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Презентация на тему Своя игра - игра - презентация для 5 класса


Цели игры.Практические: Развивать навыки разных видов чтения (с полным пониманием текста, с извлечением информации из текста, с выбором предложений к началу абзацев, с выбором заголовка к тексту.)Развивать навыки словообразования (словосложение).Развивающие: Развивать память, языковые способности, мышление, воображение.Образовательные:
СВОЯ ИГРАТЕМА: «ANIMALS”For 5th form Цели игры.Практические: Развивать навыки разных видов чтения (с полным пониманием текста, с WARMING- UP Mecal   RehaMekynoFeraigfdolfigshanswers:monkeygiraffeharegoldfishcamel1020304050Make the words Guess whatSo colorful and bright,Is fond of talking much.Likes eating carrotIt is10 20A very long nose.It grows and grows.Не is huge and likes fun.It is … 30As red as fire,With a fuzzy tale.He likes long walks.It is … 40Likes so muchTo toss his mane (трясти гривой).Eats green grass and macaroni.What 50Lives in seas and rivers..His hands are like two pincers.As round as butterfly10Масло+ муха=?20Муравей+холм=?30Дракон+ муха=?ant-hilldragonflyMatch the words 40Трава+попрыгун=?50Дама + птица=?grasshoperlady-bird THE MAIN COURSE 100Read and write true (T) or false (F).Dangerous spiders. 200Choose the first sentence for every paragraph.A few tips on how to 300Read the text and choose the best title to it.Who is the Match the question to the answer. 400Read the text and answer the questions.	Taking your pet to the vet. What is the girl’s name?Why did she go to a pet shop?What 500Read the text and answer the questions.5. Virtual Puppy Owner’s Manual.Thank you What must you do if your puppy gets hungry?Why must you clean Proverb expert.Choose the right word to suit the proverb. Give Russian equivalent to the proverb. 1.As busy as a…horsebeebird2.It rains cats and …miceratsdogs100 2003.When the cat is away, the mice will…danceeatplay 4.All cats are … in the nightblackwhitegrey 3005.bird may be known by its…feathercoloursong6.Birds of a … flock togetherclawtailfeather 4007.The early bird catches the…wormbugcaterpillar8.First catch your…, then cook himrabbitdeerhare 5009.A wolf in sheep’s …coatclothinggarment 10.A bird in hand is worth in thetreebushcage LEADERS` COMPETITION Find the wordsYou must find 15 animals.You will get 1 point for the word. Answer keys.Dangerous spiders.FTFFFFA few tips on how to look after a dog.A3B1C4D5E2F6 Proverbs.1.bВертеться, как белка в колесе. Трудолюбивый, как пчелка.2. сЛьет как из ведра.3.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Цели игры.
Практические: Развивать навыки разных видов чтения (с

Цели игры.Практические: Развивать навыки разных видов чтения (с полным пониманием текста,

полным пониманием текста, с извлечением информации из текста, с

выбором предложений к началу абзацев, с выбором заголовка к тексту.)
Развивать навыки словообразования (словосложение).
Развивающие: Развивать память, языковые способности, мышление, воображение.
Образовательные: Формировать целостное представление о мире.
Формировать потребность изучать английский язык. Формировать общекультурную и этническую идентичность.
(английские поговорки, русские эквиваленты к ним).
Воспитательные: Воспитывать нравственных личностей, любовь к животным, чувство ответственности за «братьев наших меньших». Воспитывать способность к успешной самореализации,
чувство коллективизма (совместная работа в команде).



Слайд 5 Mecal

Make the words

Mecal  RehaMekynoFeraigfdolfigshanswers:monkeygiraffeharegoldfishcamel1020304050Make the words

Слайд 6 Guess what
So colorful and bright,
Is fond of talking

Guess whatSo colorful and bright,Is fond of talking much.Likes eating carrotIt is10

Likes eating carrot
It is


Слайд 7 20
A very long nose.
It grows and grows.
Не is

20A very long nose.It grows and grows.Не is huge and likes fun.It is …

huge and likes fun.
It is …

Слайд 8 30
As red as fire,
With a fuzzy tale.
He likes

30As red as fire,With a fuzzy tale.He likes long walks.It is …

long walks.
It is …

Слайд 9 40
Likes so much
To toss his mane (трясти гривой).

