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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Car characteristics

Tongue twister One-one was a race horse.  Two-two was one too.  One-one won one race.  Two-two won one too.
Car characteristics Tongue twister  One-one was a race horse.  Two-two was one too.  Ex. 1 Name the types of cars Cars: sports car, estate car, Exercise 2.  Imagine that you are a car salesman. Choose one If I were you, I’d …. ; I suggest …. ; In Exercise 3. Match the following types of cars with the features. Some Exercise 4.  Imagine that you are choosing a car. Arrange the
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Tongue twister One-one was a race horse.  Two-two was one

Tongue twister One-one was a race horse.  Two-two was one too. 

too.  One-one won one race.  Two-two won one too.

Слайд 3 Ex. 1 Name the types of cars Cars: sports

Ex. 1 Name the types of cars Cars: sports car, estate

car, estate car, family car, limousine, jeep, convertible, mini

car, electric car, van

Слайд 8 Exercise 2. Imagine that you are a car

Exercise 2. Imagine that you are a car salesman. Choose one

salesman. Choose one of the cars from ex. 1

and try to persuade your partner to buy it. Use the phrases below to characterize the cars. Make use of the following phrases:

Слайд 9 If I were you, I’d …. ; I

If I were you, I’d …. ; I suggest …. ;

suggest …. ; In your position, I’d …. ;

I strongly/ highly recommend …. ; etc. • a vehicle that maximizes its internal space • drive on rough ground • a vehicle that is new to the European market • take advantage of sunny weather • a quiet car • sleep in the vehicle • a vehicle with traditional appearance • be interested in reducing fuel costs • a vehicle for short shopping expeditions • transport a lot of luggage • transport a large number of people comfortably

Слайд 10 Exercise 3. Match the following types of cars

Exercise 3. Match the following types of cars with the features.

with the features. Some features might be used more

than once. Cars: sports car, estate car, family car, limousine, jeep, convertible, mini car, electric car, van. Features: spacious, modern, prestigious, fashionable, fast, trendy, reliable, economical, easy to park, maneuverable, environmentally friendly, fuel-efficient, expensive, luxurious, rare, comfortable, stylish, safe, easy to drive.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-car-characteristics.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 166
  • Количество скачиваний: 0