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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Made in the USA (на базе учебника Starlight 8, by Virginia Evans, K. Baranova)


What city was mentioned in the news repot? What product have people manufactured on their factory? Have you noticed any other products of This country in the video? Can you guess what country it
What city was mentioned in the news repot? What product have people To wonder /ˈwʌndə/ - to think about the reason why Vocabularyзадуматься A story /ˈstɔːrɪ/ - history история, рассказ To go back /gəʊ bæk/ - to date back to a certain timeвернуться назад Durable cotton /ˈdjʊərəbl kɒtn/ - a natural fabric that resists wear and tearпрочный хлопок A manual worker /ˈmænjʊəl ˈwɜːkə/ - a person whose job involves physical labourрабочий A big hit /bɪg hɪt/ - a huge success успех Generation /ʤenəˈreɪʃn/ - a group of people who were all born around To ban /bæn/ - to state officially that sth is not allowed запретить A staple item /steɪpl ˈaɪtəm/ - sth that is basic and important To take revenge /teɪk rɪˈvenʤ/ - to get even with sb who Fussy diner /ˈfʌsɪ ˈdaɪnə/ - a person at a restaurant who complains about their food A batch of fries /bæʧ ɒv fraɪz/ - a portion of fries Crispy /ˈkrɪspɪ/ - dry and hard хрустящий To fast-forward / fɑːst ˈfɔːwəd/ - to skip ahead in time перемотать Formula /ˈfɔːmjʊlə/ - the amounts of various substances that make up another substance рецепт A brass kettle /brɑːs ketl/ - a container for boiling water made Serving /ˈsɜːvɪŋ/ - portionпорция Sales rise /seɪlz raɪz/ - a large number of products are soldрост продаж Ingredients /ɪnˈgriːdɪənts/ - the different foods that go together to make sth, A trade secret /treɪd ˈsiːkrɪt/ - information that is kept hidden from Task 1. Fill in the table. Text 1. Jeans    The story of jeans goes back Text 2. Potato chips   In 1853, George Crum was working Text 3. Coca-cola   John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Georgia, invented TemplateMany people around the world wear jeans, drink cola and eat potato Task 2. Match the words/phrases in bold from the text with their Well done!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 What city was mentioned in the news repot?

What city was mentioned in the news repot? What product have

What product have people manufactured on their factory?

you noticed any other products of This country in the video?
Can you guess what country it is?
What is the main idea of the video?

(Newark, New Jersey)

(Cowboy hats)

(Pies, cookies, sweatshirts, special equipment for baseball)

(the USA)

Слайд 5 To wonder /ˈwʌndə/ - to think about the

To wonder /ˈwʌndə/ - to think about the reason why Vocabularyзадуматься

reason why

Слайд 6 A story /ˈstɔːrɪ/ - history
история, рассказ

A story /ˈstɔːrɪ/ - history история, рассказ

Слайд 7 To go back /gəʊ bæk/ - to date

To go back /gəʊ bæk/ - to date back to a certain timeвернуться назад

back to a certain time
вернуться назад

Слайд 8 Durable cotton /ˈdjʊərəbl kɒtn/ - a natural fabric

Durable cotton /ˈdjʊərəbl kɒtn/ - a natural fabric that resists wear and tearпрочный хлопок

that resists wear and tear
прочный хлопок

Слайд 9 A manual worker /ˈmænjʊəl ˈwɜːkə/ - a person

A manual worker /ˈmænjʊəl ˈwɜːkə/ - a person whose job involves physical labourрабочий

whose job involves physical labour

Слайд 10 A big hit /bɪg hɪt/ - a huge

A big hit /bɪg hɪt/ - a huge success успех


Слайд 11 Generation /ʤenəˈreɪʃn/ - a group of people who

Generation /ʤenəˈreɪʃn/ - a group of people who were all born

were all born around the same time and who

share similar experiences


Слайд 12 To ban /bæn/ - to state officially that

To ban /bæn/ - to state officially that sth is not allowed запретить

sth is not allowed

Слайд 13 A staple item /steɪpl ˈaɪtəm/ - sth that

A staple item /steɪpl ˈaɪtəm/ - sth that is basic and

is basic and important in everyday life
необходимые вещи

Слайд 14 To take revenge /teɪk rɪˈvenʤ/ - to get

To take revenge /teɪk rɪˈvenʤ/ - to get even with sb

even with sb who you feel has wronged you


Слайд 15 Fussy diner /ˈfʌsɪ ˈdaɪnə/ - a person at

Fussy diner /ˈfʌsɪ ˈdaɪnə/ - a person at a restaurant who complains about their food