40Likes so muchTo toss his mane (трясти гривой).Eats green grass and

green grass and macaroni.
What is it? –
It is

Слайд 10 50
Lives in seas and rivers..
His hands are like

50Lives in seas and rivers..His hands are like two pincers.As round

two pincers.
As round as a cab.
What is it?

It is …

Слайд 11 butterfly
Масло+ муха=?
Дракон+ муха=?
Match the words

butterfly10Масло+ муха=?20Муравей+холм=?30Дракон+ муха=?ant-hilldragonflyMatch the words

Слайд 12 40

Дама + птица=?

40Трава+попрыгун=?50Дама + птица=?grasshoperlady-bird



Слайд 15 100
Read and write true (T) or false (F).

100Read and write true (T) or false (F).Dangerous spiders.

Black widow. Widow n- вдова

n- самец

This is one of the most poisonous spiders in the world.
It lives in a web. It eats insects big and small.
It catches them in the web and uses its poisonous pincers
to kill them. The black widow has eight long legs and a
black body. The male black widow spider is
much smaller than the female. Sometimes the female
black widow kills the male.
It is one of the biggest spiders in the world.____
It is poisonous.____
It has six legs.____
It is not dangerous.____
The body is red.____
It can bite.____

Слайд 16 200
Choose the first sentence for every paragraph.
A few

200Choose the first sentence for every paragraph.A few tips on how

tips on how to look after a dog.
You mustn’t

give your dog too much food. Ribs n- ребра
You must house-train your dog. Waist n- талия
You mustn’t give your dog chocolate. Sniff v- нюхать
You mustn’t leave your in a car in warm weather. Rinse v -ополоснуть
You must brush your dog’s teeth.
You must bath your dog.
A___ Chocolate is toxic to dogs. It can even kill a dog.
B___ A fat dog can’t run and move. Extra fat shortens a dog’s life. Your
dog is too fat if you can’t feel your dog’s ribs or see its waist from above. An adult dog can do well on two
or even one meal a day.
C___ Dogs get cool when they breathe in cool air. If a dog is breathing in warm air, it gets over hot.
Dogs can die in minutes in a hot car.
D___ Dogs get toothache. If a dog has bad teeth, it may also have a heart problem, not only
terrible ”dog breath” from its mouth. Brush your dog’s teeth with special dog toothpaste.
Large bones, hard bread or biscuits also clean a dog’s teeth.
E___ To house-train your dog wait till it is four months old. Watch it.
When your puppy stops playing and starts to sniff the floor, take it out to the toilet.
F___ Bath your dog once a month. Use warm water. First wash its head and ears with water only.
Then shampoo and wash it from front to back and from top to bottom. Rinse your dog well.

Слайд 17 300
Read the text and choose the best title

300Read the text and choose the best title to it.Who is

to it.
Who is the fastest?____
What is a kangaroo?____
A kangaroo

is an animal which lives only in Australia. It eats grass and plants.
It has got short front legs, but very long and very strong back legs and a tail.
It uses them for sitting up on and for jumping. Kangaroos can jump over 8 m, and
can jump as high as 3 m. They can also run very fast, over 45 km per hour.
The largest kangaroos are the great grey kangaroo and the red kangaroo.
They grow to 1.60 m high and weigh over 90 kg.
Kangaroos are very good mothers, they have a sort of pocket at the front of their bodies.
A baby kangaroo is very small when it is born, and
spends its first five months of life in its mother’s pocket.

Слайд 18 Match the question to the answer.

Match the question to the answer.

Слайд 19 400
Read the text and answer the questions.
Taking your

400Read the text and answer the questions.	Taking your pet to the

pet to the vet.

Parakeet n- большой попугай.

got a pet. It’s a parakeet.
His name is Fred. He is also cute and wonderful. He calls me, “Car-r-rie, Car-r-rie” and I give him his favourite food.
About three weeks ago I went into a pet shop to buy something for him and saw a little budgie. It looked unhappy.
I asked about it and they told me it had a broken leg.
One day the budgie got out of its cage, flew around and landed on the other bigger bird’s cage.
The bigger bird bit it and hurt its leg. The budgie looked very, very ill.
I left the shop but then came back and took the budgie home “for free”.
We visited the vet twice and he gave it some tablets and vitamins.
First I named it Jack. But then I guessed that it was a girl and named her Lucky Jackie.
Fred called her, “Jack- k- kie, Luck-k- ky” and I gave her the vitamins. I’m so happy that she is fine now.
I love my pets. They are my little friends.

