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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Ориентация в городе (6 класс)

GivingDirectionsThe Words to Revise
ВЫПОЛНИЛА УЧИТЕЛЬ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА ТАЗЬМИНА Н.С. АБАКАН How can I get to….? GivingDirectionsThe Words to Revise You are in Strand Avenue, at the park now. You have to Task3. Give the correct direction according to the picture.You are at the You are in the hotel now. You have to Portobello Street and You are at school at the moment and you need to get Now complete the sentences about yourselves.I`ve learnt…I`ve remembered…I`ve revised the material about…I`ve done…I`ve read … Turn left, then turn right.Oh, you can follow that friendly guide!Go straight
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
The Words
to Revise

GivingDirectionsThe Words to Revise

Слайд 6

You are in Strand Avenue, at the park

You are in Strand Avenue, at the park now. You have

now. You have to ___ into Oxford Street to

get to the restaurant.
turn right
turn left
keep going straight

Слайд 7 Task3. Give the correct direction according to the

Task3. Give the correct direction according to the picture.You are at

You are at the department store now. You have

to ___ Regent Avenue to get to the bus stop.

turn left into
go along
turn right into

Слайд 8
You are in the hotel now. You have

You are in the hotel now. You have to Portobello Street

to Portobello Street and you`ll see the park

turn right into
turn left into
go along
on your right
on your left

Слайд 9 You are at school at the moment and

You are at school at the moment and you need to

you need to get to the theatre.
Go along Regent

Avenue until you reach Portobello Street.
Turn left into Portobello Street. Go past the supermarket and turn right into Princess Street.
First, turn right into Regent Avenue.
Keep going straight until you reach the shop on your left.
Turn left again and you`ll see the theatre on your right.

Слайд 10 Now complete the sentences about yourselves.

I`ve learnt…
I`ve remembered…

Now complete the sentences about yourselves.I`ve learnt…I`ve remembered…I`ve revised the material about…I`ve done…I`ve read …

revised the material about…
I`ve done…
I`ve read …

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-orientatsiya-v-gorode-6-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0