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Презентация на тему по английского языка на тему What is ypur mother like? (5 класс)

Divide students to “A”, “B” and “C” groups
What is your mother like?  Divide students to “A”, “B” and “C” groups III. Checking the home task:  Exercise 16. Write. To ask and III. Checking the home task: It’s…Whose skirt is this? What is this? What are these? Whose jeans are these? What are these? Whose roller New wordsсұлу, әдемі 2) Nice [ nais]жақсы 3) Bad   [bæd]жаман 4) Handsome [ ‘hænsəm]әдемі, сұлу 5) Tall [ to:l]биік, ұзын бойлы 6) Short [ ∫o:t]қысқа 7) Long [lɒŋ]Short hairLong hairұзын 8) Fat [ fæt]9) Thin [θin ]толықжіңішке, арық 10) Strict [ strikt]11) Kind [ kaind]қаталжомарт, ақ көңіл 12) Clever  [ˈklɛvə ]ақылды 13)Young  [ jʌŋ ]14) Old   [əʊld ]кәріжас ListenCarol: what’ s your mother’s name?Asel: AlmaCarol: Oh, a good name. how Doing exercise: Exercise 5 on page 62;  Yes OR NoYesNoYesNoYesNo Exercise 6 on page 62Answer the questions about Asel’s mother.Is she tall? Boys and girls did you enjoy today’s lesson?Yes, we did.No, we didn’t.Did you like today’s lesson? What did you Know?And what do youwant to know the next lesson from me? Your home work isLearn new words and ex.12. p.62
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Divide students to “A”, “B” and “C” groups

Divide students to “A”, “B” and “C” groups

Слайд 4 III. Checking the home task: Exercise 16. Write.

III. Checking the home task: Exercise 16. Write. To ask and

To ask and answer the questions: “What’s this?” and

“Whose thing is this?” using exercise 3 at page 58.

Слайд 5 III. Checking the home task:
Whose skirt is this?

III. Checking the home task: It’s…Whose skirt is this? What is

What is this?
Whose dress is this?
What is


It’s a…


This is…

Whose shirt is this?

Mr. Evans’ shirt.

What is this?

a skirt

This is Carol’s skirt.

It’s a …


This is Mrs. Evans’ dress.

Слайд 6 What are these?
Whose jeans are these?

What are these? Whose jeans are these? What are these? Whose

are these?
Whose roller skates are these?
What are


Whose socks are these?

These are…


They are Colin’s jeans.

These are…

roller skates.

They are…

Carol’s skates

These are…


These are…

Colin’s socks.

Слайд 7 New words
сұлу, әдемі

New wordsсұлу, әдемі

Слайд 8 2) Nice [ nais]

2) Nice [ nais]жақсы

Слайд 9 3) Bad [bæd]

3) Bad  [bæd]жаман

Слайд 10 4) Handsome [ ‘hænsəm]
әдемі, сұлу

4) Handsome [ ‘hænsəm]әдемі, сұлу

Слайд 11 5) Tall [ to:l]
биік, ұзын бойлы

5) Tall [ to:l]биік, ұзын бойлы

Слайд 12 6) Short [ ∫o:t]

6) Short [ ∫o:t]қысқа

Слайд 13 7) Long [lɒŋ]
Short hair
Long hair

7) Long [lɒŋ]Short hairLong hairұзын

Слайд 14 8) Fat [ fæt]
9) Thin [θin ]
жіңішке, арық

8) Fat [ fæt]9) Thin [θin ]толықжіңішке, арық

Слайд 15 10) Strict [ strikt]
11) Kind [ kaind]
жомарт, ақ

10) Strict [ strikt]11) Kind [ kaind]қаталжомарт, ақ көңіл


Слайд 16 12) Clever [ˈklɛvə ]

12) Clever [ˈklɛvə ]ақылды

Слайд 17 13)Young [ jʌŋ ]
14) Old

13)Young [ jʌŋ ]14) Old  [əʊld ]кәріжас

[əʊld ]

Слайд 18 Listen
Carol: what’ s your mother’s name?
Asel: Alma
Carol: Oh,

ListenCarol: what’ s your mother’s name?Asel: AlmaCarol: Oh, a good name.

a good name. how old is she?
Asel: She’s 36.

she’s young.
Carol: What is she like?
Asel: She’s beautiful.
Carol: Is she tall?
Asel: No, she isn’t. ahe is not very tall.
Carol: Is she thin?
Asel: No, she isn’t. she isn’t very thin.
Carol: is she strict?
Asel: No, she isn’t. she is kind.

Слайд 19 Doing exercise: Exercise 5 on page 62;

Doing exercise: Exercise 5 on page 62; Yes OR NoYesNoYesNoYesNo

Yes OR No

Слайд 20 Exercise 6 on page 62
Answer the questions about

Exercise 6 on page 62Answer the questions about Asel’s mother.Is she

Asel’s mother.

Is she tall?
No, she isn’t.
Her name’s Alma.

She is 36.

Yes, she is.

No, she isn’t. She isn’t very thin.

Yes, she is.

What’s her name?

How old is she?

Is she beautiful?

Is she thin?

Is she kind?

Слайд 23 Boys and girls did you enjoy today’s lesson?

Boys and girls did you enjoy today’s lesson?Yes, we did.No, we didn’t.Did you like today’s lesson?

we did.
No, we didn’t.
Did you like today’s lesson?

Слайд 24 What did you
And what do you
want to

What did you Know?And what do youwant to know the next lesson from me?

know the next lesson from me?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskogo-yazyka-na-temu-what-is-ypur-mother-like-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 155
  • Количество скачиваний: 0