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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по теме: Спасем Черное море

DO SOMETHING USEFUL club DO SOMETHING USEFUL club 2017 The year of ECOLOGY in Russia environment     pollution   protection of the There are 30% of land The Black sea is unique!  The water of the Black Why is the Black Sea called The Black Sea is one of the most isolated seas from the The Bucharest Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea The problem is littering the beaches Polluting the beaches   Sometimes domestic animals come to the Water pollution   Some factories, restaurants and people pour chemicals “We are the friends of the Black sea. What do you feel about the Black sea? What does it mean I love our Black sea because in summer I can What do you see in the Black sea? Animals, moving free! The Summer is my favourite time for fishing Write negative imperatives Don’t pour dirty water into the sea !  Don’t wash cars We live on the Black Sea   coast   Our Anapa is my home- town!  Oh, Anapa, my pretty home I can adore its sandy beaches All beaches are full of people DO YOU LIKE OUR LESSON?
Слайды презентации



Слайд 3 2017 The year of ECOLOGY in Russia

2017 The year of ECOLOGY in Russia

Слайд 4 environment


environment   pollution  protection of the environment

protection of the environment

- all the world around us

- something that makes water, air and land dirty

---- the act of protecting nature

Слайд 5 There are 30% of land

There are 30% of land     and 70% of water in our planet

and 70% of water

in our planet

Слайд 6 The Black sea is unique!

The Black sea is unique! The water of the Black

water of the Black Sea is unique:

200 metres of water is full of OXYGEN and deeper than 200 metres, the Black Sea water does not contain oxygen, it contains dissolved sulfuric hydride. There aren’t any sea animals on the bottom.

Слайд 7 Why is the Black Sea called

Why is the Black Sea called

“ black”?

1. People say that in winter the sea is often stormy and black.
2. At depth of 200 metres there are unique microorganisms which have black colour.

3. It is called the Black sea because it was a Sea of Death and ship’s tragedies.
4. Greeks called the Black Sea "inhospitable sea" because it was difficult to navigate.

Слайд 8 The Black Sea is one of the most

The Black Sea is one of the most isolated seas from

isolated seas from the World Ocean

countries have an outlet to the Black Sea: Turkey, Georgia, Russia - ( Krasnodar region), Crimea, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria.

Слайд 9 The Bucharest Convention on the Protection of the

The Bucharest Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea

Black Sea
These six countries signed the

Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution (Bucharest Convention), it was signed in Bucharest on the 21-st of April 1992.

Слайд 10 The problem is littering the beaches

The problem is littering the beaches

Слайд 11 Polluting the beaches
Sometimes domestic

Polluting the beaches  Sometimes domestic animals come to the

animals come to the beaches, walk there and even

eat rubbish.

It’s dangerous!
It’s awful!

Слайд 12 Water pollution
Some factories, restaurants

Water pollution  Some factories, restaurants and people pour chemicals

and people pour chemicals and dirty water into the

And sometimes the beaches are closed!

Слайд 13 “We are the friends of the Black sea."

“We are the friends of the Black sea.

Слайд 14 What do you feel about the Black sea?

What do you feel about the Black sea? What does it

What does it mean for you?
The Black Sea

for me is a great pleasure! It’s making sandy figures, swimming and diving. My dad taught me swimming when I was seven, so I can swim, dive and jump well. If I dive underwater, I will see a lot of fish. It is very fascinating!

Слайд 15 I love our Black sea because

I love our Black sea because in summer I can

in summer I can swim and sail a yacht.

The water in the deep sea is so blue and clear! I love watching the dolphins! It’s so pleasant!

Слайд 16 What do you see in the Black sea?

What do you see in the Black sea? Animals, moving free!

Animals, moving free!
The Black Sea for me is

swimming and fishing. I love fishing with my dad and my friend. As for me, I know all fish in the sea near Anapa.

Слайд 17 Summer is my favourite time for fishing

Summer is my favourite time for fishing    I

I remember my biggest

fish. It was bonito. I’m proud of it! The Black Sea is my favourite place.

Слайд 18 Write negative imperatives

Write negative imperatives

Слайд 19 Don’t pour dirty water into the sea !

Don’t pour dirty water into the sea ! Don’t wash cars

Don’t wash cars in the water of the

Black sea !
Don’t throw litter into the Black sea !

Don’t leave rubbish on the sea shore!

Слайд 20 We live on the Black Sea

We live on the Black Sea  coast  Our home

Our home - town Anapa is

situated on the Black Sea coast. It is the resort-town, full of sun, sea and pleasure.

We are sure, that the Black Sea is our treasure!

Слайд 21 Anapa is my home- town!

Anapa is my home- town!  Oh, Anapa, my pretty

Oh, Anapa, my pretty home !

A small town near the sea,

And every day I really see The noisy seagulls flying slow And concert of blue waves below

Слайд 22 I can adore its sandy

I can adore its sandy beaches


And from July eat juicy peaches The Black Sea - is Russian treasure! To swim in it –is real pleasure!

Слайд 23 All beaches are full of people

All beaches are full of people

And none of them is pale
Anapa is my lovely home
The town from the fairy- tale!



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  • Количество просмотров: 132
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