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Презентация на тему для отработки и закрепления материала по грамматической теме Времена глагола

Present actionsPresent Simple V1 ( do/does +V1)I often play football.I do not play football every day.Do you usually play football
English tenses Present actionsPresent Find the mistakes and correct them. I Check yourselfI am cleaning my teeth now.He cleans his Find the mistakes and correct them I have not cleaned my teeth Future actionsFuture Simple Find the mistakes and correct themI will not clean my teeth ( Check yourselfI am not Match the sentences and the tenses1  He is going Check yourselfPresent
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Present actionsPresent Simple

Present actions
Present Simple

V1 ( do/does +V1)
I often play football.
I do not play football every day.
Do you usually play football ?
Present Progressive am/is/are +Ving
I am playing football now.
He is not playing football at the moment.
Are you playing football now?
Present Perfect have/has +V3
I have played football since I was ten.
He has not played football for two years
Have you played football for ten years?

Слайд 3 Find the mistakes

Find the mistakes and correct them. I clean

and correct them.
I clean my teeth now.
He is

cleaning his teeth every day.
Do you clean your teeth for two minutes?
I am cleaning my teeth since I was a child.
She cleans her teeth at the moment.
Have you cleaned your teeth every morning?
He is not cleaning his teeth yet.

Слайд 4 Check yourself
I am cleaning my

Check yourselfI am cleaning my teeth now.He cleans his

teeth now.
He cleans his teeth every day.
Have you cleaned

your teeth for two minutes?
I have cleaned my teeth since I was a child.
She is cleaning her teeth at the moment.
Do you clean your teeth every morning?
He has not cleaned his teeth yet.

Слайд 5

Past actionsPast Simple  V2

Past actions
Past Simple

V2 (did+V1)
I played football yesterday.
I did not play football last Sunday.
Did you play football two years ago?
Past Progressive was/were +Ving
I was playing football at 5 pm. yesterday.
We were not playing football from 5 till 7 o’clock.
Were you playing football when I came?
Present Perfect have/has +V3
I have already played footfall.
He has not played football yet.
Have you played football yet?

Слайд 6 Find the mistakes and correct them
I have

Find the mistakes and correct them I have not cleaned my

not cleaned my teeth yesterday.
He was already cleaning his

teeth .
Did you clean your teeth yet?
I was not cleaning my teeth yet.
She cleaned her teeth at 9 pm last Sunday.
Have you cleaned your teeth yesterday?
He was not cleaning his teeth last Sunday.

Слайд 7

Check yourselfI did not clean

Check yourself
I did not clean

my teeth yesterday.
He has already cleaned his teeth .
Have you cleaned your teeth yet?
I have not cleaned my teeth yet.
She was cleaning her teeth at 9 pm last Sunday.
Did you clean your teeth yesterday?
He did not clean his teeth last Sunday.

Слайд 8

Future actionsFuture Simple   will +V1I

Future actions
Future Simple will

I will play football tomorrow.
I will not (won’t) play football next Sunday.
Will you play football in two hours?
Present Progressive am/is/are +Ving
I am playing football in an hour.
He is not playing football next Sunday.
Are you playing football tomorrow?
To be going to +V
I am going to play football.
He is not going to play football.
Are you going to play football?


Слайд 9 Find the mistakes and correct them
I will not

Find the mistakes and correct themI will not clean my teeth

clean my teeth ( я знаю точно).
He is cleaning

his teeth .( собирается)
Is he cleaning your teeth in the evening? ( не решил еще)
I will not clean my teeth.(не собираюсь)
She is going to clean her teeth at 9 pm.
( запланировано)
Will you clean your teeth at 9 pm? (собираешься)
He will not clean his teeth. (запланировано)

Слайд 10

Check yourselfI am not cleaning my teeth

Check yourself
I am not cleaning my teeth ( я

знаю точно).
He is going to clean his teeth .( собирается)
Will he clean his teeth in the evening? ( не решил еще)
I am not going to clean my teeth.(не собираюсь)
She will clean her teeth at 9 pm.
( запланировано)
Are you going to clean your teeth at 9 pm? (собираешься)
He is not cleaning his teeth. (запланировано)

Слайд 11 Match the sentences and the tenses

Match the sentences and the tenses1 He is going to

He is going to visit his friends soon.

I went to the zoo yesterday.
3 We will play chess after lessons.
4 I am reading a book at the moment.
5 They do their homework every day.
6 She has not cooked lunch yet.
7 We were watching TV from 5 till 9 o’clock.
Present Simple ________
Present Progressive_________
Present Perfect___________
Past Simple_____________
Past Progressive___________
Future Simple _____________
To be going to________________

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-dlya-otrabotki-i-zakrepleniya-materiala-po-grammaticheskoy-teme-vremena-glagola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 0