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Презентация на тему на английском языке КАК НАУЧИТЬСЯ ЛЕТАТЬ


To study how people have learned to fly; What types of aircraft people learned to build; To prepare interesting presentation; To make a model of an airplane.Purposes of the project
Project byTihon Maximov and Matvey OkladnikovScience tutor Lyubov VerkhunovaHow people learned to To study how people have learned to fly; What types of It all started with a dreamPeople always dreamed of flight. Myths and The first attempts to fly were based on observation of nature and In 1638 the English Bishop Francis Godwin described a man’s journey to Hot-air balloon200 years ago in the South of France the Montgolfier First piloted aircraft or “dirigible” was created by the French mathematician Jean Meusnier. Dirigible The biggest dirigibles in the world was built by earl Zeppelin in German engineer Lilienthal has invented a winged flying device – GLIDER and The first powered airplaneTwo Americans – the Wright brothers have equipped their One of the biggest was «Ilya Muromets» - four-engine airplane, built by Russian engineer Sikorsky.Airplane Sikorsky has also made a huge contribution to the development of other Soviet passenger plane Тu-154Passenger planes Transport planesAir-freighter АN-124 «Ruslan» can take up to 150.000 kg in cargo Fire airplanesFire planes extinguish forest fires by dropping water. They can take Military airplanesThese formidable fighters can travel at supersonic speed. Sporting airplanesThese planes enable the most incredible aerobatics. Modern helicoptersHelicopters can hover in the air and perform the most complex tasks. Russian Air Forces Central Museum Our aircraft modelsWe built our plane. Our aircraft modelsWe built our plane. Our aspirations and likings We like to travel We love to learn Information sources Internet web sites: http://ofsla.tomsk.ru/boo/history_vp.html http://topwar.ru/16781-minoborony-rf-primet-uchastie-v-vozobnovlenii-proizvodstva-samoletov-an-124-ruslan.html http://olymp.as-club.ru/publ/raboty_1_go_tura/gotovye_raboty/ kak_povlijala_konstruktorskaja_shkola_i_i_sikorskogo_na_razvitie_mirovoj_aviacii/6-1-0-1655 http://leonardodavinchi.ru/poletmex Excursion to Thanks for your attention!  Tihon Maximov		   Matvey Okladnikov
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 To study how people have learned to

To study how people have learned to fly; What types

What types of aircraft people learned to build;

To prepare interesting presentation;
To make a model of an airplane.

Purposes of the project

Слайд 3 It all started with a dream
People always dreamed

It all started with a dreamPeople always dreamed of flight. Myths

of flight.
Myths and tales about winged people, magic

carpets, flying mortars and brooms were born in dreams. Many centuries have passed before the dreams come true.

Слайд 4 The first attempts to fly were based on

The first attempts to fly were based on observation of nature

observation of nature and bird flight.
But people didn’t

understand that the muscles of their arms are too weak to move wings like a bird.

The first attempts

Слайд 5 In 1638 the English Bishop Francis Godwin described

In 1638 the English Bishop Francis Godwin described a man’s journey

a man’s journey to heaven with help of the


Bird traction

Слайд 6 Hot-air balloon
200 years ago in the South

Hot-air balloon200 years ago in the South of France the

of France the Montgolfier brothers launched the first hot-air

balloon in the world.

Слайд 7 First piloted aircraft or “dirigible” was created by

First piloted aircraft or “dirigible” was created by the French mathematician Jean Meusnier. Dirigible

the French mathematician Jean Meusnier.


Слайд 8 The biggest dirigibles in the world was built

The biggest dirigibles in the world was built by earl Zeppelin

by earl Zeppelin in Germany on the lake Constance.


Слайд 9 German engineer Lilienthal has invented a winged flying

German engineer Lilienthal has invented a winged flying device – GLIDER

device – GLIDER and learned to hover like a



Слайд 10 The first powered airplane

Two Americans – the Wright

The first powered airplaneTwo Americans – the Wright brothers have equipped

brothers have equipped their glider with tail rudder and

elevation rudder and also installed an engine.
It was called airplane or plane.

Слайд 11 One of the biggest was «Ilya Muromets» -

One of the biggest was «Ilya Muromets» - four-engine airplane, built by Russian engineer Sikorsky.Airplane

four-engine airplane, built by Russian engineer Sikorsky.

Слайд 12 Sikorsky has also made a huge contribution to

Sikorsky has also made a huge contribution to the development of

the development of other aircraft – helicopters.
They can

fly by force of rotating blades.


Слайд 13 Soviet passenger plane Тu-154
Passenger planes

Soviet passenger plane Тu-154Passenger planes

Слайд 14 Transport planes
Air-freighter АN-124 «Ruslan» can take up to

Transport planesAir-freighter АN-124 «Ruslan» can take up to 150.000 kg in cargo

150.000 kg in cargo

Слайд 15 Fire airplanes
Fire planes extinguish forest fires by dropping

Fire airplanesFire planes extinguish forest fires by dropping water. They can

water. They can take water from any lake or


Слайд 16 Military airplanes
These formidable fighters can travel at supersonic

Military airplanesThese formidable fighters can travel at supersonic speed.


Слайд 17 Sporting airplanes
These planes enable the most incredible aerobatics.

Sporting airplanesThese planes enable the most incredible aerobatics.

Слайд 18 Modern helicopters
Helicopters can hover in the air and

Modern helicoptersHelicopters can hover in the air and perform the most complex tasks.

perform the most complex tasks.

Слайд 19 Russian Air Forces Central Museum

Russian Air Forces Central Museum

Слайд 20 Our aircraft models
We built our plane.

Our aircraft modelsWe built our plane.

Слайд 21 Our aircraft models
We built our plane.

Our aircraft modelsWe built our plane.

Слайд 22 Our aspirations and likings
We like to travel

Our aspirations and likings We like to travel We love to

We love to learn English
We ride a

bicycle and play football

Слайд 23 Information sources
Internet web sites:

Information sources Internet web sites: http://ofsla.tomsk.ru/boo/history_vp.html http://topwar.ru/16781-minoborony-rf-primet-uchastie-v-vozobnovlenii-proizvodstva-samoletov-an-124-ruslan.html http://olymp.as-club.ru/publ/raboty_1_go_tura/gotovye_raboty/ kak_povlijala_konstruktorskaja_shkola_i_i_sikorskogo_na_razvitie_mirovoj_aviacii/6-1-0-1655 http://leonardodavinchi.ru/poletmex Excursion

Excursion to Earl Zeppelin museum in Friedrichshafen

on the lake Constance;
Visit of Russian Air Forces Central Museum;
Movie “Ghost” («Призрак») produced by F.Bondarchuk;
Encyclopedia for children

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-na-angliyskom-yazyke-kak-nauchitsya-letat.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 179
  • Количество скачиваний: 0