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Презентация на тему Whose t-shirt is this?

The aims:Educational aim:teach pupils to answer the question and presentation of the new words:T-shirt jeans an anoraka jacket shoes a skirttrousers a tie a pullovertrainers a hat
Whose T-shirt is this? The aims:Educational aim:teach pupils to answer the question and presentation of the b) Developing aim : a) to develop pupils speaking, listening, writing, habits.b) sock – [sɒk]-шұлықa T-shirt – ерлер көйлегіtrainers[ˈtreɪnəz] – кроссовкиJeans  [ dʒiːnz ] a tie [taɪ] – галстукa cap [kæp] – такия, шапкаa pullover [pʋl’əʋvər]– Possessive pronouns      (Тәуелдеу есімдіктері) Demonstrative Pronouns (Сілтеу есімдіктері)Singular (Жекеше)this — бұл Мысалы: This is Ex:2Mrs Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?Is it yours or Carol`s?Colin: It`s Төмендегі  сұрақтарға үлгі бойынша жауап беріңіз: Whose room is this?- Test C)socksB) a T-shirt А)trainers A)a T-shirtB)jeansC)a skirt A)trainersB)trousersC)a sweater C)a tieB)a hatA)a dress B)shoesA)a jacketC)a dress A)a dressC)a tieB) a hat A)roller skatesB)a pulloverC)a tie A)a T-shirtC)a dressB)a shirt HomeworkEx:8.р.59 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Example: This is Thank you for your attention!!!Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aims:
Educational aim:
teach pupils to answer the question

The aims:Educational aim:teach pupils to answer the question and presentation of

and presentation of the new words:
T-shirt jeans

an anorak
a jacket shoes a skirt
trousers a tie a pullover
trainers a hat a dress
Questions: mine, yours, hers, his, theirs.

Слайд 3 b) Developing aim :
a) to develop pupils

b) Developing aim : a) to develop pupils speaking, listening, writing,

speaking, listening, writing, habits.
b) To develop pupils skills and

habits in monologue(dialogue) speech through asking questions, making up different conversations.
c) Cultural aim: to teach them to respect their friends and peoples.

Слайд 4 sock – [sɒk]-шұлық
a T-shirt – ерлер көйлегі
trainers[ˈtreɪnəz] –

sock – [sɒk]-шұлықa T-shirt – ерлер көйлегіtrainers[ˈtreɪnəz] – кроссовкиJeans  [ dʒiːnz

Jeans  [ dʒiːnz ] – джинсы
a skirt  [ skɜːrt] 

– юбка
a sweater  |ˈswetə|  – свитер
roller skates |ˈrəʊlə skeɪt|  – роликті коньки


Слайд 5 a tie [taɪ] – галстук
a cap [kæp] –

a tie [taɪ] – галстукa cap [kæp] – такия, шапкаa pullover

такия, шапка
a pullover [pʋl’əʋvər]– пуловер
a blouse [blaʋs] - блузка

anorak [ˈænəræk]  – күрте, кеудеше
trousers |ˈtraʊzə| – шалбар
a shirt [ʃɜ:rt] – ерлер көйлегі

Слайд 7 Possessive

Possessive pronouns   (Тәуелдеу есімдіктері)

(Тәуелдеу есімдіктері)

Слайд 8
Demonstrative Pronouns (Сілтеу есімдіктері)
Singular (Жекеше)
this — бұл Мысалы: This

Demonstrative Pronouns (Сілтеу есімдіктері)Singular (Жекеше)this — бұл Мысалы: This is

is a ship – Бұл кеме
that — анау, сонау,

сол Мысалы: That is a teacher – Анау мұғалім Plural (Көпше)
these — бұлар Мысалы: These are continents – Бұлар материктер
those — аналар, солар Мысалы: Those are flowers – Аналар гүлдер

Слайд 9
Mrs Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?
Is it

Ex:2Mrs Evans: Colin, whose T-shirt is this?Is it yours or Carol`s?Colin:

yours or Carol`s?
Colin: It`s not mine, it`s Carol`s.
Mrs Evans:

And whose jeans are these?
Are they yours, Carol?
Carol: Mine? No, they aren`t mine,
they`re Colin`s.

Слайд 10 Төмендегі сұрақтарға үлгі бойынша
жауап беріңіз:

Төмендегі сұрақтарға үлгі бойынша жауап беріңіз: Whose room is this?-

Whose room is this?- It’s mine.
Whose books are

these?- They are hers.

1.Whose pen is this?
2.Whose hat is that?
3.Whose cap is this?
4.Whose dress are these?
5.Whose flats are those?

Слайд 12

B) a T-shirt

C)socksB) a T-shirt А)trainers

Слайд 13 A)a T-shirt
C)a skirt

A)a T-shirtB)jeansC)a skirt

Слайд 14 A)trainers
C)a sweater

A)trainersB)trousersC)a sweater

Слайд 15 C)a tie
B)a hat
A)a dress

C)a tieB)a hatA)a dress

Слайд 16 B)shoes
A)a jacket
C)a dress

B)shoesA)a jacketC)a dress

Слайд 17 A)a dress
C)a tie
B) a hat

A)a dressC)a tieB) a hat

Слайд 18 A)roller skates
B)a pullover
C)a tie

A)roller skatesB)a pulloverC)a tie

Слайд 19 A)a T-shirt
C)a dress
B)a shirt

A)a T-shirtC)a dressB)a shirt

Слайд 20 Homework


Слайд 21 Complete the sentences with the words in the

Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Example: This

Example: This is my pen. Where`s yours?
a) Is

this your cap?
No, it isn`t. _________ is in my bag.

Is this my jacket?
Yes, it`s _________.

Are these Colin`s trainers?
Yes, they are ________.

Are these Omar`s jeans?
No, they are not ______. They`re _______.

Is this Carol`s blouse?
No, it isn`t _________ .

Is this _________ blouse?
Yes, it`s ______________ .

What`s _________ name?
______ name`s Ben. And what`s _____name?
______ name`s Asel.

  • Имя файла: whose-t-shirt-is-this.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0