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Презентация на тему к проекту по теме What do you listen in the Zoo

Goal : To find out whether the onomatopoeia of animals in Russian and English. Tasks : 1) Understand - What is onomatopoeia. 2) Find out the Classification. 3) Try to find The maximum number
What do you listen  in ZOO?Author: Galenko Yaroslav,under the leadership of Goal :  To find out whether the onomatopoeia of animals in Onomatopoeia - a word that serves to imitate the sounds of the Classification: . . Onomatopoeia of animals Buzz-buzz-buzz ж-ж-ж-жBow – wow, bow – wowГав Onomatopoeia of animals Moo-moo Му-муMew-mewМяу - мяуHiss – swishШшшшOink – oinkХрю - Onomatopoeia of animals Caw, cawКар-карCluck-cluckКо ко коGr-gr-grР-р-рR-r-rР-р-рUgh, ughЕо (как трубит)Рuff-puffУууууу Onomatopoeia of animals Wee-tweet-tweetЧик-чирикSqueak-squeakПи-пиQuack-quack, krik-krikКва-ква Comparative table Comparative table of onomatopoeic words For example: Лев / Lion р-р-р / r-r-rМедведь / Bear р-р-р / Why onomatopoeia in Russian and English languages ​​are different? Эй, лягушки на болоте! Что за песню вы поёте? «Ква-ква-ква» и «ква-ква-ква» What is the use of onomatopoeia in texts? Survey results. Oral interrogation among students who were offered 10 examples of Conclusion::Onomatopoeia varies depending on the culture and geographical environment of the people https://nsportal.ru/ap/library/literaturnoe-tvorchestvo/2015/04/23/proektnaya-rabota-literaturnyy-perevod-proizvedeniyhttp://englsecrets.ru/vsyakaya-vsyachina/chto-takoe-onomatopoeia.htmlhttp://litmasters.ru/pisatelskoe-masterstvo/zvukopodrazhanie.htmАнглийские рифмовки, песенки стихи для детей. Москва: «Айрис пресс», 2001 – 87 с.lhttps://www.u-mama.ru/read/obaby/text/child-poems/3923.htmlList of sources: Thank you for attention! Before the new meet!      
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Goal : To find out whether the onomatopoeia

Goal : To find out whether the onomatopoeia of animals in

of animals in Russian and English.
Tasks :

Understand - What is onomatopoeia.
2) Find out the Classification.
3) Try to find The maximum number of onomatopoeias of animals in Russian and English.
4) Draw up a comparative table.
6) Try to reaslize why is onomatopoeia in Russian and English languages ​​ different?

To determine whether onomatopoeia is similar in Russian and English?

To study how the use of onomatopoeia in literature.

Make a conclusions.

Слайд 3 Onomatopoeia - a word that serves to imitate

Onomatopoeia - a word that serves to imitate the sounds of

the sounds of the surrounding reality by means of


What is onomatopoeia?

This is the onomatopoeic word that arose as a result of phonetic assimilation to non-verbal sound systems.

For example: ("ohat" from "oh!", "Bark" from "gav!", Etc.)

Слайд 4 Classification:


Слайд 5 .
Onomatopoeia of animals
Bow –

. . Onomatopoeia of animals Buzz-buzz-buzz ж-ж-ж-жBow – wow, bow –

wow, bow – wow
Гав –гав, гав -гав

Цып -цып

– quack
Кря - кря


Слайд 6 Onomatopoeia of animals
Мяу - мяу
Hiss –

Onomatopoeia of animals Moo-moo Му-муMew-mewМяу - мяуHiss – swishШшшшOink – oinkХрю

Oink – oink
Хрю - хрю
Baa, baa
He – haw
Иа -


Слайд 7 Onomatopoeia of animals
Caw, caw
Ко ко ко
Ugh, ugh

Onomatopoeia of animals Caw, cawКар-карCluck-cluckКо ко коGr-gr-grР-р-рR-r-rР-р-рUgh, ughЕо (как трубит)Рuff-puffУууууу

(как трубит)

Слайд 8 Onomatopoeia of animals
Quack-quack, krik-krik

Onomatopoeia of animals Wee-tweet-tweetЧик-чирикSqueak-squeakПи-пиQuack-quack, krik-krikКва-ква

