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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему В поисках Несси

: Look at the pictures. Have you ever heard about these creatures?
In Search of NessieModule 3Lesson 3 a : Look at the pictures. Have you ever heard about these creatures? What do you know about them? Presenting new words and  word- combinations   ex 1b p Read the text again. Ex 2 p 42Live in water? 1. ________ KEYS  ex 2 p 421 A 2 B 3 A 4 Ex. 3 p. 43 Match the highlighted words and phrases to their KEYSreport – tell people aboutsightings – things that have been seensurvived – Find the opposites to the words given below.different – 2 destroy – Compare your answers with the keys:1different – similar; 2 destroy – create; Fill in: ex 5 p 421snake2giant3mythical4human5extinct;6horrifying7humped8sharp9violent10recorded KEYS1-c  2-e  3-a  4-h 5-I  6-j  7- To glare, to stare, to catch a glimpse, to glance, to spotTo Ways to look – choose the correct verbI glared/ glanced at the KeysI glared/ glanced at the smiling people around me and feel lonely Ways to look ex 6 p 431 staring; 2 glanced; 3 caught Fill in the correct verb in the correct verb tense1 It is KEYS:1 It is not polite to stare at people. 2 I did Complete the text.Many stories depict the Kraken as a type of o_____. Complete the text.Many stories depict the Kraken as a type of octopus. Complete the text.The term Nessie is used to _____ a large aquatic Complete the text.The term Nessie is used to describe a large aquatic Complete the text.Bigfoot is a popular myth who likes to eat human Complete the text.Bigfoot is a popular myth who likes to eat human ReflectionTell which things in the text impressed  you most? Why? I
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 :

Look at the pictures. Have you ever

: Look at the pictures. Have you ever heard about these creatures?

heard about these creatures?

Слайд 3 What do you know about them?

What do you know about them?

Слайд 4 Presenting new words and word- combinations

Presenting new words and word- combinations  ex 1b p 42

ex 1b p 42
Tentacle – щупальце
Sharp – острый

Hook – крюк
Humped – горбатый
Sightings – наблюдения
Unicorn – единорог
Ancient – древний
Couple – пара (муж и жена, мужчина и женщина)
Horrifying – ужасный
blunt – тупой (о предметах)
Violent – сильный, мощный, жестокий
Whirlpool – водоворот
Bottom – низ, дно
Squid – кальмар
Witness – свидетель, очевидец
Ape – человекообразная обезьяна, примат
Fossil – ископаемое, окаменелость

Слайд 5 Read the text again. Ex 2 p 42

Read the text again. Ex 2 p 42Live in water? 1.

in water? 1. ________ 2. ________
Could be creatures

that people
thought had died out? 3. ________ 4. ________
3. Have people been seeing
for longer than you might think? 5. ________
4. Often used to destroy something? 6. ________
5. Have people found the bodies of? 7. ________

1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 B

Слайд 6 KEYS ex 2 p 42
1 A 2

KEYS ex 2 p 421 A 2 B 3 A 4

B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B

7 B

Слайд 7 Ex. 3 p. 43 Match the highlighted words

Ex. 3 p. 43 Match the highlighted words and phrases to

and phrases to their meaning.
report –
sightings –

horrifying –
across –
approached –
violent –
off –
so far –

Слайд 8 KEYS
report – tell people about
sightings – things that

KEYSreport – tell people aboutsightings – things that have been seensurvived

have been seen
survived – stayed alive
horrifying – shocking, disgusting

– wide
approached – came closer
violent – with great force
off – close to
so far – until now

Слайд 9 Find the opposites to the words given below.

Find the opposites to the words given below.different – 2 destroy

2 destroy –
3 real –
4 unknown

5 top –
6 blunt –
7 luckily –
8 miniature –

Слайд 10 Compare your answers with the keys:
1different – similar;

Compare your answers with the keys:1different – similar; 2 destroy –

2 destroy – create;
3 real – mythical;

unknown – famous;
5 top – bottom;
6 blunt – sharp;
7 luckily – unfortunately;
8 miniature – giant

Слайд 11 Fill in: ex 5 p 42

Fill in: ex 5 p 421snake2giant3mythical4human5extinct;6horrifying7humped8sharp9violent10recorded

