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Презентация на тему к уроку My pet, 5 класс

What pets &farm animals do you know? Have you got a pet? What pets have you got?
p e n g u i nl e o p a r What pets &farm animals do you know? Have you http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/animal-body-parts-1 r_bb_tb_dg_esh_ _pg_ldf_sht_rt_ _seg_ _se SELF-CONTROL  Put the animals in the right columns.beetle     goat   elephant   dog    crocodile   cow    Odd one word out.cow – hen – tiger – goatgoat – goose – guinea pig . Ex. 2, p. 70.catStripesbig ears and bright green eyes5plays in the . Ex. 2, p. 70.3 yearsNelsonDogBig with golden furWorks in the park every day Let’s play Hi there! My name is Kate and I have got a guinea 1. Kate has got a pig ____ 2. Kate loves her pet Answers . Role-play a dialogueA: What pet have you got?B: I’ve got a . My pet / My virtual petI’ve got a…. (hamster)His/Her name is Write the negatives and questions. Elephants eat tigers.Bears fly.I like snakes and Fill in the blanks. do       does     don't       doesn't1. _______ you like monkeys? No, Read the answers and write the questions. Use Present Simple tense.1. Where … cat . Good job!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 5 What pets &farm animals do you know? Have you

What pets &farm animals do you know? Have you

got a pet? What pets have you got?

Слайд 6 http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/word-games/animal-body-parts-1


Слайд 7 r_bb_t
sh_ _p
t_rt_ _se
g_ _se

r_bb_tb_dg_esh_ _pg_ldf_sht_rt_ _seg_ _se



Слайд 10  Put the animals in the right columns.
beetle     goat  

 Put the animals in the right columns.beetle     goat   elephant   dog    crocodile  

elephant   dog    crocodile   cow   hen  
peacock  cat  budgie   hamster 

lion  tiger  monkey  mosquito    horse   ant
   deer  goldfish   deer  parrot  sheep  rhino  

Слайд 11  Odd one word out.
cow – hen – tiger – goat
goat –

 Odd one word out.cow – hen – tiger – goatgoat – goose – guinea

goose – guinea pig – dog
trunk – paws – lion – wings
cat – leopard

– tiger – mouse

Слайд 12 .
Ex. 2, p. 70.
big ears and bright

. Ex. 2, p. 70.catStripesbig ears and bright green eyes5plays in

green eyes
plays in the garden, sleeps on the bed

grey and white feathers and a little yellow beak

sings all day long

Слайд 13 .
Ex. 2, p. 70.
3 years
Big with golden

. Ex. 2, p. 70.3 yearsNelsonDogBig with golden furWorks in the park every day

Works in the park
every day

Слайд 14 Let’s play

Let’s play

Слайд 16 Hi there! My name is Kate and I

Hi there! My name is Kate and I have got a

have got a guinea pig. It’s the coolest pet

in the world. Her name is Musya. She is going to be 2 years old soon. Musya likes to eat vegetables and grass. She lives in a very cozy house with her own mirror to look into. Musya is very funny when she plays with me, when she makes loud sounds if she wants to go out. I love my cute pet and know she loves me too.

Слайд 17 1. Kate has got a pig ____ 2. Kate

1. Kate has got a pig ____ 2. Kate loves her

loves her pet very much ___ 3. The guinea pig

has got a house of her own ____ 4.The guinea pig likes to sleep a lot ____

Слайд 18 Answers


Слайд 19 .
Role-play a dialogue
A: What pet have you

. Role-play a dialogueA: What pet have you got?B: I’ve got

B: I’ve got a …
A: What is your… name?

A: How old ….?
B: …
A: What can your…..?
B: …..
A: Why do you like…?
B: …

Слайд 20 .
My pet / My virtual pet
I’ve got

. My pet / My virtual petI’ve got a…. (hamster)His/Her name

a…. (hamster)
His/Her name is ….
He/She is … years old.

He/She likes…
I like my… because he/she is funny/playful/…

Слайд 21 Write the negatives and questions.
Elephants eat tigers.
Bears fly.

Write the negatives and questions. Elephants eat tigers.Bears fly.I like snakes

like snakes and spiders.
She finds monkeys noisy.
Giraffes live in

Peacocks are noisy.
We work very hard.
You do your morning exercises every morning.
Kate knows Tom’s telephone number.
He feeds his dog seven times a day.

Слайд 23 Fill in the blanks. do       does     don't       doesn't
1. _______ you

Fill in the blanks. do       does     don't       doesn't1. _______ you like monkeys?

like monkeys? No, I ______. 2.   _____ they live in

Europe? Yes, they ____. 3. _____ she eat fruits? Yes, she ______ 4. _____ he like vegetables? No, he _______. 5. ______ they go to school? No, they _______.

Слайд 24 Read the answers and write the questions. Use Present

Read the answers and write the questions. Use Present Simple tense.1. Where …

Simple tense.
1. Where … cat like to sleep? My cat likes

to sleep on the sofa. 2. What colour … ? It’s black and white. 3. Where … pet like to play? My pet likes to play in the garden 4. What … like to eat? It likes to eat meat. 5. How old … dog? My dog is five. 6. How often … feed your pet? I feed my pet three times a day.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-my-pet-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 300
  • Количество скачиваний: 19