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Презентация на тему План-конспект урока английского языка в 6 классе. Тема: Заказ столика в ресторане

How to order at a café or a restaurant
Booking a table at a restaurant How to order at a café or a restaurant What does the customer want to eat?2. Does she want anything to Menu starters main course dessert raw, medium, well-done?sauces Which sentences belongs to the host/customer?I’d like to book a table, please.When Name:Contact number:People:Date:Time:Read the dialogue and complete the notesStephens5698477fourTuesday, March 257 pm Match the English and Russian sentences.. It’s your father’s birthday next Tuesday. You and your brother/sister are planning H/t:Ex. 10 p. 58(WB) 2)Ex. 2 p. 91(retell) SB
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 How to order at a café or a

How to order at a café or a restaurant


Слайд 3 What does the customer want to eat?

2. Does

What does the customer want to eat?2. Does she want anything

she want anything to drink?

3. How much does her

order cost?

4. What means the phrase “the rest is for you”?

Слайд 4 Menu

main course
raw, medium,

Menu starters main course dessert raw, medium, well-done?sauces


Слайд 5 Which sentences belongs to the host/customer?
I’d like to

Which sentences belongs to the host/customer?I’d like to book a table,

book a table, please.
When would you like it for?

how many people?
We’ll be four.
For tomorrow evening, at 9 pm.
Could I also have a contact number?
What names should I book it under?
You’re welcome.

Слайд 6 Name:
Contact number:
Read the dialogue and complete the notes

Name:Contact number:People:Date:Time:Read the dialogue and complete the notesStephens5698477fourTuesday, March 257 pm

March 25
7 pm

Слайд 7 Match the English and Russian sentences.

Match the English and Russian sentences..

Слайд 8 It’s your father’s birthday next Tuesday. You and

It’s your father’s birthday next Tuesday. You and your brother/sister are

your brother/sister are planning a surprise dinner party at

a famous restaurant. Make a phone call to reserve a table.

  • Имя файла: plan-konspekt-uroka-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-6-klasse-tema-zakaz-stolika-v-restorane.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 224
  • Количество скачиваний: 4