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Презентация на тему Биболетова 10 класс. Present Perfect.

make questions with word combinationsTo wear a school uniformTo make friendsTo get better resultsTo have strict school rulesTo please your teacherTo change schoolsTo feel nervousTo like the food in the schoolDo you…….?Have you ever……?Why do you……?What
Try to remember words on the topic «School life» with next sounds[t][v][s][r][d][p][k] make questions with word combinationsTo wear a school uniformTo make friendsTo get p.13 ex. 18
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 make questions with word combinations
To wear a school

make questions with word combinationsTo wear a school uniformTo make friendsTo

To make friends
To get better results
To have strict school

To please your teacher
To change schools
To feel nervous
To like the food in the school

Do you…….?
Have you ever……?
Why do you……?
What do you….?
Would you like….?

Слайд 7 p.13 ex. 18

p.13 ex. 18

  • Имя файла: biboletova-10-klass-present-perfect.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 161
  • Количество скачиваний: 3