs.
My friend is fond of music.
We’re proud of our country.
I'm quite sure of her success.
I'm tired of work, I want to have lunch

Слайд 5 Fill in the gaps with the missing words

Fill in the gaps with the missing words in the correct

in the correct form
School-leaver, schoolmate, school age, school day(s)

met my old ….., Paul Hill.
The courses are also very popular with recent … who have jobs.
Go on, the … isn't over yet.
The … of secondary education is 13 to 18.
If I could live over the ….. again...

Foreign, rule, noise, loud

 It's … . They're playing for dancers.
Learning … languages is very popular today.
The … is quite easy to understand.
Feed your cat. It is meowing too ….

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-shkola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 121
  • Количество скачиваний: 0