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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Underwater statue of Christ (8 класс)

Malta, statue of the Christ under water at a depth of 40 m.
Statue of the Christ Savior under water Malta, statue of the Christ under water at a depth of 40 m. Near Malta's Marine Park, in two kilometers from the coast there is Jesus Christ's well-known underwater Maltese statue was executed by the known Maltese The committee of divers authorized Alfred Camilleri Cauchi for performance of this The three-meter underwater Maltese giant of Kristu l-Bahhar with the raised head The statue not always was here. Earlier it was at a sea In May, 2000 Jesus Christ's lying until then of 10 years at
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Malta, statue of the Christ under water at

Malta, statue of the Christ under water at a depth of 40 m.

a depth of 40 m.

Слайд 3 Near Malta's Marine Park, in two kilometers from

Near Malta's Marine Park, in two kilometers from the coast there

the coast there is Jesus Christ's well-known underwater Maltese


Слайд 4 Jesus Christ's well-known underwater Maltese statue was executed

Jesus Christ's well-known underwater Maltese statue was executed by the known

by the known Maltese sculptor of Alfred Camilleri Cauchi.

Works on design and production of an underwater statue of Jesus Christ were estimated in 1000 of the Maltese liras

Слайд 5 The committee of divers authorized Alfred Camilleri Cauchi

The committee of divers authorized Alfred Camilleri Cauchi for performance of

for performance of this work in honor of celebration

of visit of Malta in 1990 for the first time Pope John Pavel of II. Jesus Christ's statue was made and originally drowned in 1990 on Malta about Sacred Pavel's islands

Слайд 6 The three-meter underwater Maltese giant of Kristu l-Bahhar

The three-meter underwater Maltese giant of Kristu l-Bahhar with the raised

with the raised head stretches up the hands from

thirty eight-meter depths and looks in the direction of St. Paul's islands.

Слайд 7 The statue not always was here. Earlier it

The statue not always was here. Earlier it was at a

was at a sea depth about Sacred Pavel's islands

but because there are some operating fish farms, divers began to complain of deterioration of water and poor visibility in the depth of the sea in this place.

Слайд 8 In May, 2000 Jesus Christ's lying until then

In May, 2000 Jesus Christ's lying until then of 10 years

of 10 years at the bottom of the sea

underwater statue, Maltese pulled out the floating crane since the weight of a statue of Jesus Christ makes 13 tons and moved closer to earlier old Malta-Gozo ferry ferry flooded with year (the ship the Imperial Eagle which was earlier).

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-underwater-statue-of-christ-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 151
  • Количество скачиваний: 0