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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Norhern and Central Kazakhstan

Kostanay cityKostanay city was founded in 1879. On June 17h, 1997, the town received the name Kostanay. In 1912-1913 the railway line Kustanay-Chelyabinsk was constructed and Kustanay railway station was opened. The climate of Kostanay city area is of sharp
Nothern and Central KazakhstanKostanay KaragandaPavlodarPetropavlKokshetau Kostanay cityKostanay city was founded in 1879. On June 17h, 1997, the town KaragandaKaraganda is the second largest city of Kazakhstan. Karaganda city has the Pavlodar Pavlodar is a large industrial, economic and cultural center of Kazakhstan. Kokshetau Kokshetau ау, formerly known as Kokchetav. Until 1993 is the administrative center of Akmola Petropavl In 1807 the fortification was renamed into Petropavlovsk town. Petropavl city population is
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Kostanay city
Kostanay city was founded in 1879.

On June

Kostanay cityKostanay city was founded in 1879. On June 17h, 1997, the

17h, 1997, the town received the name Kostanay.

In 1912-1913

the railway line Kustanay-Chelyabinsk was constructed and Kustanay railway station was opened.

The climate of Kostanay city area is of sharp continental type, with hot dry summers and cold winters with little snow. The average temperature in July is 21,4 degs C above 0, in January - 16,1 degs C below 0.

Kazakhstan street


Kostanay city theater view

Слайд 3 Karaganda
Karaganda is the second largest city of Kazakhstan.

KaragandaKaraganda is the second largest city of Kazakhstan. Karaganda city has

Karaganda city has the population of about 457,000 (2009)

on the territory of 543 sq.km.

On the territory of Karaganda city there are about 50 monuments of history and culture:
Miners’ Palace of Culture, Sports Palace, Theater named after K.Stanislavsky and S.Seyfullin, a circus, stadium “Miner”, a monument of military glory “Eternal Fire” and others.

city scenery

Soviet soldiers

Слайд 4 Pavlodar
Pavlodar is a large industrial, economic and cultural

Pavlodar Pavlodar is a large industrial, economic and cultural center of

center of Kazakhstan.

there are such plants as: metallurgic

plants producing steel and seamless pipes, mostly for export, oil-processing plants, plant producing electrical, electronic and optical equipment as well as plants of processing industry.

Pavlodar Kazakhstan city population - 321,000 (2009) on the land area of 638 sq. km.

the mosque of Mashkhur Zhusup

Слайд 5 Kokshetau
Kokshetau ау, formerly known as Kokchetav. Until 1993 is the

Kokshetau Kokshetau ау, formerly known as Kokchetav. Until 1993 is the administrative center

administrative center of Akmola Province, northernKazakhstan. It has a population

of 125,225 (2007 census). The name of the city established in 1824 means "blue mountain".
There are urban light industries such as food production. The region produces low grades of wheat and other cultures. There is a gold mining operation north of the city.
Kokshetau has one airportKokshetau has one airport with flights to AlmatyKokshetau has one airport with flights to Almaty and PetropavlKokshetau has one airport with flights to Almaty and Petropavl. The city is connected by railroad with southern Kazakhstan and Russia.

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