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Презентация на тему к курсу Английский для моряков на тему Visual communication

Answer the questions.1. Why must sailors know all levels of good communication?2. What is communication?3. What is one-way communication?4. What methods of communication do you know?5. What is the reason of incidents and accidents at sea?
Marine English Teacher: Panasenko Viktoria PetrovnaNakhimovite Naval School (Sevastopol Branch) Answer the questions.1. Why must sailors know all levels of good communication?2. VISUAL COMMUNICATION VISUAL COMMUNICATION Function: Pointing out a problemFlashing light – a system Raising signal flags during flag hoistSignaling with semaphore https://youtu.be/zOETaUx3c4o?t=159https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5yvloNbBMA An infrared lamp/ the Nancy systemFlashing light systemhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dpdBPyIoLA 1. What is the main idea of the passage?why semaphore remains usefulthe Match the definitions to the correct 1 _ infrared 2 _ Complete the sentences with the terms below. flag hoist . Read a conversation between two officers, and mark the statements as .  Act out the dialogue from Task 5 with a partner. Writing Use the conversation in Task 5 to complete the Lieutenant’s
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Answer the questions.
1. Why must sailors know all

Answer the questions.1. Why must sailors know all levels of good

levels of good communication?
2. What is communication?
3. What is

one-way communication?
4. What methods of communication do you know?
5. What is the reason of incidents and accidents at sea?

to achieve safe and efficient ship operation

transferring signals and messages from ship to ship or naval base

no reaction is received

in writing form,- verbal,- signs and signals, prowords

the problem of communication, misunderstanding



Function: Pointing out a problem
Flashing light –

VISUAL COMMUNICATION Function: Pointing out a problemFlashing light – a

a system of communication in which different flashes of

light are used to relay messages in Morse code.
Morse code – a communication system that uses short and long flashes of light or beeps to signal different letters and words.
Directional method – a method of the flashing light system in which the sender shines the light directly at the receiver.
Non-directional method – a method of the flashing light system that is used to signal to several different receiving ships at once, usually using yardarm blinkers.
Nancy system – an alternative, high-security flashing light system of communication that uses invisible infrared lights that can only be seen by a receiver who has a special Nancy receiver.
Infrared – light invisible to the naked eye.
Semaphore a system of communication in which words are communicated through the use of arm positions that represent specific letters. At greater distances, flags are also used.
Semaphore flag – a small, brightly colored, hand-held flag used in semaphore when communicating over greater distances.
Flaghoist – a system of communication that is used only in day time, and uses a special set of 68 signal flags, each of which represents a letter or number. Some flags have a special meaning.
Signal flag – one of 68 flags used in the flaghoist system.

Слайд 5 Raising signal flags during flag hoist
Signaling with semaphore

Raising signal flags during flag hoistSignaling with semaphore https://youtu.be/zOETaUx3c4o?t=159https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5yvloNbBMA


Слайд 6 An infrared lamp/ the Nancy system
Flashing light system

An infrared lamp/ the Nancy systemFlashing light systemhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dpdBPyIoLA

Слайд 7 1. What is the main idea of the

1. What is the main idea of the passage?why semaphore remains

why semaphore remains useful
the ways to send Morse Code

different systems of visual communication
how visual communication has changed over time
2. Which of these is NOT a communication system?
infrared light
flashing light
3. Which system of communication can only function during the day?
A flag hoist
B directional flashing light
C Morse code
D non-directional flashing light

Слайд 8 Match the definitions to the correct

Match the definitions to the correct 1 _ infrared 2

_ infrared
2 _ semaphore
3 _ directional method

_ Morse code
5 _ Nancy system
6_ non-directional method

A a flashing light system that signals several different ships at once
B a flashing light system that uses infrared light
C a communication system that uses short and long flashes of light to signal letters
D a communication system in which words are communicated through arm positions
E light that is invisible to the naked eye
F a flashing light system in which the light shines directly at the receiver

Слайд 9 Complete the sentences with the terms below.
flag hoist

Complete the sentences with the terms below. flag hoist

signal flags

flashing light semaphore flags
1 There are 68 .................................... in a full set.
2 In the .................................... system, messages are sent with Morse code.
3 The .................................... system can only be used in daylight.
4 .................................... are used, along with arm positions, to communicate at greater distances.

signal flags

flashing light

flag hoist

Semaphore flags

Слайд 10 . Read a conversation between two officers, and

. Read a conversation between two officers, and mark the statements

mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).

Lieutenant Daniels, I need you to get a message to another ship.
Lieutenant: Of course, Captain. We’re still in the radio silence drill, right?
C: Yes, until we hear otherwise.
L: All right. We’ll use flashing light and Morse code.
C: No, that won’t work. Anyone will be able to see it.
L: I didn’t think of that. In that case, I’ll use the Nancy system.
C: Much better. Grab a pen to take down the order.
L: I’m ready when you are.
1_ The ship's radio is malfunctioning.
2 _ The man suggests using Morse code.
3 _ The message will be sent with the Nancy system.




Слайд 11 . Act out the dialogue from Task 5

. Act out the dialogue from Task 5 with a partner.

with a partner. Then switch roles. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:

need you to ...
I didn't think of that.
I'm ready when you are.
Student A: You are a sailor. Talk to Student B about:
• sending a message
• methods of sending the message
• problems with a method
Student B: You are an officer. Talk to Student A about ways to communicate during a radio silence drill.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-kursu-angliyskiy-dlya-moryakov-na-temu-visual-communication.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 1