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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Храмы Белгородчины

Заключение The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity ChurchinStreletskayaSlobodaThe church in honor of Kosma and DamianThe Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh How majestic and nice our Belgorod region is! And all its fertile ground
Dedicated to all The Churches of Belgorodia. Заключение  The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity ChurchinStreletskayaSlobodaThe church in The Church of Holy Theodore Stratelates 		The Church was consecrated by the The church is decorated with a beautiful handmade wooden iconostasis. The images of Saints are handwritten. The memory in honor of Theodore Stratelates takes place in the Orthodox  Though this church is young it has got its own flock.Beginning The Eighth Wonder of Belgorodia 		Pupils beginning their way in studying of After living much, working a lot, they departed quietly to the God On the threshold of the church I was met by the father September 19, 2006 ten bells were consecrated by the Dean of Stary The church was built according to the most modern technologies, the latest The conclusion is obvious: churches are necessary; after all it is our The Church of St. Sergius of RadonezhFive-domed church notifies all the surroundings There was truly a historic event at the Church of St. Sergius And each prayer, who was presented at the service, got a jubilee Holy Trinity Church  in Streletskaya Sloboda  		This church The most ancient relic of Holy Trinity Church was and still remains There are numerous icons inStreletskaya church. Most of them were written on Conclusion  A church is a historical and cultural monument; it is our Заключение  The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity Churchin Streletskaya SlobodaThe Заключение  The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity Churchin Streletskaya SlobodaThe Заключение  The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity Churchin Streletskaya SlobodaThe
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Заключение

The Church of Holy Theodore Stratelates

Holy Trinity ChurchinStreletskayaSloboda


Заключение The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity ChurchinStreletskayaSlobodaThe church in

church in honor of Kosma and Damian
The Church of

St. Sergius of Radonezh

How majestic and nice our Belgorod region is! And all its fertile ground is consisted of a huge number of large and small fees, temples, churches and chapels. They are unique, having outer and inner beauty, having its history of appearance and "life" on the territory of Belgorodia. It is impossible to describe all the churches, but I would like to write a few words about some of them. They are separated by time, bound in unbreakable unity of the faith and the word of God: an ancient church of Stary Oskol is the Holy Trinity Church in Streletskaya Sloboda and a new church built in 2013 is a church of Stratelates and also Kosmodamianovskaya church in Gorodishche. and the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh Let’s flip through the pages, touch the history and admire our shrines.

Слайд 3 The Church of Holy Theodore Stratelates

The Church

The Church of Holy Theodore Stratelates 		The Church was consecrated by

was consecrated by the Metropolitan of Belgorod and StaryOskol,

Johan in14 July, 2013. The Church was built on the personal funds of FedorKluka who was the President of “Promagro” company. The consecration ceremony of the Foundation stone took place onthe19th of June, 2012. And they started building the same day.

Слайд 4 The church is decorated with a beautiful handmade

The church is decorated with a beautiful handmade wooden iconostasis. The images of Saints are handwritten.

wooden iconostasis. The images of Saints are handwritten.

Слайд 5
The memory in honor of Theodore Stratelates takes

The memory in honor of Theodore Stratelates takes place in the

place in the Orthodox Church on the 8-th of

February and on the 8-th of June.

Слайд 6  Though this church is young it has got

 Though this church is young it has got its own flock.Beginning

its own flock.


Слайд 7 The Eighth Wonder of Belgorodia
Pupils beginning their way

The Eighth Wonder of Belgorodia 		Pupils beginning their way in studying

in studying of Orthodox culture, often ask questions: "Why

are there so many churches, why is it necessary to build new ones?" I did my best to find the answer in my research work by myself as I had visited the wonderful church in Gorodishche of Belgorod region.
I am going to speak about the church that is really unique and it bewitches the hearts and souls of orthodox people - the church in honor of Kosma and Damian.
Kosma and Damian were brothers; their father, the Greek, was a pagan, and mother, Feodotiya, professed Christianity. She became a widow in her youth and devoted her life to the God. In order to bring benefit to others, her sons engaged in medical science, learned the healing properties of herbs and plants, and became skilled doctors. The God blessed these kind doctors and gave them miraculous power healing. Brothers didn't look either forglories terrestrial or wealth, they also never took money or gifts from their patients. For such unselfishness the Church called them Disinterested persons.

Слайд 8 After living much, working a lot, they departed

After living much, working a lot, they departed quietly to the

quietly to the God and their death was glorified

by many miracles. The Church honors the memory of them as good doctors of body and soul, they are warm defenders before the God.
After reviewing many local newspapers, I thought, I was ready to meet that new building. The building opened to my eyes, surpassed all my expectations. The church wasn’t simply beautiful – it was magnificent! Admiration of those who said about it became clear that such church couldn't be created in such a short period of time. But it was in front of me – in all its Beauty!

Слайд 9
On the threshold of the church I was

On the threshold of the church I was met by the

met by the father Vasilij who told me about

the works, prayers, people’s diligence, parishioners built the great beauty and splendor of the house of God. Very few people from villagers believed that one day in Gorodishche village there would be a real Church. There were too few members, and much money was needed. But father Vasilij Demchenko, appointed in 1998 by the rector of the Church, once said to his sad parishioners: "Wait a bit, please. You will hear the bells r in ging of the Church.

