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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему TheDragon Party

Answer the questions- What is your favourite toy?- My favourite toy is a doll.- What can you do?- I can dance, sing and bouncing a ball- When’s your birthday?- My birthday’s in December.- Have you got
The dragon party Answer the questions- What is your favourite toy?- My favourite toy is Group these words into 3 columns: actions, clothes, musical instruments Chant Let’s sing a songI am Upside – down party Sample languageI’m going to have a banana party. I’m going to make
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Answer the questions
- What is your favourite toy?

Answer the questions- What is your favourite toy?- My favourite toy

My favourite toy is a doll.
- What can you

- I can dance, sing and bouncing a ball
- When’s your birthday?
- My birthday’s in December.
- Have you got a pet?
- Yes, I have

Слайд 3 Group these words into 3 columns: actions, clothes,

Group these words into 3 columns: actions, clothes, musical instruments

musical instruments

Слайд 4 Chant


Слайд 5 Let’s

Let’s sing a songI am the Music

sing a song
I am the Music Man ,
I come

from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the piano.

I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the big bass drum.

I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the violin

I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the guitar.

I am the Music Man ,
I come from down your way
And I can play.
What can you play?
I can play the flute.

Слайд 6 Upside – down party

Upside – down party

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-thedragon-party.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0