write a year, phone number, part of the address,
etc.Take care that ‘0’ can be pronounced either ‘oh’ or ‘zero’ when saying a phone number.
When talking about money, it is generally said as in the examples below:
₤7.50 = Seven pound(s) fifty / seven fifty
$42.65 = Forty-two dollar(s) sixty-five cents / Forty-two sixty-five
If you need to write year, write as follows:
1995 = nineteen ninety-five
2015 = twenty fifteen
2000 = two thousand
2009 = two thousand and nine / two thousand nine [Only years 2000 – 2009 are written as a number]
If you are asked to write dates, you can use any format and all are correct.
2nd June, June 2nd, June 2 and 2 June, all are considered as two words answer.
At last, for measurements, you can write either the whole word or an abbreviation, both are absolutely right.
10m = 10 metres = 10 meters