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«The Contractor will not discriminate and take affirmative action against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, or national origin.» The presidential decree №10925 in 1961, George Kennedy
POSITIVE DISCRIMINATION «The Contractor will not discriminate and take affirmative action against any employee Historical overviewFrom the beginnings of slavery in British North America around 1619, The United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat.The United States 1954-1968 The Civil Rights Movement  It was directed at abolishing racial It was yesterday, but today Classic discrimination turned into a  new Positive discrimination  it is a discrimination against members of a dominant Positive discrimination implies applying different criteria for selection to representatives Positive discrimination in army.  “When it became clear, that women couldn’t Positive Discrimination in educationThe brightest example where P.D. takes place is the In 1996 year Barbara Grutter applied for admission. She was rejected. Her Positive Discrimination in JobThe white citizen of Buffalo Mark Pasternak has took Positive Discrimination in Job  In 2003, Frank Ricci, a dyslexic, after Positive discrimination in sport.   Sport American has been trying to Sexual Positive Discrimination   Men are the new victims of sex Is positive discrimination a problem in workplaces and admissions offices? Black&white (positive race discrimination)In 2001, the local court in Detroit entered a newspapers, TV channels etc for BLACKS Black or White?For example,white and black secretaries will come to get a There is still popular a well-known joke.Whites are good shooters and blacks are good runners… Positive Discrimination in politicPresidential elections in the USA.Results of voting. Have you ever been discriminated? (forum)Several times, I live in the Dallas The conclusion:И это не такой конфликт, при котором мы должны становиться целиком THANK YOU,FOR YOUR ATTENTION!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «The Contractor will not discriminate and take affirmative

«The Contractor will not discriminate and take affirmative action against any

action against any employee or applicant for employment because

of race, creed, color, or national origin.»

The presidential decree №10925 in 1961, George Kennedy

Слайд 3 Historical overview
From the beginnings of slavery in British

Historical overviewFrom the beginnings of slavery in British North America around

North America around 1619, when a Dutch ship brought

20 enslaved Africans to the Virginia colony at Jamestown, nearly 240 years passed until the Thirteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution officially ended slavery in 1865.

Слайд 4 The United States Naturalization Law of March 26,

The United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat.The United

1790 (1 Stat.The United States Naturalization Law of March 26,

1790 (1 Stat. 103)

This law provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to aliens who were "free white persons" and thus left out indentured servants, slaves, free blacks.

Слайд 5 1954-1968 The Civil Rights Movement
It was directed

1954-1968 The Civil Rights Movement It was directed at abolishing racial

at abolishing racial discrimination against African Americans. The March

on Washington for jobs and freedom was a large political rally.

I have a dream...

Martin Luther King

Слайд 6 It was yesterday, but today
Classic discrimination turned

It was yesterday, but today Classic discrimination turned into a new form, so called “Positive discrimination”.

into a new form, so called
“Positive discrimination”.

Слайд 7 Positive discrimination
it is a discrimination against

Positive discrimination it is a discrimination against members of a dominant

members of a dominant or majority group in order

to promote members of a minority or consistently disadvantaged group.

Слайд 8
Positive discrimination implies applying different criteria

Positive discrimination implies applying different criteria for selection to representatives

for selection to representatives of different groups as a

way of addressing the existing social inequalities. In the United States the positive discrimination is widely used.
So, for example…

Слайд 9 Positive discrimination in army.
“When it became

Positive discrimination in army. “When it became clear, that women couldn’t

clear, that women couldn’t throw a grenade in a

safety distance, it was decided to change grenade construction and to make it lighter, instead of letting men do this job. According to some reports, USA army training program was changed to easy one.”

Margaret Thatcher, The Art of State Management, 2005, p. 69

Слайд 10 Positive Discrimination in education
The brightest example where P.D.

Positive Discrimination in educationThe brightest example where P.D. takes place is

takes place is the university of Michigan. The management

of the University has set a target to admit for each faculty at least 10% of students that would have been representatives of minorities, no matter how good or bad their scores are.

Слайд 11 In 1996 year Barbara Grutter applied for admission.

In 1996 year Barbara Grutter applied for admission. She was rejected.

She was rejected. Her results were good but not

good enough for a white student. Grutter sued, saying she was a victim of illegal discrimination. Barbara Grutter, who finally did NOT become the student of the University of Michigan's law school, treats well all blacks.

