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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Средства массовой информации на тему Масс медиа.

Media - ways to collect, process and disseminate information through different devices.Ways – способыProcess – обработкаDisseminate – распространениеTypes of media: press (newspapers, magazines, leaflet), rumors, Internet, TV(movies, shows), radio.Different information forms modern people.Function of media share
Mass media Media - ways to collect, process and disseminate information through different devices.Ways Press  (newspapers, magazines)A set of periodicals and electronic publications intended for Yellow pressThe yellow press usually published deception, rumors and scandals from life LeafletLeaflet – листовка, брошюраThin – тонкаяAdvertise – рекламировать Leaflet is a small, magazinesPrinted publication – печатное изданиеAppeared - появилисьQualities - качестваMagazines appeared in Russia rumorsHearing is unconfirmed information, the source of which is unknown, but interesting InternetInternet is network of many computers. Electronic information transmitted between different computers. RadioIn today's world, everyone knows what radio is. Thousands radio-channels work every television appearedWe can't imagine life without television. Everyone knows what a TV Презентацию выполнил я
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Слайд 2 Media - ways to collect, process and disseminate

Media - ways to collect, process and disseminate information through different

information through different devices.
Ways – способы
Process – обработка
Disseminate –


Types of media: press (newspapers, magazines, leaflet), rumors, Internet, TV(movies, shows), radio.

Different information forms modern people.

Function of media share knowledge and information.

In addition, information helps sale different things and apartments.

Billboard – рекламный щит

Function – функция
To share – передача
In addition – помимо всего

Слайд 3 Press (newspapers, magazines)
A set of periodicals and electronic

Press (newspapers, magazines)A set of periodicals and electronic publications intended for

publications intended for the General reader. The press was

built through Johann Gutenberg of Mainz in Germany, who invented the first printing press. Before that, all books were written by hand. We can't imagine our life without newspapers in our days. Every day different companies produce thousands copies.
The most famous print editions:
“The New York times”
“The Wall street journal”
“Los Angeles times”
“The Washington post”
“The Times”
“The guardian”
“The daily telegraph”
“Financial times”
“Le Figaro”

General reader – массовый читатель
Print edition – печатное издание

Слайд 4 Yellow press
The yellow press usually published deception, rumors

Yellow pressThe yellow press usually published deception, rumors and scandals from

and scandals from life of stars. These Newspapers are

accessible to everyone, because they are not expensive. There are different versions about the origin of the name.

Deception – обман
Rumors – слухи
Gossip – скандалы

Associated – связано
Dispute – спор

One of them says that it's because of the cheap yellow paper on which the articles were printed.

In another version says that the appearance is associated with the dispute publishers "New York World" and "New York Journal American" about the comic "Yellow kid" .

Accessible – доступны
Origin – происхождение
Appearance – возникновение

Слайд 6 Leaflet
Leaflet – листовка, брошюра
Thin – тонкая
Advertise – рекламировать

LeafletLeaflet – листовка, брошюраThin – тонкаяAdvertise – рекламировать Leaflet is a

Leaflet is a small, thin paper on which is

printed information. She can advertise any product, talk about a new company and offer different services. A few years ago, news and political information was shared with them help. Later technologies reached a high level of development, and leaflets began to be used as advertising. Design have changed and evolved. From the original A4 size to the regular one. The thickness of the paper has changed and become thinner. Leaflets are different, colored or black and white, in form of book or sheet.

Offer – предлагать
Shared – рассказывалась

Advertising – реклама
Design – дизайн

Thickness - толщина
Sheet - листок

Слайд 7 magazines
Printed publication – печатное издание
Appeared - появились
Qualities -

magazinesPrinted publication – печатное изданиеAppeared - появилисьQualities - качестваMagazines appeared in

Magazines appeared in Russia after books and newspapers. they

combine some of the qualities of newspapers and books. The journal is printed publication containing articles on various social, political, industrial and other questions. The magazine differs from the newspaper in the size and way of presenting information. Good magazines take longer than newspapers. In today's world they are more interesting and popular than newspapers.

Containing articles - содержащие статьи
Various - различным
Social - политическим

Слайд 8 rumors
Hearing is unconfirmed information, the source of which

rumorsHearing is unconfirmed information, the source of which is unknown, but

is unknown, but interesting enough to be actively disseminated.

is information that shouldn’t be trusted and should be checked. Rumors are transmitted orally in the form of gossip. With the development of technology, information began to be transferred faster.
People spreading rumors in an effort to increase the credibility.
Also, many people trust rumors, and believe in the most questionable information. Rumor is widely used in politics as a tool to influence people's opinions.

Rumor/Hearing – слух
Check - проверить
Transmitted - передаются

Orally – устно
Gossip – сплетни
Spreading – распространять

Effort to increase – стремясь повысить
Credibility – авторитет
Trust - доверять

Believe – верят
Questionable – сомнительная
Influence – влияния

Слайд 9 Internet
Internet is network of many computers. Electronic information

InternetInternet is network of many computers. Electronic information transmitted between different

transmitted between different computers. It forms electronic library, access

to which can be paid and free. Information stored at network and sometimes lost in the ocean of other information. For search exist search engines, that use algorithm to fiend by key words. In the Russian Internet more famous search engines is Yandex and Google. Many services are expanding and new programs: Yandex money, Google maps, etc. Internet appeared as a result of secret research in the United States. First network was ARPANET. In 1972, access was given to universities. By 1973, network become international. Access was granted to the General public in 1991. Now everyone knows what the Internet is.

Network – сеть
Access – доступ
Store – хранить

Search – поиск
Exist – существуют
Search engines – поисковые системы

Expanding – развиваются
Appear – появляются

Слайд 10 Radio
In today's world, everyone knows what radio is.

RadioIn today's world, everyone knows what radio is. Thousands radio-channels work

Thousands radio-channels work every day and tell us about

sports and history or entertain us with music and anecdotes. People working on the radio are funny and positive. They work with expensive equipment in special studios or radio stations. Radio waves are used to transmit information. So far it is not known who created first radio. Because this discovery was made by different people in different countries, at the same time. The first radio worked at a short distance. By 1895, radio operated at a distance of up to 60 meters. After a small update, signal began to reach 250 meters. Several times the radio saved people's lives. For example: one of 50 sailors had to repair the ship and at radio told them how to fix it. Radio is constantly updating and it is not known what it will become.

Entertain – развлекают
Expensive equipment – спец. оборудование
Transmit - передача

So far it – до сих пор
Operated – работало
Several – однажды

Repair – ремонтировать
Constantly – постоянно

Слайд 11 television appeared
We can't imagine life without television. Everyone

television appearedWe can't imagine life without television. Everyone knows what a

knows what a TV is. Many people have their

favorite TV channels, which are news, TV series or films. The most famous channels in Russia are “First channel", "NTV”, "Russia 1", "STS". Television appeared almost immediately after the radio, about 100 years ago. The first TVs were small with a convex screen. the picture was black and white and there was no sound. The first film with sound of a moving train lasted a few seconds. Over the past few years, there have been large, flat, curved and 3d TVs

television appeared – телевидение

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-sredstva-massovoy-informatsii-na-temu-mass-media.pptx
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