a restaurant who complains about their food

Слайд 16 A batch of fries /bæʧ ɒv fraɪz/ -

A batch of fries /bæʧ ɒv fraɪz/ - a portion of

a portion of fries cooked at the same time

картошки фри

Слайд 17 Crispy /ˈkrɪspɪ/ - dry and hard

Crispy /ˈkrɪspɪ/ - dry and hard хрустящий

Слайд 18 To fast-forward / fɑːst ˈfɔːwəd/ - to skip

To fast-forward / fɑːst ˈfɔːwəd/ - to skip ahead in time перемотать

ahead in time

Слайд 19 Formula /ˈfɔːmjʊlə/ - the amounts of various substances

Formula /ˈfɔːmjʊlə/ - the amounts of various substances that make up another substance рецепт

that make up another substance

Слайд 20 A brass kettle /brɑːs ketl/ - a container

A brass kettle /brɑːs ketl/ - a container for boiling water

for boiling water made from a yellow metal (made

from copper and zinc)

медный чайник

Слайд 21 Serving /ˈsɜːvɪŋ/ - portion

Serving /ˈsɜːvɪŋ/ - portionпорция

Слайд 22 Sales rise /seɪlz raɪz/ - a large number

Sales rise /seɪlz raɪz/ - a large number of products are soldрост продаж

of products are sold
рост продаж

Слайд 23 Ingredients /ɪnˈgriːdɪənts/ - the different foods that go

Ingredients /ɪnˈgriːdɪənts/ - the different foods that go together to make

together to make sth, especially a dish

Слайд 24 A trade secret /treɪd ˈsiːkrɪt/ - information that

A trade secret /treɪd ˈsiːkrɪt/ - information that is kept hidden

is kept hidden from others by a company so

their competitors don’t steal their business

совершенно секретно

Слайд 25 Task 1. Fill in the table.

Task 1. Fill in the table.

Слайд 26 Text 1. Jeans
The story of

Text 1. Jeans  The story of jeans goes back to

jeans goes back to the 19th century when sailors

from Genoa, Italy wore durable cotton and wool denim trousers. Then, in 1853, 24-year-old Levi Strauss travelled to San Francisco from Germany and decided to design trousers for manual workers from this material. They were a big heat, and by the 1950s jeans had become very popular with a whole generation of young people. At first, many places such as theatres and restaurants banned them. Nowadays, jeans are a staple item of clothing in everyone’s wardrobe!

Слайд 27 Text 2. Potato chips

In 1853,

Text 2. Potato chips  In 1853, George Crum was working

George Crum was working as a chef at a

restaurant in New York. One day, a customer sent Crum’s French fries back to the kitchen, saying they were too thick. Crum got very angry and decided to take revenge on the fussy diner; he made a new batch of fries so thin and crispy that the customer couldn’t eat them with a fork! To George’s surprise, the guest was thrilled with them and other diners began asking for them, too. Fast-forward to the 21st century and, in the US alone, sales of potato chips amount to over $6 billion per year.

Слайд 28 Text 3. Coca-cola

John Pemberton, a

Text 3. Coca-cola  John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Georgia, invented

pharmacist from Georgia, invented the original Coca-Cola formula in

a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard! The soft drink was first sold as a medicine in a chemist’s on 8th May, 1886. Dr Pemberton sold about 9 servings each day. He made about $50 in the first year, but unfortunately it cost him about $70 to make the cola! In 1887, a businessman bought the formula and by 1900 sales had risen by over 4000%. Coca-Cola remains the most famous soft drink in the world, but its exact ingredients are still a trade secret!

Слайд 30 Template
Many people around the world wear jeans, drink

TemplateMany people around the world wear jeans, drink cola and eat

cola and eat potato chips. But have we ever

wondered what the stories are behind these products?
First off, I would like to tell you about Jeans. …
Secondly, … .
Finally, … .
In conclusion, I’d like to say we have many products from different countries which make our life comfortable and better.

Слайд 32 Task 2. Match the words/phrases in bold from

Task 2. Match the words/phrases in bold from the text with

the text with their meanings.
difficult-to-please restaurant customer
very pleased
portions of

food or drinks
men who work on a ship
people who work with their hands
not thin
components of a mixture

big heat
fussy diner
manual workers
take revenge

Слайд 33 Well done!

Well done!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-made-in-the-usa-na-baze-uchebnika-starlight-8-by-virginia-evans-k-baranova.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 110
  • Количество скачиваний: 3