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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Достопримечательности Лондона

It is believed that the bell was named Big Ben (Big Ben) in honor of Sir Benjamin HallThe height of the tower, including the spire - 96 meters
Hello, today I will tell you about the London sights It is believed that the bell was named Big Ben (Big Ben) Westminster Palace is built on the banks of the Thames in the London area It starts at the height of the Cotswold-Hills sea level, flows in Trent is one of the important rivers in Great Britain. Origins on Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is a fortress on the north on what river stands Big Ben and Westminster Palace?1)Thames2)Trent3)Severnanswer: What is the height of the tower, including the spire?answer:1)95m2)96m3)120m on which bank of the Thames is located the Tower of London3)on Thank you all for attention, I hope you enjoyed it, bye
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 It is believed that the bell was named

It is believed that the bell was named Big Ben (Big

Big Ben (Big Ben) in honor of Sir Benjamin


The height of the tower, including the spire - 96 meters

Слайд 3 Westminster Palace is built on the banks of the Thames

Westminster Palace is built on the banks of the Thames in the London

in the London area of Westminster, where the sessions

of the British Parliament are held.

Westminster Palace

Слайд 4 It starts at the height of the Cotswold-Hills

It starts at the height of the Cotswold-Hills sea level, flows

sea level, flows in the city of London, flows

into the North Sea


Слайд 5 Trent is one of the important rivers in

Trent is one of the important rivers in Great Britain. Origins

Great Britain. Origins on the southwestern slopes of the

Pennine Mountains in Staffordshire


Слайд 6 Tower of London

The Tower of London is a

Tower of LondonThe Tower of London is a fortress on the

fortress on the north bank of the Thames, the

historic center of London, one of England's oldest buildings and one of the main symbols of Britain

Слайд 7 on what river stands Big Ben and Westminster

on what river stands Big Ben and Westminster Palace?1)Thames2)Trent3)Severnanswer:


Слайд 8 What is the height of the tower, including

What is the height of the tower, including the spire?answer:1)95m2)96m3)120m

the spire?

Слайд 9 on which bank of the Thames is located

on which bank of the Thames is located the Tower of

the Tower of London
3)on the north bank
1)on the south


2)on the east bank



  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-dostoprimechatelnosti-londona.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 79
  • Количество скачиваний: 0