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Презентация на тему Проектная работа по теме: Влияние социальных сетей на сознание и психику подростков

Bistrogorskaya SchoolStudents: Prokopenko Yevgeny 9А Lisogorov Kirill 9А Obuvayev Alexandr 9Б Teachers:
Social networks as a way to influence on the mentality and mind Bistrogorskaya SchoolStudents:  Prokopenko Yevgeny 9А Цель нашей работы:Определение зависимости психологического состояния учащихся от факторов воздействия такого источника информации как социальные сети. Задачи:Рассмотреть конкретные факторы влияния на подростков посредством социальных сетей;Связь информации в соцсетях Social Network-What is it?The very concept of HistoryThe twentieth century – the age of information technology-brought a new meaning The most popular network in RussiaThe social network is available in 90 The most popular network in EuropeFacebook is The largest social network in Influence of Social Networking on Youth The latest trend in this day For many teens, social media can become almost addictive. In a study Undoubtedly, social networking plays a huge role in broadening teen social connections Not only is the developing brain of adolescents vulnerable to so much Our (teens`) opinionWe think that, parents shouldn`t limit the time for their Our parents` opinion  Nowadays, almost all mothers and fathers worry that Research by British scientistsFacebook researchers David Ginsberg and Moira Burke write about The study showed that 68% of students spend from 9 to 12 Our survey in Bistrogorskaya schoolWe`ve done own research at our school. Our As a result, our studies have found that : 96% of the Conclusion  As we can see, the influence of media on teenagers https://mobile.wiki/issledovaniya/2017/12/facebook-issledovanie-o-vliyanii-sotssetej-na-psihiku/Солдатов Г., Зотова Е., Чекалкина А. Гостимская А. Пойманный одной сетью. Социально Thank you  for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Bistrogorskaya School

Students: Prokopenko Yevgeny 9А

Bistrogorskaya SchoolStudents: Prokopenko Yevgeny 9А      Lisogorov

Lisogorov Kirill 9А
Obuvayev Alexandr 9Б

Teachers: Мerkusheva U.А.
Chernova Z.S.


Слайд 3 Цель нашей работы:
Определение зависимости психологического состояния учащихся от

Цель нашей работы:Определение зависимости психологического состояния учащихся от факторов воздействия такого источника информации как социальные сети.

факторов воздействия такого источника информации как социальные сети.

Слайд 4 Задачи:
Рассмотреть конкретные факторы влияния на подростков посредством социальных

Задачи:Рассмотреть конкретные факторы влияния на подростков посредством социальных сетей;Связь информации в

Связь информации в соцсетях и восприятие окружающего мира подростками;

анкетирование среди учащихся и взрослых людей, имеющих детей подросткового возраста;
Проанализировать результаты анкетирования;
Сравнить их со статистическими данными по Российской Федерации, а также с данными Великобритании и США;
Сделать выводы о влиянии социальных сетей на психику и сознание подростков.

Слайд 5 Social Network-What is it?
The very concept of "social

Social Network-What is it?The very concept of

network" appeared in 1954, and its meaning was far

from modern. "Social network "by James Barnes definition is“ a social structure consisting of a group of nodes that are social objects (people or organizations) and the connections between them (social relationships)." Simply, a social network is a group of people familiar with each other.

Слайд 6 History
The twentieth century – the age of information

HistoryThe twentieth century – the age of information technology-brought a new

technology-brought a new meaning to the concept of "social

network". The first social network related to computer technology was e-mail technology, which appeared in 1971. This technology was used by the military in the ARPA Net. Later, in 1988, IRC – Internet Relay Chat appeared, which allowed to communicate through the network in real time. The reason for the new leap in the development of social networks was the invention of the world wide Web. Public Internet access appeared in 1991, and in 1995 it was created Classmates.com -the first social network in the modern sense of this concept. This idea quickly gained popularity, and still network Classmates.com -one of the most popular and has more than 50 million users worldwide. Appearance Classmates.com it marked the beginning of the rapid development of the era of social networks.

Слайд 7 The most popular network in Russia
The social network

The most popular network in RussiaThe social network is available in

is available in 90 languages and more, is highly

popular with Russian-speaking audience, is the largest in all of Europe. VKontakte allows you to send messages and images, share video and audio recordings, tags, create your own groups and communities, relax with browser games. This is the most popular social network in Russia (2018).

Слайд 8 The most popular network in Europe
Facebook is The

The most popular network in EuropeFacebook is The largest social network

largest social network in the world and the company

of the same name that owns it. It was founded on February 4, 2004 by mark Zuckerberg and his roommates during his studies at Harvard University - Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.

Слайд 10 Influence of Social Networking on Youth
The latest

Influence of Social Networking on Youth The latest trend in this

trend in this day and age is about being

social. The number of likes on your profile picture tells how popular you are. Social Networks are getting bigger and bigger and have billions of users. According to a research over 65% of adults use social media sites.90% of the population of these sites belong to the age group of 18-29. Its main aim was to connect people.

