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Презентация на тему проекта по теме Рождество в Великобритании

Паспорт проектной работыНазвание проекта: «Christmas in Great Britain »Руководитель проекта: учитель английского языка Гончаренко Наталья АнатольевнаУчебный предмет, в рамках которого проводится работа по проекту: английский языкУчебные дисциплины, близкие к теме проекта: музыка, история, мировая художественная
МОУ «СОШ №12 г. Зеленокумска»Проектная работа по теме:«Рождество в Великобритании»Выполнил:Ученик 9а классаБервиненко ВикторРуководитель:Гончаренко Н.А.2010-2011 учебный год Паспорт проектной работыНазвание проекта: «Christmas in Great Britain »Руководитель проекта: учитель Цель проекта: Углубленное изучение истории и традиций празднования Рождества в Великобритании для Christmas ChristmasAmong all holidays of the Great Britain, Christmas - the most grandiose. Christmas Traditions In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions. Listen to For people all over the world Christmas is a season of giving Trees and Presents   People began to celebrate Christmas many, Christmas Stockings In the evening of the 24th of December children hang Mistletoe Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small white Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. On this Christmas DayChristmas Day is on the 25th of December. British people celebrate Candycane		On Christmas parents give their children candycanes. These candies reminds the letter 40,000,000 Christmas Puddings! That’s a lot of Pudding!		25 December is Christmas Day. Santa Claus (Father Christmas )He is the cheerful old man with a Christmas tree	Christmas tree is a part of the holiday. It is believed The British decorate their house ... Wreathes		One of the main traditions of these weeks is different wreathes, especially Boxing Day Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on the Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, O'er the fields
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Паспорт проектной работы
Название проекта: «Christmas in Great

Паспорт проектной работыНазвание проекта: «Christmas in Great Britain »Руководитель проекта:

Britain »
Руководитель проекта: учитель английского языка Гончаренко Наталья Анатольевна

предмет, в рамках которого проводится работа по проекту: английский язык
Учебные дисциплины, близкие к теме проекта: музыка, история, мировая художественная культура.
Возраст учащихся, на который рассчитан проект: 12-16 лет (6-9 класс)
Состав проектной группы: Бервиненко Виктор
Тип проекта: информационно-поисковый, творческий.

Слайд 3 Цель проекта:
Углубленное изучение истории и традиций празднования

Цель проекта: Углубленное изучение истории и традиций празднования Рождества в Великобритании

Рождества в Великобритании для пополнения социокультурных знаний о стране

изучаемого языка, для проявления творчества, активности, самостоятельности, самореализации.
Приобщить учащихся к культурному наследию Великобритании.
Создать условия для погружения в языковую атмосферу страны изучаемого языка.
Создать условия для самостоятельного получения информации из различных источников.
Углубить лингвострановедческие и социокультурные знания о стране изучаемого языка, в частности об истории праздника, обычаях и традиция празднования Рождества в Великобритании.
Способствовать развитию творческого подхода при выполнении проектной работы.
История празднования Рождества в Великобритании.
Традиции и обычаи празднования Рождества в Великобритании.
Традиционные Рождественские песни в стране изучаемого языка.

Слайд 4 Christmas


Слайд 5 Christmas
Among all holidays of the Great Britain, Christmas

ChristmasAmong all holidays of the Great Britain, Christmas - the most

- the most grandiose. It is marked on December,

25, however preparations begin already at the end of November.
The Christmas is the Christian holiday devoted to the Birth of Jesus Christ. Its celebrating is based on the bible events described in the New testament.

Слайд 6 Christmas Traditions
In Britain people have many interesting

Christmas Traditions In Britain people have many interesting Christmas traditions. Listen

Christmas traditions. Listen to the short stories about trees,

presents, Christmas Pudding, Mistletoe and other Christmas traditions.

Слайд 7 For people all over the world Christmas is

For people all over the world Christmas is a season of

a season of giving and receiving presents. People go

from house to house to sing Christmas carols.
American children believe that Santa Claus lives on the North Pole with his wife. The whole year he lists the names of children both
those who have been good and those
who have been bad. He decides what
presents to give to the good children.


Слайд 8 Trees and Presents
People began

Trees and Presents  People began to celebrate Christmas many,

to celebrate Christmas many, many years ago. They began

to decorate the evergreen tree and give presents to each other. They placed a large shining star or Christmas Angel at the top of the Christmas tree and many bright shining balls (red, blue, yellow, green, silver) from top to bottom.

Слайд 9 Christmas Stockings
In the evening of the 24th

Christmas Stockings In the evening of the 24th of December children

of December children hang their Christmas stockings on their

beds or put them under the Christmas tree. Santa Claus puts presents into them. A Christmas stocking is not a real stocking. It is big and beautifully decorated.

Слайд 10 Mistletoe
Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small

Mistletoe Mistletoe is an evergreen plant with small leaves and small

leaves and small white berries. On Christmas Eve there

is a bunch of mistletoe in every house. Under this bunch boys kiss girls.

Слайд 11 Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve is on the 24th

Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December. On

of December. On this day everybody is very busy

and in a hurry. Offices close at 1 o'clock, but the shops stay open late.
On Christmas Eve children hang their Christmas stockings on their beds. They wait for Santa Claus and other miracles.

Слайд 12 Christmas Day
Christmas Day is on the 25th of

Christmas DayChristmas Day is on the 25th of December. British people

December. British people celebrate this holiday with big dinners.

Children have much fun. They play under Christmas trees, find presents in their Christmas stockings, eat Christmas puddings, watch pantomimes. The grown­ups don't go to work on that day.

Слайд 13 Candycane
On Christmas parents give their children candycanes. These

Candycane		On Christmas parents give their children candycanes. These candies reminds the

candies reminds the letter J. The name Jesus starts

with the letter J.

Слайд 14 40,000,000 Christmas Puddings! That’s a lot of Pudding!

25 December

40,000,000 Christmas Puddings! That’s a lot of Pudding!		25 December is Christmas

is Christmas Day. In Britain, people celebrate this day

with a great Christmas dinner. The main course of the meal is usually turkey. And the traditional dessert is Christmas pudding. This year more than 40,000,000 people will finish their Christmas dinner with Christmas pudding!

Слайд 15 Santa Claus (Father Christmas )
He is the cheerful old

Santa Claus (Father Christmas )He is the cheerful old man with

man with a red nose, a white beard which

is ridiculously dared “Ho-ho-ho"!
Young Englishmen consider, that Santa comes in sledge on a deer only to obedient children and, having gone down through a pipe above a fireplace, leaves them gifts under a tree and in stocking.

Слайд 16 Christmas tree
Christmas tree is a part of the

Christmas tree	Christmas tree is a part of the holiday. It is

holiday. It is believed that it brings good luck.

Christmas Tree

Слайд 17 The British decorate their house ...

The British decorate their house ...

Слайд 18 Wreathes
One of the main traditions of these weeks

Wreathes		One of the main traditions of these weeks is different wreathes,

is different wreathes, especially with candles. They include 5


Слайд 19 Boxing Day
Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day.

Boxing Day Boxing Day comes after Christmas Day. It is on

It is on the 26th of December. People do

not go to work on that day. They visit friends or go to the theatre. Everybody gives and receives Christmas cards and Christmas boxes.

Слайд 20 Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, O'er

Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, O'er the

the fields we go, Laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail

ring, Making spirits bright. What fun it is to ride and sing, A sleighing song tonight. Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh. Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way, Oh, what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh.

Jingle bells

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