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Презентация на тему урока английского языка в 5 классе то теме Моя семья

Dear children,! Do the puzzle and you’ll be able to name the topic of our lesson
Подготовила Томчук Елена Валерьевна Учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №8 г. Егорьевск Dear children,! Today we are going to talk about“Family” Unjumble the sentence! One/ one /for/ for /all /all The motto of our lessonOne for all, all for one! Фонетическая зарядка[i:] – bee, see, we[i] – busy, sister[au] – mouse, Let’s read the poem  My mum is like a bee	Because she’s Family members Mother Father Daughter Son Brothers Sisters Mother and Father Grandmother Grandfather Grandfather and grandmother Can you match English and Russian proverbs? Check yourself My family is my wealth Like father , like son There is no place like home All for one , one for  all Numerals and dates11 – Test1) I was born ______ July. a) in  b) at Answers to the test.1) a 2) a 3) a 4) c 5) Self-assessment - cамооцениваниеDid you like the lesson? Понравился ли урок? What task Self-assessment - cамооцениваниеВыбирайте себе смайлик: большой - если  хорошо потрудились на
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Dear children,! Do the puzzle and

Dear children,! Do the puzzle and

you’ll be able to name the topic of our


Слайд 4 Today we are going to talk about“Family”

Today we are going to talk about“Family”

Слайд 5 Unjumble the sentence!

One/ one /for/ for /all

Unjumble the sentence! One/ one /for/ for /all /all


Слайд 6 The motto of our lesson
One for all, all

The motto of our lessonOne for all, all for one!

for one!

Слайд 7 Фонетическая зарядка

[i:] – bee, see, we
[i] – busy,

Фонетическая зарядка[i:] – bee, see, we[i] – busy, sister[au] –

[au] – mouse, house
[ei] – snail, email
[Ʌ] – stubborn,

[δ] – father, mother, brother

Слайд 8 Let’s read the poem
My mum is like a

Let’s read the poem My mum is like a bee	Because she’s

Because she’s as busy as can be
My dad is

like an ox
Because he’s strong and he can box
My sister is like a mouse
Because she’s quite in the house
My granny is like a snail
Because she’s slow and can’t send an email
But I am like a mule
Because I am stubborn but really cool!

Слайд 9

Family members

Family members

Слайд 10 Mother


Слайд 11 Father


Слайд 12 Daughter


Слайд 14 Brothers


Слайд 15


Слайд 16
Mother and

Mother and Father

Слайд 17


Слайд 18


Слайд 19
Grandfather and grandmother

Grandfather and grandmother

Слайд 23 Can you match English and Russian proverbs?

Can you match English and Russian proverbs?

Слайд 24 Check yourself

Check yourself

Слайд 25 My family is my wealth

My family is my wealth

Слайд 26 Like father , like son

Like father , like son

Слайд 27 There is no place like home

There is no place like home

Слайд 28 All for one , one for all

All for one , one for all

Слайд 29

Numerals and dates11 – eleven

Numerals and dates
11 – eleven

50 – fifty
12 – twelve 60 – sixty
13 – thirteen 70 – seventy
20 – twenty 80 – eighty
30 – thirty 90 - ninety
40 – forty 100 – a hundred

The years

1998 nineteen ninety – eight
1901 nineteen o one
1900 nineteen hundred
2005 two thousand and five
2016 two thousand and sixteen

Слайд 30

Family My family is

My family is

large. My family has a lot of friends.
( семья в целом)

My family are interested in photography.
( о членах семьи).

Слайд 31 Test
1) I was born ______ July.
a) in

Test1) I was born ______ July. a) in b) at c)

b) at c) on
2) ____ is your

a) When b) What c) Where
3) ____ are you? Fine, thanks.
a) How b) What c) Where
4) ____ are you? I am eleven.
a) Where d) Who c) How old
5) This is my mother. ____ name is Mary.
a) my b) she c) her
6) Have you got a brother? No, ____
a) I have b) have I c) I have not
7) My aunt works ____ school.
a) in b) on c) at
8) I live _____32 Green street.
a) on b) аt c) in

Слайд 32 Answers to the test.
1) a
2) a

Answers to the test.1) a 2) a 3) a 4) c

4) c
5) c
6) c
7) c


Слайд 33 Self-assessment - cамооценивание
Did you like the lesson?

Self-assessment - cамооцениваниеDid you like the lesson? Понравился ли урок? What

ли урок?
What task did you like best?

понравилось больше всего?
What task was the most difficult?
Какое задание было самым трудным?
Did you help your friends?
Помогал ли ты одноклассникам?
Were you prepared well?
Хорошо ли ты был подготовлен?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-5-klasse-to-teme-moya-semya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 147
  • Количество скачиваний: 1