Слайд 11 For many teens, social media can become almost

For many teens, social media can become almost addictive. In a

addictive. In a study by researchers at the UCLA

brain mapping center, they found that certain regions of teen brains became activated by "likes" on social media, sometimes causing them to want to use social media more.

Слайд 12 Undoubtedly, social networking plays a huge role in

Undoubtedly, social networking plays a huge role in broadening teen social

broadening teen social connections and helping them learn valuable

technical skills. But what impact is all of this social networking having on young teen minds? Most reports indicate that the impact can be significant.

Слайд 13 Not only is the developing brain of adolescents

Not only is the developing brain of adolescents vulnerable to so

vulnerable to so much time on the Internet, they

often have difficulties with self-regulation of their screen time, there are still socially dangerous groups and communities that pose a huge threat to the mental and physical health of children, and sometimes even to their lives.

Слайд 14 Our (teens`) opinion
We think that, parents shouldn`t limit

Our (teens`) opinionWe think that, parents shouldn`t limit the time for

the time for their children to use computers. First

of all, teenagers can communicate with their friends who live far away using e-mail. Secondly, they have a good possibility to develop computer skills. They learn to work with documents, photos and video. In addition, teenagers have a chance to relax after school listening to their favourite music or watching films on the Internet. Besides, they can find a lot of useful information in order to do their homework better.

Слайд 15 Our parents` opinion
Nowadays, almost all mothers

Our parents` opinion Nowadays, almost all mothers and fathers worry that

and fathers worry that their children spend a lot

of time surfing the Internet. However, parents don`t understand that it`s their lifestyle and they try to make their offspring`s live without computers.
There are parents who oppose our point of view. They argue that sitting on the Internet is not good for health, especially for eyes. They think that teenagers live in an unreal world. However, teenagers broaden their horizons and spend time with pleasure.

Слайд 16 Research by British scientists
Facebook researchers David Ginsberg and

Research by British scientistsFacebook researchers David Ginsberg and Moira Burke write

Moira Burke write about the impact of social networks

on the human psyche, in particular on his mood. Students of several universities participated in their experiment. Some respondents simply read the Facebook news feed, while others published materials and communicated with friends. Then, the users were asked to answer the following questions:
1. How much time do you spend on the Internet?
2. Can you live without social nets?
3. Give positive features of the impact of social networks
4. Give negative features of the impact of social networks
5. Does the Internet replace communication in the real world?
6. Do you consider yourself as Internet addict?
7. What a social. do you like the net better?

Слайд 17 The study showed that 68% of students spend

The study showed that 68% of students spend from 9 to

from 9 to 12 hours a day on the

85% of students answered that they can't live without social networks.
71% of students are sure !!! that the Internet has a negative impact on their physical and mental health, but they can not give it up!!!
79% of students believe that the Internet is a modern indispensable source of information and means of communication, and the contemporary world is impossible without the Internet.
91% of students agree that the Internet has replaced the real communication.
But, inspite of the previous results of the study, only 31% of respondents students consider themselves as Internet-addicted.

Слайд 18 Our survey in Bistrogorskaya school
We`ve done own research

Our survey in Bistrogorskaya schoolWe`ve done own research at our school.

at our school. Our anonymous survey was attended by

70 students of middle and high school.

Слайд 22 As a result, our studies have found that

As a result, our studies have found that : 96% of

96% of the surveyed students have access to the

Internet on a mobile device;
42% of students spend about an hour on the Internet a day;
42% of students spend about five hours on the Internet a day;
9% of students spend more than five hours on the Internet a day;
98% of students use social networks;
The most popular network among our students is VK 95%;
86% of students use internet for communication;
75% for searching information;
63% for study;
And only 34% of students use i-net for playing on-line games!!!
18% of students admitted that they had problems with sleep after they registered in social networks;
But, in spite of all results - 45% students think that they can do without social network even a month!!!
And 80% of students do not consider themselves Internet-dependent, which is very surprising!!!

Слайд 26 Conclusion
As we can see, the influence

Conclusion As we can see, the influence of media on teenagers

of media on teenagers is very big and it

probably goes in the wrong direction. What is more, it has a very painful and harmful effect on growing up... What should we do or better still, what is necessary to be done to stop the negative influence of the mass media on teenagers? Is it too late? We must do something before it gets too late. Sport and science must become our priorities and they must be promoted more than nowadays so that teenagers can become more interested in them… That will change their attitudes and the way of thinking and in that way their way of life will be changed a lot .


Слайд 27 https://mobile.wiki/issledovaniya/2017/12/facebook-issledovanie-o-vliyanii-sotssetej-na-psihiku/
Солдатов Г., Зотова Е., Чекалкина А. Гостимская А.

https://mobile.wiki/issledovaniya/2017/12/facebook-issledovanie-o-vliyanii-sotssetej-na-psihiku/Солдатов Г., Зотова Е., Чекалкина А. Гостимская А. Пойманный одной сетью.

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Википедия – [Электронный ресурс] - wikipedia.org/wiki/, доступ свободный.
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Солдатова Г.В. Российские школьники: проблемы и риски Интернет-социализации

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