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Презентация на тему Would rather/Would prefer Презентация по английскому языку (9 класс)

They can be used for present or future preferences.Here are some Examples…Present (or general) preferences:A: Would you prefer coffee or tea?B: I think I would prefer coffee this morning.Future preferences: We would rather live near the
Would prefer & would rather- We use the modal expressions “would prefer” They can be used for present or future preferences.Here are some Examples…Present The forms of “would prefer” and “would rather”Would prefer:Would prefer can be The negative of “would prefer”Use would prefer NOT + infinitiveExamples…They would prefer Would rather“Would rather” can ONLY be used with either a verb:They would The negative of “would rather”Use would rather NOT + simple formExamples…We would Contractions:We often use contractions with “would prefer” and “would rather”. Pronouns can More examples:I’d rather visit France than Japan.The students would prefer to do Practice…Would you prefer to eat Italian food or Chinese food?Would you rather **Use the examples in your textbooks, p. 87 ex. 75
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 They can be used for present or future

They can be used for present or future preferences.Here are some

Here are some Examples…
Present (or general) preferences:
A: Would you

prefer coffee or tea?
B: I think I would prefer coffee this morning.
Future preferences:
We would rather live near the beach than the mountains.
OR: We would prefer to live near the beach.

Слайд 3 The forms of “would prefer” and “would rather”

The forms of “would prefer” and “would rather”Would prefer:Would prefer can

Would prefer can be used with either a noun

or a verb:
They would prefer coffee.
They would prefer to drink coffee.

** Notice that if you use a verb with “would prefer”, the verb is in the infinitive form



Слайд 4 The negative of “would prefer”
Use would prefer NOT

The negative of “would prefer”Use would prefer NOT + infinitiveExamples…They would

+ infinitive
They would prefer NOT to drive because the

don’t know this area well.

She would prefer NOT to take classes at the afternoon. The morning is more convenient for her to study.

Слайд 5 Would rather
“Would rather” can ONLY be used with

Would rather“Would rather” can ONLY be used with either a verb:They

either a verb:

They would rather have coffee than tea.


They would rather coffee.

** Notice that the verb that follows “would rather” must be in the simple form (NOT ‘to’).

Слайд 6 The negative of “would rather”
Use would rather NOT

The negative of “would rather”Use would rather NOT + simple formExamples…We

+ simple form
We would rather NOT go out tonight

because we have to get up early tomorrow.
She would rather NOT buy a house in this area because it’s too far from her work.

Слайд 7 Contractions:
We often use contractions with “would prefer” and

Contractions:We often use contractions with “would prefer” and “would rather”. Pronouns

“would rather”. Pronouns can be contracted with WOULD to

make the following:
I would prefer/rather = I’d prefer/I’d rather
We would prefer/rather = We’d prefer/We’d rather
They’d prefer/They’d rather
You’d prefer/You’d rather
He’d prefer/He’d rather
She’d prefer/She’d rather

Слайд 8 More examples:
I’d rather visit France than Japan.
The students

More examples:I’d rather visit France than Japan.The students would prefer to

would prefer to do speaking activities in class.
We would

rather not take a break now. Let’s take a break later.
Sam would prefer not to work on Saturdays because he would like to spend time with his family.

Слайд 9 Practice…
Would you prefer to eat Italian food or

Practice…Would you prefer to eat Italian food or Chinese food?Would you

Chinese food?
Would you rather travel to India or China?

you prefer to work 5 8-hours days or 4 10-hours days?
Would you rather have a cat, a fish or a dog?

Слайд 10 **Use the examples in your textbooks, p. 87

**Use the examples in your textbooks, p. 87 ex. 75

ex. 75

  • Имя файла: would-ratherwould-prefer-prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 261
  • Количество скачиваний: 6