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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Я-редактор. Мой журнал (7 класс)

Today we can see all kinds of magazines: for men, for women, for children, for eldest people and for teens. Magazines provide information about politics, culture, sports, medicine, health, science and fashion.
Тема: Журнал для подростковСоставила: Кательникова Лидия Today we can see all kinds of magazines: for men, for women, In Russia we have lots of teen magazines for girls and for I conducted a survey among the pupils of our MY  MagazineI prefer magazines about fashion clothes. I like There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” That’s why we Fashion is something we deal with everyday.One certain thing in the fashion II. Makeup for Girls III. Our mail.     Advices for girls. Culture  News. V. Sport for girls Fashion is something we deal with everyday. One certain thing in the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Today we can see all kinds of magazines:

Today we can see all kinds of magazines: for men, for

for men, for women, for children, for eldest people

and for teens. Magazines provide information about politics, culture, sports, medicine, health, science and fashion.

Слайд 3 In Russia we have lots of teen magazines

In Russia we have lots of teen magazines for girls and

for girls and for boys 'cause everyone has his

own favourites. We have girl magazine called "Elle Girl" where all about celebrities, films and cosmetics is written. They read it to know how to make good make-up or what clothes are in fashion

Слайд 4 I conducted a survey among

I conducted a survey among the pupils of our

the pupils of our school.

What kinds of magazines do they prefer?






Слайд 5 MY Magazine
I prefer magazines about

MY MagazineI prefer magazines about fashion clothes. I like reading

fashion clothes. I like reading about new style of

coats, dresses and footwear, and learn more about kinds of fabric

Слайд 6 There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all

There is a proverb: “Good clothes open all doors.” That’s why

doors.” That’s why we do our best to make

a favourable impression on others.

Many teenagers pay too much attention to their friends’ and classmates’ appearance.

Слайд 7 Fashion is something we deal with everyday.One certain

Fashion is something we deal with everyday.One certain thing in the

thing in the fashion world is change. Fashion is

revealing. Clothes reveal what groups people are in.

My magazine includes sections:

I. Fashion for girls

Слайд 8 II. Makeup for Girls

II. Makeup for Girls

Слайд 9 III. Our mail.

III. Our mail.   Advices for girls.

for girls.

Слайд 10 Culture News.

Culture News.           Stars… Music… Art…

Stars… Music… Art…

Слайд 11 V. Sport for girls

V. Sport for girls

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-ya-redaktor-moy-zhurnal-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 182
  • Количество скачиваний: 0