Слайд 20 What is the girl’s name?
Why did she go

What is the girl’s name?Why did she go to a pet

to a pet shop?
What was the matter with the

How did it happen?
How many times did they visit the vet?
What did Carrie give her budgie?
What did she call her budgie?
Why is Carrie happy?

Слайд 21 500
Read the text and answer the questions.
5. Virtual

500Read the text and answer the questions.5. Virtual Puppy Owner’s Manual.Thank

Puppy Owner’s Manual.
Thank you for adopting a Virtual Puppy!

are a few tips on how to keep your Puppy happy& healthy.
After every action, you are going to get information on how your puppy is doing.
Happy (between 0 and 10): Tells you how happy your puppy is.
Puppies that are happier are healthier as well.
Hungry (between 0 and 5): Tells you how hungry your puppy is.
If your puppy gets hungry, click on the food bowl under “Actions” to feed it.
Puppies that eat well are happier.
Toilet (between 0 and 3): don’t forget to clean up after your puppy.
Your puppy doesn’t like that, and you could step in something!
Energy (between 0 and 5): If your puppy’s energy gets down to zero, it must visit the vet.
Puppies need exercise, but also need rest!
When you are done playing with your puppy, click on the little door under “Actions”
to leave it.
Your puppy will go to sleep. Don’t forget to come back and play with your puppy.
Puppies need attention from time to time, or they become unhappy and hungry.
If you go on vacation, board your puppy at our Virtual Puppy Kennel.
We will watch and look after your puppy for free while you’re gone. Have a good time!

Слайд 22 What must you do if your puppy gets

What must you do if your puppy gets hungry?Why must you

Why must you clean up after it?
What must you

do if your puppy's energy gets down to zero?
Kennel n- конура
Board v- поместить
For free - бесплатно

Слайд 23 Proverb expert.

Choose the right word to suit the

Proverb expert.Choose the right word to suit the proverb. Give Russian equivalent to the proverb.


Give Russian equivalent to the proverb.

Слайд 24
1.As busy as a…
2.It rains cats and …

1.As busy as a…horsebeebird2.It rains cats and …miceratsdogs100

Слайд 25 200
3.When the cat is away, the mice will…

2003.When the cat is away, the mice will…danceeatplay 4.All cats are … in the nightblackwhitegrey

4.All cats are … in the night

Слайд 26 300
5.bird may be known by its…
6.Birds of a

3005.bird may be known by its…feathercoloursong6.Birds of a … flock togetherclawtailfeather

… flock together

Слайд 27 400
7.The early bird catches the…
8.First catch your…, then

4007.The early bird catches the…wormbugcaterpillar8.First catch your…, then cook himrabbitdeerhare

cook him

Слайд 28 500
9.A wolf in sheep’s …
10.A bird in

5009.A wolf in sheep’s …coatclothinggarment 10.A bird in hand is worth in thetreebushcage

hand is worth in the



Слайд 30 Find the words
You must find 15 animals.
You will

Find the wordsYou must find 15 animals.You will get 1 point for the word.

get 1 point for the word.

Слайд 31 Answer keys.
Dangerous spiders.
A few tips on how to

Answer keys.Dangerous spiders.FTFFFFA few tips on how to look after a

look after a dog.
A kangaroo.
1. 2
2. 2d

your pet to the vet.
1. Her name is Carrie.
2. She wanted to buy something for her pet/ parakeet Fred.
3. It had a broken leg.
4. It got out of its cage, flew around landed on the other bigger bird’s cage. The bigger bird bit it and hurt its leg.
5. They visited the vet twice.
6. Carrie gave her pet some tablets and vitamins.
7. She named it Lucky Jackie.
8. Carrie is happy because her budgie is fine now.
5. Virtual puppy owner’s manual.
1. You must click on the food bowl under “Actions” to feed it.
2. Because your puppy doesn’t like that and you could step in something!
3. It must visit the vet.

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