Positive Discrimination in education

Слайд 12 Positive Discrimination in Job
The white citizen of Buffalo

Positive Discrimination in JobThe white citizen of Buffalo Mark Pasternak has

Mark Pasternak has took the matter to court against

his black boss for airbrush racism, and awarded $150,000 dollars. As Mark said, ha had to leave his job, because he could not tolerate being called names like "cracker," "polack" and "stupid white boy” from his boss.

Слайд 13 Positive Discrimination in Job
In 2003, Frank

Positive Discrimination in Job In 2003, Frank Ricci, a dyslexic, after

Ricci, a dyslexic, after years of preparation to overcome

that obstacle, took the test for lieutenant in the New Haven Fire Department, and came out 6th of the 72 applicants who were deemed "qualified." No black and one Hispanic appeared on that same list. Quoting the "disparate impact" standard, the solons of New Haven discarded the results of the test. Ricci sued in state court, where his petition was denied.

Слайд 14 Positive discrimination in sport.
Sport American

Positive discrimination in sport.  Sport American has been trying to

has been trying to encourage more women from Muslim

communities to take part,  and here is a very fetching picture of Iranian women, decently covered, playing volleyball with evident skill.   BY 2012 it will be interesting to see how 'liberated' Muslim women.

International Olympic Committee charter states that "any form of discrimination": including sex discrimination is incompatible with the Olympic Movement,  countries whose strict Islamic principles debar women from sport should be themselves excluded.

Слайд 15 Sexual Positive Discrimination
Men are the

Sexual Positive Discrimination  Men are the new victims of sex

new victims of sex discrimination at work. Male applicants

were up to four times as likely as women to suffer differential treatment when seeking jobs in accountancy and computer programming. There were changed male and female names. The results present a startling picture of the modern workplace, suggesting employers may now be employing a form of stealth 'affirmative action' and actively trying to recruit more women.

Слайд 16 Is positive discrimination a problem in workplaces and

Is positive discrimination a problem in workplaces and admissions offices?

admissions offices?

Слайд 18 Black&white (positive race discrimination)
In 2001, the local court in

Black&white (positive race discrimination)In 2001, the local court in Detroit entered

Detroit entered a lawsuit against Ford Motor. At the

Ford’s factory were proud that their personnel policies based on principles of racial, ethnic and sexual equality. But, obviously, gone too far. An employee John Kovach, accused the world's second automaker to discrimination men of the white race. John argued that the leadership positions of the company is to take (на работу) women and minorities.

Слайд 19 newspapers, TV channels etc for BLACKS
"Black Entertainment Television

newspapers, TV channels etc for BLACKS

it is "politically incorrect" to show any form

White Pride, while Black America received the entire
month of February to celebrate their pride and heritage.

If you go to any conveinent store you can find
magazines such as "Blackmen", "The Black
Womans Guide To Healthy Living",

the "Miss Black America Pagant«

Слайд 20 Black or White?
For example,white and black secretaries will

Black or White?For example,white and black secretaries will come to get

come to get a job :
The white has a

special preparation for work, the black - not;
The white can use a method of the blind press, the black can print barely with two fingers;
The white knows two languages, the black can say two words in English . And so on...
The conclusion – most likely, the company will take the black - because it is more cheaply to teach her in the process, than to be spent for proceedings, that will necessarily follow if the company will prefer the white.

Слайд 21 There is still popular a well-known joke.
Whites are

There is still popular a well-known joke.Whites are good shooters and blacks are good runners…

good shooters and blacks are good runners…

Слайд 22 Positive Discrimination in politic
Presidential elections in the USA.

Positive Discrimination in politicPresidential elections in the USA.Results of voting.

of voting.

Слайд 23 Have you ever been discriminated? (forum)
Several times, I live

Have you ever been discriminated? (forum)Several times, I live in the

in the Dallas TX area.
Yes, I have been discriminated

against because I am a woman, because I am a mother, because I am of the "fringe element", because I am an Anarchist, and because I am a Pagan.
I have been discriminated against a number of times. This is what I have heard a few times: Go back to where you came from ……,Get out of my country ……,Monkey (even had a banana thrown at me when at a rugby match)
I have female friends who are white and when with them people have said – don’t spoil our white women, leave them alone and go back to where you came from.
Yes I have and I am white. Been verbally attacked by black college students at TSTC because I was white and walking weird. They did not both to think that I might be handicapped.
I have been turned down for a few jobs because I am not a female.

Слайд 24 The conclusion:
И это не такой конфликт, при котором

The conclusion:И это не такой конфликт, при котором мы должны становиться

мы должны становиться целиком на сторону лишь одной из

Once created positive discrimination was aimed to help discriminated minorities turned out to be a classic discrimination, that is another side of one medal.

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