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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: The university of my dream (11 класс)

University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge University of Cambridge .		The University of Cambridge  is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England. Founded in 1209, Cambridge is .		Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31 constituent .Cambridge is a member of many associations and forms part of the .		Students' learning involves lectures and laboratory sessions organized by departments, and supervisions .Cambridge's libraries hold a total of around 15 million books, 8 million Cambridge has many notable alumni, including several eminent mathematicians, scientists, economists, writers, Museums and collectionsThe University of Cambridge has nine museums and collections which
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 University of Cambridge

University of Cambridge

Слайд 3 .
The University of Cambridge  is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England. Founded

.		The University of Cambridge  is a collegiate public research university in Cambridge, England. Founded in 1209, Cambridge

in 1209, Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking

world and the world's fourth-oldest surviving university.

Слайд 4 .
Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions

.		Cambridge is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31

which include 31 constituent colleges and over 100 academic

departments organised into six schools. The university occupies buildings throughout the town, many of which are of historical importance.

Слайд 5 .
Cambridge is a member of many associations and

.Cambridge is a member of many associations and forms part of

forms part of the "golden triangle" of leading English

universities and Cambridge University Health Partners, an academic health science centre. The university is closely linked with the development of the high-tech business cluster known as "Silicon Fen".

Слайд 6 .
Students' learning involves lectures and laboratory sessions organized

.		Students' learning involves lectures and laboratory sessions organized by departments, and

by departments, and supervisions provided by the colleges. The

university operates eight arts, cultural, and scientific museums, including the Fitzwilliam Museum and a botanic garden.

Слайд 7 .
Cambridge's libraries hold a total of around 15

.Cambridge's libraries hold a total of around 15 million books, 8

million books, 8 million of which are in Cambridge

University Library which is a legal deposit library. Cambridge University Press, a department of the university, is the world's oldest publishing house and the second-largest university press in the world.

Слайд 8 Cambridge has many notable alumni, including several eminent

Cambridge has many notable alumni, including several eminent mathematicians, scientists, economists,

mathematicians, scientists, economists, writers, philosophers, actors, politicians, and 90

Nobel laureates who have been affiliated with it.

Слайд 9 Museums and collections
The University of Cambridge has nine

Museums and collectionsThe University of Cambridge has nine museums and collections

museums and collections which are open to the public

throughout the year.
All College chapels are open to the public at select times, and most of the Colleges are also open for visits.
Students live, eat and socialise in one of the University’s 31 autonomous Colleges.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-the-university-of-my-dream-11-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 177
  • Количество скачиваний: 0