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Презентация на тему по теме Мой город для 7 класса. Раздел 9.Проект 2.

The sightsKuibyshev Square Samara quay Strukovsky garden Square of GloryStalin's bunker
Project 2  The sights of my hometownProject by: Agliullova Yuliya 7B Teacher: Sem’yantceva Marina V. The sightsKuibyshev Square Samara quay Strukovsky garden Square of GloryStalin's bunker Kuibyshev SquareThe size of this Square is the largest area in Europe Samara quay    Samara embankment terraces descending to the Volga, Strucovsky garden    Samara's oldest park, located on the banks Square of Glory   In the center is a symbol of Stalin’s bunker One of the most interesting and mysterious museums Samara. It Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The sights
Kuibyshev Square
Samara quay
Strukovsky garden

The sightsKuibyshev Square Samara quay Strukovsky garden Square of GloryStalin's bunker

of Glory
Stalin's bunker

Слайд 3 Kuibyshev Square
The size of this Square is the

Kuibyshev SquareThe size of this Square is the largest area in

largest area in Europe and the fifth central city

in the world, 17.5 hectares.
It should be noted that Kuibyshev Square Samara is famous for the fact that it November 7, 1941 held one of the two military parades. In Kuibyshev, the country's second military parade received Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mikhail Kalinin. While most Soviet institutions were evacuated just in Samara.

Слайд 4 Samara quay
Samara embankment terraces

Samara quay  Samara embankment terraces descending to the Volga, has

descending to the Volga, has a length of more

than five kilometers and divided by into four sections. It is the largest promenade in Europe. It provides ample opportunities for recreation - restaurants and cafes, a beach holiday (public and private beaches), biking, rollerblading, children's and sports playgrounds.

Слайд 5 Strucovsky garden
Samara's oldest

Strucovsky garden   Samara's oldest park, located on the banks

park, located on the banks of the Volga. It

has a lot of flower beds and landscape compositions: hippo, symbol of the city - mountain goat, huge chess figures. There are fountains, children's attractions, cafes. In summer, every weekend brass band playing in the park.
Every year in August in the garden Strukovsky runs one of the most beautiful holidays Samara - Flower Festival.

Слайд 6 Square of Glory
In the center

Square of Glory  In the center is a symbol of

is a symbol of Samara - the Monument of

Glory. The monument was created in honor of the workers of the aviation industry of the city during the war. On the 40-meter pedestal is 13-meter figure of the worker, holding the wings in his raised hands. Near Eternal Fire. Behind him - Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious, and the monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom, patrons of the family.

Слайд 7 Stalin’s bunker
One of the most interesting and

Stalin’s bunker One of the most interesting and mysterious museums Samara.

mysterious museums Samara. It was built specifically for the

Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin.
The bunker is located at a depth of 37 m. Built in 1942, declassified in 1990. At the moment, construction is one of the largest bunkers in the world. It is a personal Stalin's office, which has a lot of false doors and secret exits.

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  • Количество просмотров: 134
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