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Презентация на тему по английскому языка на тему Какую музыка ты любишь? (9 класс)

Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the chart
What music do you like?. Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the chart Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the chart Divide the following phrases into two groups:  I like Divide the following phrases into two groups:  I like Led ZeppelinA British heavy metal rock music group, very successful in the 1970s. CreamCream was a 1960s British rock supergroup consisting of bassist/vocalist Jack Bruce, Jimi Hendrix1942-1970 – an American popular music singer and guitar player who P. Tchaikovsky1840 – 1893 was a Russian composer of the Romantic era. Gershwin1898-1937 was an American composer known especially for opera «Porgy and Bess» Glen Miller1904-1944 was an American jazz musician and bandleader in the swing Teenagers have always had different musical tastes. Ben and Robert are talking Robert Kraft
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the

Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the chart


Слайд 3 Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the

Listen to Ben and Robert and complete the chart


Слайд 4 Divide the following phrases into two groups:

Divide the following phrases into two groups: I like

I like

I don’t like

I adore…, I can’t bear…, I admire …, I enjoy…, I hate…, I am fond of …, I can’t stand…, I dislike … .

Слайд 5 Divide the following phrases into two groups:

Divide the following phrases into two groups: I like

I like

I don’t like

Слайд 6 Led Zeppelin
A British heavy metal rock music group,

Led ZeppelinA British heavy metal rock music group, very successful in the 1970s.

very successful in the 1970s.

Слайд 7 Cream
Cream was a 1960s British rock supergroup consisting

CreamCream was a 1960s British rock supergroup consisting of bassist/vocalist Jack

of bassist/vocalist Jack Bruce, guitarist/vocalist Eric Clapton, and drummer

Ginger Baker. Their sound was characterised by a hybrid of blues rock, hard rock and psychedelic rock.

Слайд 8 Jimi Hendrix
1942-1970 – an American popular music singer

Jimi Hendrix1942-1970 – an American popular music singer and guitar player

and guitar player who was one of the most

influential rock musicians and known for his exciting performances. His early death was caused by drink and drugs.

Слайд 9 P. Tchaikovsky
1840 – 1893 was a Russian composer

P. Tchaikovsky1840 – 1893 was a Russian composer of the Romantic

of the Romantic era. His wide-ranging output includes symphonies,

operas, ballets, instrumental, chamber music and songs. He wrote some of the most popular concert and theatrical music including the ballets.

Слайд 10 Gershwin
1898-1937 was an American composer known especially for

Gershwin1898-1937 was an American composer known especially for opera «Porgy and

opera «Porgy and Bess» and his jazz music such

as «Rhapsody in Blue».

Слайд 11 Glen Miller
1904-1944 was an American jazz musician and

Glen Miller1904-1944 was an American jazz musician and bandleader in the

bandleader in the swing era. He was one of

the best-selling recording artists from 1939 to 1942, leading one of the best known «Big Bands». During World War II, while travelling to entertain US troops in France, his plane disappeared in bad weather. His body was never found.

Слайд 12 Teenagers have always had different musical tastes. Ben

Teenagers have always had different musical tastes. Ben and Robert are

and Robert are talking about the music they prefer.

Ben Madison

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyka-na-temu-kakuyu-muzyka-ty-lyubish-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 173
  • Количество скачиваний: 1