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Презентация на тему Презентація до уроку англійської мови What time is it?

Let’s repeat the poemTick-Tock"Tick-tock, tick-tock,Little Dino, Play and walk!" Says the clock.
What time is it? Let’s repeat the poemTick-Tock Days of the Week On Monday we go to school,On Complete the verse ……  we go to school,……. we jump GAME “Snowball” Find the odd word 1. Monday, Tuesday, teacher, Friday.2. Read, swim, write, Mach these phrases1. What day is it today?2. What lesson do you Let’s practise sound  [ æ ] , [ ju: ] , Let’s have a rest New words to knowwake up – прокидатисяget up - вставатиwash – умиватисьbrush What time is it? When do you get up? When do you brush your teeth and wash your face? When do you have breakfast? When do you go to school? When do you do your homework? When do you read  a book? When do you watch TV? When do you help your mother? When do you go to bed? Correct timetableI have a breakfast.I wake up at 7 o’clock.I go to
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Let’s repeat the poem
"Tick-tock, tick-tock,
Little Dino,
Play and

Let’s repeat the poemTick-Tock

Says the clock.

Слайд 3 Days of the Week
On Monday we go to

Days of the Week On Monday we go to school,On

On Tuesday we jump in the pool,
On Wednesday we

write our names,
On Thursday we play our games,
On Friday we watch TV,
On Saturday we swim in the sea,
On Sunday we sing our song
It isn’t very long.

Слайд 4 Complete the verse
…… we go to school,

Complete the verse …… we go to school,……. we jump

we jump in the pool,
……. we write our names,

we play our games,
……. we watch TV,
……. we swim in the sea,
…….. we sing our song
It isn’t very long.

Слайд 5 GAME “Snowball”

GAME “Snowball”

Слайд 6 Find the odd word
1. Monday, Tuesday, teacher, Friday.

Find the odd word 1. Monday, Tuesday, teacher, Friday.2. Read, swim,

Read, swim, write, speak.
3. Book, tennis, pen, pencil.
4. Teacher,

English, schoolboy, schoolgirl.
5. Monday, Math, Music, Art.

Слайд 7 Mach these phrases
1. What day is it today?

Mach these phrases1. What day is it today?2. What lesson do

What lesson do you like?
3. Do you like Music?

Do you like Reading?
5. When is Maths?
6. Why do you like English?

a) Because I like speaking, reading and writing English.
b) It’s Tuesday .
c) It’s on Monday , Tuesday, Friday and Wednesday.
d) I like Art.
e) No, I don’t. I don’t like singing.
f) Yes, I do.

Слайд 8 Let’s practise sound [ æ ] , [

Let’s practise sound [ æ ] , [ ju: ] ,

ju: ] , [ i: ]
[ æ

] – fat, rabbit, Maths.
[ ju: ] - new, Music, computer, Tuesday.
[ i: ] – teeth, reading, season, clean.

Слайд 9 Let’s have a rest

Let’s have a rest

Слайд 10 New words to know
wake up – прокидатися
get up

New words to knowwake up – прокидатисяget up - вставатиwash –

- вставати
wash – умиватись
brush - чистити
teeth –зуби
dress – одягатися

– сніданок

Слайд 11 What time is it?

What time is it?

Слайд 13 When do you get up?

When do you get up?

Слайд 14 When do you brush your teeth and wash

When do you brush your teeth and wash your face?

your face?

Слайд 15 When do you have breakfast?

When do you have breakfast?

Слайд 16 When do you go to school?

When do you go to school?

Слайд 17 When do you do your homework?

When do you do your homework?

Слайд 18 When do you read a book?

When do you read a book?

Слайд 19 When do you watch TV?

When do you watch TV?

Слайд 20 When do you help your mother?

When do you help your mother?

Слайд 21 When do you go to bed?

When do you go to bed?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsіya-do-uroku-anglіyskoї-movi-what-time-is-it.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 2