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Презентация на тему по английскому языку к уроку повторения 2 класс Что тебе нравиться (учебник Английский язык В.П.Кузовлев и др. часть2)

Girls like cats. Cats like rats. Birds like grain. Say it all again! Repeat, please
What do you like?Презентация к уроку повторения «Что тебе нравиться?»(2 класс)Капустина Е.Л. Girls like cats. Cats like rats. Birds like grain. Say it all again! Repeat, please My favourite days of the week are…. The pirateslive under the groundThe lost boyslive on the shipThe mermaidslive under Let’s playCan you___?sing /dance/ play football/read/paint/ cook/skateboard/skate/ski/run/jump/hunt I like _____________________________is___________________________lives_____________________________has got__________________________likes____________________________can_____________________________is good at_______________Peter PanPeter PanPeter PanHeHeHeHesmartfriendsflyplaying trickshuntingon the island
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Girls like cats.
Cats like rats.
Birds like

Girls like cats. Cats like rats. Birds like grain. Say it all again! Repeat, please

Say it all again!
Repeat, please

Слайд 3 My favourite days
of the week are….

My favourite days of the week are….

Слайд 4 The pirates
live under the ground

The lost boys

live on

The pirateslive under the groundThe lost boyslive on the shipThe mermaidslive

the ship
The mermaids
live under the sea

The animals

live in

the forest

Слайд 5 Let’s play
Can you___?
sing /dance/ play football/read/paint/ cook/

Let’s playCan you___?sing /dance/ play football/read/paint/ cook/skateboard/skate/ski/run/jump/hunt

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-k-uroku-povtoreniya-2-klass-chto-tebe-nravitsya-uchebnik-angliyskiy-yazyk-vpkuzovlev-i-dr-chast2.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 172
  • Количество скачиваний: 0