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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Русско- английские идиомы ( 8-9 класс)

край светаthe back of beyondAfter living in the capital, this town seems like the back of beyond.ехать в Тулу со своим самоваромto carry coals to NewcastleTaking her flowers would be like carrying coals to Newcastle- she
Страноведческий справочникРусско - английские идиомыС примерами использования в письменной и устной речи край светаthe back of beyondAfter living in the capital, this town seems вертеться как белка в колесеto be on the goWith three children to голову даю на отсечениеI’ll eat my hat!I’ll eat my hat if it делать из мухи слонаto make a mountain out of a molehillAren’t you как гром среди ясного небаlike a bolt from the blueThe news of ни с того ни с сегоwithout rhyme or reasonThree men attacked Joe подкладывать свиньюto do the dirty on someoneI know who did the dirty убивать двух зайцевto kill two birds with one stoneYou can kill two рай земнойheaven on earthHe says that his new job is heaven on
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 край света
the back of beyond
After living in the

край светаthe back of beyondAfter living in the capital, this town

capital, this town seems like the back of beyond.


в Тулу со своим самоваром
to carry coals to Newcastle
Taking her flowers would be like carrying coals to Newcastle- she grows flowers in her own garden.

Слайд 3 вертеться как белка в колесе
to be on the

вертеться как белка в колесеto be on the goWith three children

With three children to look after she is always

on the go from morning till night.

бить баклуши
to twiddle one’s thumbs
Don’t sit around twiddling your thumbs.
Get down to work!

Слайд 4 голову даю на отсечение
I’ll eat my hat!
I’ll eat

голову даю на отсечениеI’ll eat my hat!I’ll eat my hat if

my hat if it wasn’t your little sister who

stole my book.

городить чушь
to talk through one’s hat
You are talking through your hat. You don’t know anything about it.

Слайд 5 делать из мухи слона
to make a mountain out

делать из мухи слонаto make a mountain out of a molehillAren’t

of a molehill
Aren’t you making a mountain out of

a molehill? I’m sure he’ll give you the money back.

делать посмешище
make someone/something a laughing stock
It is a silly idea. It will make our university a laughing stock.

Слайд 6 как гром среди ясного неба
like a bolt from

как гром среди ясного небаlike a bolt from the blueThe news

the blue
The news of his resignation came as a

bolt from the blue.

как снег на голову
out of the blue
His parents arrived out of the blue yesterday.

Слайд 7 ни с того ни с сего
without rhyme or

ни с того ни с сегоwithout rhyme or reasonThree men attacked

Three men attacked Joe without rhyme or reason.

ни слуху

ни духу
neither hide nor hair of someone/ something
I thought the documents were on the table, but I couldn’t find either hide nor hair of them.

Слайд 8 подкладывать свинью
to do the dirty on someone
I know

подкладывать свиньюto do the dirty on someoneI know who did the

who did the dirty on me. He won’t get

away with it.

показывать свое настоящее лицо
to show one’s true colours
It is hard to tell what he is thinking. He never shows his true colours.

Слайд 9 убивать двух зайцев
to kill two birds with one

убивать двух зайцевto kill two birds with one stoneYou can kill

You can kill two birds with one stone by

working and studying ay the same time.

чудеса в решете
a turn- up for the book
I never thought to find you here. What a turn- up for the book.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-russko-angliyskie-idiomy-8-9-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 209
  • Количество скачиваний: 0