Слайд 12 KEYS
1-c 2-e 3-a 4-h 5-I

KEYS1-c 2-e 3-a 4-h 5-I 6-j 7- b 8-g 9-f 10-d

6-j 7- b 8-g 9-f


Слайд 13 To glare, to stare, to catch a glimpse,

To glare, to stare, to catch a glimpse, to glance, to

to glance, to spot
To glare 
пристальный взгляд, так смотрят, если

на что-то рассердились. Этот продолжительный взгляд обычно комплектуется нахмуренными бровями и недовольным выражением лица. “Glare” – примерно как ребенок смотрит на наказавшую его маму.
To stare
 очень похоже на “glare”, но без негативной окраски, это просто долгий пристальный взгляд.
To catch a glimpse
короткое время смотреть на что-то, быстро проносящееся перед вашими глазами; едва рассмотреть что-либо.
To spot
уместно использовать, если вы находите то, что искали. Друга в толпе, потерянную вещь, умные мысли и так далее.
To glance
быстрый, скользящий взгляд, когда человек быстро поворачивает голову, чтобы что-то рассмотреть, не фокусируясь при этом на объекте долго. 

Слайд 14 Ways to look – choose the correct verb

Ways to look – choose the correct verbI glared/ glanced at

glared/ glanced at the smiling people around me and

feel lonely in the crowded hall.
I spot /stare the keys that were lost among other stuff in my bag.
The child glares/ stares at his mother because she didn’t buy a new toy.
I just catch a glimpse/spot of that beautiful girl who crossed the road.
Pupils in the class spot/ stare at the teacher with great misunderstanding.

Слайд 15 Keys
I glared/ glanced at the smiling people around

KeysI glared/ glanced at the smiling people around me and feel

me and feel lonely in the crowded hall.
I spot

/stare the keys that were lost among other stuff in my bag.
The child glares/ stares at his mother because she didn’t buy a new toy.
I just catch a glimpse/spot of that beautiful girl who crossed the road.
Pupils in the class spot/ stare at the teacher with great misunderstanding.

Слайд 16 Ways to look ex 6 p 43
1 staring;

Ways to look ex 6 p 431 staring; 2 glanced; 3

2 glanced; 3 caught a glimpse of; 4 glare;

5 spot

1 staring; 2 glanced; 3 caught a glimpse of; 4 glare; 5 spot

Слайд 17 Fill in the correct verb in the correct

Fill in the correct verb in the correct verb tense1 It

verb tense
1 It is not polite to _____ at

2 I did _______ of the bear as we drove through the forest.
3 I was able to ____him in the crowd.
I _____ at the clock to check the time.
5)Don’t ____ at me like that! You look very angry

Слайд 18 KEYS:
1 It is not polite to stare at

KEYS:1 It is not polite to stare at people. 2 I

2 I did catch a glimpse of the

bear as we drove through the forest.
3 I was able to spot him in the crowd.
I glanced at the clock to check the time.
5)Don’t glare at me like that! You look very angry.

Слайд 19 Complete the text.
Many stories depict the Kraken as

Complete the text.Many stories depict the Kraken as a type of

a type of o_____. The Kraken is a mythological

____ monster from ____ who features in legends from other ________ countries as well

Слайд 20 Complete the text.
Many stories depict the Kraken as

Complete the text.Many stories depict the Kraken as a type of

a type of octopus. The Kraken is a mythological

sea monster from Norway who features in legends from other Scandinavian countries as well

Слайд 21 Complete the text.
The term Nessie is used to

Complete the text.The term Nessie is used to _____ a large

_____ a large aquatic ______ that resembles a serpent.

This creature is mostly found in ____ and it is also known as Loch ____ monster.

Слайд 22 Complete the text.
The term Nessie is used to

Complete the text.The term Nessie is used to describe a large

describe a large aquatic creature that resembles a serpent.

This creature is mostly found in Scotland and it is also known as Loch Ness monster.

Слайд 23 Complete the text.
Bigfoot is a popular myth who

Complete the text.Bigfoot is a popular myth who likes to eat

likes to eat
human flesh and is said to

be descended from a little boy who _____ in the woods and became a ______. However there are different Bigfoots. The Alaskan Bigfoot is called the ___ and hides in the Alaskan mountains. The Latin Bigfoot is called Acupacabra and eats other _____. a myth related to Bigfoot is called Sasquatch.

Слайд 24 Complete the text.
Bigfoot is a popular myth who

Complete the text.Bigfoot is a popular myth who likes to eat

likes to eat
human flesh and is said to

be descended from a little boy who stayed in the woods and became a monster. However there are different Bigfoots. The Alaskan Bigfoot is called the yeti and hides in the Alaskan mountains. The Latin Bigfoot is called Acupacabra and eats other animals. a myth related to Bigfoot is called Sasquatch.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-v-poiskah-nessi.pptx
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