Слайд 10 September 19, 2006 ten bells were consecrated by

September 19, 2006 ten bells were consecrated by the Dean of

the Dean of Stary Oskol district Archpriest Alexej Babanin

in the Ministry of clergy of the deanery for the construction of the church in honour of Saints Cosmas and Damianin which was built by the forces of the construction company LLC "Zodiak". And the powerful bell ringingascended into the sky - even from the ground and from the ground near the church. After that all the priests, builders and everyone from the Gorodishche villageand Stary Oskol visitors began ringing the bells, the truck crane started lifting the first and the biggest bell weighing 1200 kg on a belltower for installation. Now Kosmodamianovsky church- is the first in Stary Oskol with full set of ten bells

Слайд 11 The church was built according to the most

The church was built according to the most modern technologies, the

modern technologies, the latest materials were used. It turned

out to be nice indeed It was also well decoratedandfigured brickwork derived arches. Golden domes were delivered from Volgodonsk and cast a bluish color on the sun . Blue gold of domes –is extraordinary beautiful show! It is not simply beautifully sounds, butit is blue gold indeed! The structure – is a mix of gold and special blue paint that gives so surprising originality of domes. The combination of blue and traditional color of gold of domes makes them especially expressive and relief.

Слайд 12 The conclusion is obvious: churches are necessary; after

The conclusion is obvious: churches are necessary; after all it is

all it is our ark of rescue! It is

an invisible connection between the earthly and the eternal; it was, is and will be the basis of life for every Orthodox person. We must take care of Churches preserve and increase the true historical and cultural heritage, without it a man will never see the Truth. The construction of each Church, each chapel is a page of our country. The Governor ofBelgorodia Eugenij S. Savchenko said: "This day will be remembered by your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren through decades and centuries. God Forbid!!!



Слайд 13 The Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh
Five-domed church

The Church of St. Sergius of RadonezhFive-domed church notifies all the

notifies all the surroundings of new districts by its

bells, urging their citizens to share joy of life in Christ.

Слайд 14 There was truly a historic event at the

There was truly a historic event at the Church of St.

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh on the 8-th

of September, 2014 The matter was that all Belgorod and Stary Oskol metropolis got together to celebrate the 700 –th anniversary since the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh. in a specially built shadow

Слайд 15 And each prayer, who was presented at the

And each prayer, who was presented at the service, got a

service, got a jubilee chocolate bar with the words

of the monk: "Love and unity will save us", that was produced by Stary Oskol confectionery factory "Slavyanka" for this holiday.


Слайд 16 Holy Trinity Church in Streletskaya Sloboda

This church

Holy Trinity Church in Streletskaya Sloboda 		This church is the

is the most ancient of the surviving Orthodox churches

on the territory of Stary Oskol. It was built in 1703. It was a monastery till 1764 and during the reign of Catherineit was abolished

Слайд 17 The most ancient relic of Holy Trinity Church

The most ancient relic of Holy Trinity Church was and still

was and still remains an icon of the Mother

of God of Kazan. The chapel built in the first half of the XIX century was in honor of this icon. It is the only surviving building in StaryOskol built in classicist stile.

Слайд 18 There are numerous icons inStreletskaya church. Most of

There are numerous icons inStreletskaya church. Most of them were written

them were written on the Holy Athos. To

the left of the Royal doors one can see the icon of the Mother of God with the Baby God in her arms. It is amazing that the Baby God extends arms to everyone in the Church no matter where he or she stands. The church servants say that this icon was written by a monk for 30 years when it was a monastery. Holy Trinity Church is an architectural monument of Federal importance. It is truly perceived by us as a place of holiness, goodness, love and mercy.


Слайд 19 Conclusion

 A church is a historical and cultural

Conclusion  A church is a historical and cultural monument; it is

monument; it is our memory and our history, spiritual

connection between generations. Taking care of them and their preservation is a duty of every spiritual, highly cultured man who is a real patriot of his Motherland


Слайд 20 Заключение

The Church of Holy Theodore Stratelates

Holy Trinity Churchin

Заключение The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity Churchin Streletskaya SlobodaThe

Streletskaya Sloboda

The church in honor of Kosma and Damian

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Dedicated to all The Churches of Belgorodia.

How majestic and nice our Belgorod region is! And all its fertile ground is consisted of a huge number of large and small fees, temples, churches and chapels. They are unique, having outer and inner beauty, having its history of appearance and "life" on the territory of Belgorodia. It is impossible to describe all the churches, but I would like to write a few words about some of them. They are separated by time, bound in unbreakable unity of the faith and the word of God: an ancient church of Stary Oskol is the Holy Trinity Church in Streletskaya Sloboda and a new church built in 2013 is a church of Stratelates and also Kosmodamianovskaya church in Gorodishche. Let’s flip through the pages, touch the history and admire our shrines

Слайд 21 Заключение

The Church of Holy Theodore Stratelates

Holy Trinity Churchin

Заключение The Church of Holy Theodore StratelatesHoly Trinity Churchin Streletskaya SlobodaThe

Streletskaya Sloboda

The church in honor of Kosma and Damian

Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh

Dedicated to all The Churches of Belgorodia.

How majestic and nice our Belgorod region is! And all its fertile ground is consisted of a huge number of large and small fees, temples, churches and chapels. They are unique, having outer and inner beauty, having its history of appearance and "life" on the territory of Belgorodia. It is impossible to describe all the churches, but I would like to write a few words about some of them. They are separated by time, bound in unbreakable unity of the faith and the word of God: an ancient church of Stary Oskol is the Holy Trinity Church in Streletskaya Sloboda and a new church built in 2013 is a church of Stratelates and also Kosmodamianovskaya church in Gorodishche. Let’s flip through the pages, touch the history and admire our shrines

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