Слайд 9 Comparative

Comparative table   of onomatopoeic words

table of onomatopoeic words

Слайд 10 Comparative table of onomatopoeic words

Comparative table of onomatopoeic words

Слайд 11

For example:
Лев / Lion
р-р-р / r-r-r

For example: Лев / Lion р-р-р / r-r-rМедведь / Bear р-р-р

/ Bear
р-р-р / gr-gr-gr.
Баран / Sheep
бэ-э-э / baa,




Each language learns in its own way the sounds of the external world in accordance with the peculiarities of its phonetic system.
All English vowels are for the most part far from the reading that we are accustomed to associating with the letters of the Latin alphabet in our minds: each vowel letter can convey 4-5 sounds.
The composition of onomatopoeia varies greatly depending on the characteristics of the culture and geographical environment of the people who speak this language.

In English and Russian there are several similar consonant sounds, however, this similarity is very approximate.

Will we determine whether onomatopoeias are similar in animals in Russian and English?

Слайд 12 Why onomatopoeia in Russian and English languages ​​are

Why onomatopoeia in Russian and English languages ​​are different?


Слайд 13 Эй, лягушки на болоте! Что за песню вы поёте? «Ква-ква-ква»

Эй, лягушки на болоте! Что за песню вы поёте? «Ква-ква-ква» и

и «ква-ква-ква» – Непонятные слова. Я мышонок, пи-пи-пи. Кошка Мурка, крепче

спи. В норку для ночного пира Я несу кусочек сыра. Пчёлка, пчёлка, жу-жу-жу. Над цветочками кружу. Мёд в лукошко положу И опять жужжу, жужжу

The cow says: “Moo-moo”,
I have some milk for you.

My dog is clever, strong and quick,
Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.
My dog is nice, my dog is good,
It always says me: “Woof-woof-woof”

I’m a lion, I’m a lion R-R-R
My name is Clide,
My jaws are big and wide.

Once I saw a little bird: “Wee-tweet-tweet”
Oh, the bird was so sweet!

The little green frog
Jumps on a log,
Takes off its cloak
And starts to croak!

Since childhood we have been studying English. The main training takes place through the study of poems, reading of children's tales and stories. For example:

Слайд 14 What is the use of onomatopoeia in texts?

What is the use of onomatopoeia in texts?

Слайд 15 Survey results.
Oral interrogation among students who were

Survey results. Oral interrogation among students who were offered 10 examples

offered 10 examples of onomatopoeias in Russian and English

showed the following results:
Onomatopoeia in Russian is guessed by 95% of students;
Onomatopoeia in English is guessed by 56% of students

Слайд 16 Conclusion::
Onomatopoeia varies depending on the culture and geographical

Conclusion::Onomatopoeia varies depending on the culture and geographical environment of the

environment of the people who speak the language. Each

language learns in its own way the sounds of the external world in accordance with the peculiarities of its phonetic system.

Onomatopoeia, arising as a result of imitation of animal sounds, have a different sound-letter design (they are written differently and pronounced differently). But with their external dissimilarity, they have one, two identical sounds

Onomatopoeia is a well-known technique used by many classics and is still used today by poets and writers. In a poetic translation, it is important not only the accuracy in the choice of words, but also creative imagination and poetic imagination. The poet-translator not only looks for similar words and expressions in his language, he tries to create something new for his readers. Onomatopoeia belongs to the category of authorial skills, comprehended exclusively by practice.

Слайд 17 https://nsportal.ru/ap/library/literaturnoe-tvorchestvo/2015/04/23/proektnaya-rabota-literaturnyy-perevod-proizvedeniy
Английские рифмовки, песенки стихи для детей. Москва: «Айрис

https://nsportal.ru/ap/library/literaturnoe-tvorchestvo/2015/04/23/proektnaya-rabota-literaturnyy-perevod-proizvedeniyhttp://englsecrets.ru/vsyakaya-vsyachina/chto-takoe-onomatopoeia.htmlhttp://litmasters.ru/pisatelskoe-masterstvo/zvukopodrazhanie.htmАнглийские рифмовки, песенки стихи для детей. Москва: «Айрис пресс», 2001 – 87 с.lhttps://www.u-mama.ru/read/obaby/text/child-poems/3923.htmlList of sources:

пресс», 2001 – 87 с.
List of sources:

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-proektu-po-teme-what-do-you-listen-in-the-zoo.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 0