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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему The Comparison of Russian and British Schools

Differences between schoolsWhat about it? The time-table The school uniform
Schools in  Russia and EnglandWhat do we know аbout it?Alina Ponyatovskay6 “V” class Differences between schoolsWhat about it? Our SchoolOur school is very large. There are 1180 students & 59 English schoolIn England there are schools separately for boys or girls, and Our SchoolSchool uniformSoviet timestoday English schoolSchool uniformbeforetoday Our SchoolToday all eleven are engaged in the programI level (elementary General English schoolIn turn, school education is divided into 4 steps.Key Stage 1: Our SchoolInteresting factsIn our country still used a five-grade scale of evaluation English schoolInteresting factsIn British schools officially banned the use of slang. Not Some common and different traits between educational systems in the UK and We learned a lot!It is very interesting to know a lot of THE ENDGOOD LUCK FOR YOU!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Differences between schools
What about it?

Differences between schoolsWhat about it?

The time-table
The school uniform
The vacation

Слайд 3 Our School
Our school is very large. There are

Our SchoolOur school is very large. There are 1180 students &

1180 students & 59 teachers. We study five days

a week. Academic year is divided into quarters and consists of four quarters. The holidays are autumn, winter, spring, summer. A lesson lasts 40 minutes. Change can be 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and the largest 15 minutes. Knowledge students are evaluated on a five-point scale.

Слайд 4 English school
In England there are schools separately for

English schoolIn England there are schools separately for boys or girls,

boys or girls, and there are mixed. Cheltenham College

is one of the oldest and most famous secondary educational institutions in the UK. The total number of students 655. Academic year from September to July. Schools are open 195 days a year. English pupils during the year, 170 rest days.
In schools in England in just 6 semesters, separated by vacations. Christmas holidays (winter) - 2 weeks
Easter holidays (spring) 2 weeks
Summer holidays - 6 weeks.
Every odd semester - 1 week (break)

Слайд 5 Our School
School uniform
Soviet times

Our SchoolSchool uniformSoviet timestoday

Слайд 6 English school
School uniform


English schoolSchool uniformbeforetoday

Слайд 7 Our School
Today all eleven are engaged in the

Our SchoolToday all eleven are engaged in the programI level (elementary

I level (elementary General education) — 4 years;
II level

(basic General education) — 5-6 years;
III stage (secondary (complete) General education) — 2 years

Слайд 8 English school
In turn, school education is divided into

English schoolIn turn, school education is divided into 4 steps.Key Stage

4 steps.
Key Stage 1: from 5 to 7 years

Stage 2: 7 to 11 years
Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years
Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years

Слайд 9 Our School
Interesting facts
In our country still used a

Our SchoolInteresting factsIn our country still used a five-grade scale of

five-grade scale of evaluation of knowledge students
Absolutely every Russian

school has a library.

Слайд 10 English school
Interesting facts

In British schools officially banned the

English schoolInteresting factsIn British schools officially banned the use of slang.

use of slang. Not allowed even the words "hi"

and "bye" instead of which have to be used, the rpm of "Hello" and "goodbye".

Country where first there is a school uniform from UK

Certificates and diplomas of British educational institutions are recognized all over the world

Слайд 11 Some common and different traits between educational systems

Some common and different traits between educational systems in the UK

in the UK and Russia.
Common traits include:
Education is compulsory

and free if children study at state schools.
There are three stages of education: primary, or elementary, education, secondary education and higher education.
At the end of education students take the Uniform State Examination.
Pupils wear a school uniform which is compulsory.

Different traits include:
Kids start school at the age of five in Britain and in Russia they start school at the age of seven.
The academic year is divided into three terms in Britain and it is divided into four terms in our country.
Lessons last forty-five minutes in Britain and forty minutes in Russia.
The academic year ends in July in Britain and in May in Russia.

Слайд 12 We learned a lot!
It is very interesting to

We learned a lot!It is very interesting to know a lot

know a lot of English schools & their system.

you agree with us?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-the-comparison-of-russian-and-british-schools.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 0