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Презентация на тему Я и мой мир


My name is Maryam. I am 16 years old and I study in the tenth grade Macerinskas Lyceum.. I and my world - a sun lights in these two words from skies, dipping the rays in a marine surf; a canary twitters in a cage after a window, and quietly a fluffy, red cat sneaks to her; mooes on to the meadow Cow, idly chewing a juicy clover; an airplane flies in sky, stars light up the glimmerd envoys of Universe; and all, that surrounds us in life....
My world begins with the native people around me since childhood;On the My name is Maryam. I am 16 years old and I study I and my world is a little star among many others in The abundance of one only colors strikes the variety of unbelievable forms and aromas. And what is costed by rest in mountains, at the seaside; hike in the forest.  Vegetable and animal the worlds are always ready with us to make friends, but we, proclaiming itself the tsars of nature, for some reason apply with her ungratefully - insolently, cynical, insatiably. When will we go back into the bosom of nature, meeting with her in single harmony? When, finally, will we understand that we too are the particle of the surrounding world, influencing on future planet? Already time came all together very to try, to do this world it is better. I and world! The most enormous secret of mutual relations of two wonderful creations of the universe is celled in these short words - Man and Nature. And today exactly a man must realize all of it, accumulated by centuries, wisdom, not to prang this sacred union. My worid - unique planet in an universe, our only house. Everybody My world is our world he in a danger. To protect our If everybody will glance in itself and will remember, how many harm he caused to nature, and after it will try to be wiser and caring , then our 
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 My name is Maryam. I am 16 years

My name is Maryam. I am 16 years old and I

old and I study in the tenth grade Macerinskas

Lyceum.. I and my world - a sun lights in these two words from skies, dipping the rays in a marine surf; a canary twitters in a cage after a window, and quietly a fluffy, red cat sneaks to her; mooes on to the meadow Cow, idly chewing a juicy clover; an airplane flies in sky, stars light up the glimmerd envoys of Universe; and all, that surrounds us in life....

Слайд 3 I and my world is a little star

I and my world is a little star among many others

among many others in a big, huge, amazingly beautiful

and frightening world.

The world is full of bright colors and charming sounds. The bosom of nature is fascinating not only for its pristine beauty, but also a priceless treasure that we are not rational, emptying the bowels of the planet that gives us life itself.

Слайд 4 The abundance of one only colors strikes the variety of unbelievable forms and aromas. And what is costed by rest in mountains, at the seaside; hike in the forest.  Vegetable and animal the worlds are always ready with us to make friends, but we, proclaiming itself the tsars of nature, for some reason apply with her ungratefully - insolently, cynical, insatiably.

The abundance of one only colors strikes the variety of unbelievable forms and aromas. And what is costed by rest in mountains, at the seaside; hike in the forest.  Vegetable and animal the worlds are always ready with us to make friends, but we, proclaiming itself the tsars of nature, for some reason apply with her ungratefully - insolently, cynical, insatiably.

Слайд 5 When will we go back into the bosom of nature, meeting with her in single harmony? When, finally, will we understand that we too are the particle of the surrounding world, influencing on future planet? Already time came all together very to try, to do this world it is better.

When will we go back into the bosom of nature, meeting with her in single harmony? When, finally, will we understand that we too are the particle of the surrounding world, influencing on future planet? Already time came all together very to try, to do this world it is better.

Слайд 6 I and world! The most enormous secret of mutual relations of two wonderful creations of the universe is celled in these short words - Man and Nature. And today exactly a man must realize all of it, accumulated by centuries, wisdom, not to prang this sacred union.

I and world! The most enormous secret of mutual relations of two wonderful creations of the universe is celled in these short words - Man and Nature. And today exactly a man must realize all of it, accumulated by centuries, wisdom, not to prang this sacred union.

Слайд 7 My worid - unique planet in an universe,

My worid - unique planet in an universe, our only house.

our only house. Everybody must care of environment and

not hope on other. It, how to wash after itself tableware, must become a habit.
Ecology of Earth every day suffers stronger and stronger. New plants are built, all more cars appear on roads, rockets and companions are started. It results in contamination of air, global warming, deglaciation, ozone holes appear. The whole types of animals die out, are under threat of disappearance.

Слайд 8 My world is our world he in a

My world is our world he in a danger. To protect

danger. To protect our Earth from death, everybody must

begin with itself. First of all, there must be careful attitude toward nature, plants that give air to us. It is not needed to contaminate cities shallow garbage, that it is not difficult to carry to the urn, give up cigarette-ends along sidewalks, scraps of paper from candies, cork from bottles.

Слайд 9 If everybody will glance in itself and will remember, how many harm he caused to nature, and after it will try to be wiser and caring , then our "Blue planet" will last on hundreds of years longer, together with our great-grandchildren and their descendants. I call all to be armed with a faith, hope, love, boldness and to overcome all obstacles standing on the way of execution of dreamings. Our world must be wonderful.

If everybody will glance in itself and will remember, how many harm he caused to nature, and after it will try to be wiser and caring , then our 

If can not wait till a miracle, create him

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  • Количество просмотров: 174
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