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Презентация на тему к уроку Buying a ticket at the cinema

Phonetic drillI am a studentI am a seventh grade studentI am a good studentI am talented student I am trying to be the best student in the world
Buying a ticket at the cinemaSpotlight 7 Module 7 English in useCreated by lenura khalilova Phonetic drillI am a studentI am a seventh grade studentI am a Проверка грамматического материала. Walking sentences using ago yesterday last Sunday last week/month/year What can we see in the picture?What people are doing?What do you What can we see in the picture? What people are doing? What do you think what about we are What kinds of films do you like? Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why? What would you make a film about if you had a chance? Let’s learn how to buy ticket at the cinema It’s sold out Listening Next, pleaseTwo tickets for King Kong at 6 pm, pleaseI’m afraid Reflection Name 5 words from the lessonNow I know how to ask Homework Simferopol, CrimeaFebruary, 11 Dear Ben,Thanks for your letter; it's nice to Our lesson is overThank you for lesson!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Phonetic drill
I am a student
I am a seventh

Phonetic drillI am a studentI am a seventh grade studentI am

grade student
I am a good student
I am talented student

I am trying to be the best student in the world

Слайд 3 Проверка грамматического материала. Walking sentences using ago yesterday

Проверка грамматического материала. Walking sentences using ago yesterday last Sunday last

last Sunday last week/month/year never always twice already just


1. I (to see) Alone at home film
2. I (to buy) on- line movie tickets
3. I (to read) Lord of the Rings
4. I (to shake) hands with famous actor
5. I (to be) the fan of Bruce Willis

Слайд 4 What can we see in the picture?
What people

What can we see in the picture?What people are doing?What do

are doing?
What do you think what about we are

going to speak today?
What kinds of films do you like?
Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why?
What would you make a film about if you had a chance?

Слайд 5 What can we see in the picture?

What can we see in the picture?

Слайд 6 What people are doing? What do you think

What people are doing? What do you think what about we

what about we are going to speak today?

Слайд 7 What kinds of films do you like?

What kinds of films do you like?

Слайд 8 Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema

Where do you prefer watching films – in the cinema or at home and why?

or at home and why?

Слайд 9 What would you make a film about if

What would you make a film about if you had a chance?

you had a chance?

Слайд 10 Let’s learn how to buy ticket at the

Let’s learn how to buy ticket at the cinema It’s sold

It’s sold out – все продано
Is that for 7

pm or the 10 pm showing? – Это на сеанс 7 или 10 часов вечера?
Discount -скидка

Слайд 11 Listening
Next, please
Two tickets for King Kong at

Listening Next, pleaseTwo tickets for King Kong at 6 pm, pleaseI’m

6 pm, please
I’m afraid it’s sold out
Two tickets for

9 pm then, please.
Is that for 7 pm or the 10 pm showing?
That’s 12 pounds altogether, then.
Is there a discount for students?
Here are your tickets and your change.
Enjoy the movie!

Слайд 12 Reflection
Name 5 words from the lesson
Now I

Reflection Name 5 words from the lessonNow I know how to

know how to ask questions …
Now I can buy…

Слайд 13 Homework
Simferopol, Crimea
February, 11

Dear Ben,
Thanks for your

Homework Simferopol, CrimeaFebruary, 11 Dear Ben,Thanks for your letter; it's nice

letter; it's nice to hear from you.
No/Yes, I have(n’t)

seen that film yet/already/twice.
I like/don’t like to watch many kinds of movies: from _______ to the __________. My favorite genre is_____, because it’s very_______and______. I watch/don’t watch films almost every day at home, but I think/don’t think that watching them on wide screen is____________. All the special effects are impressing. If I make a film one day, it will be related with_____________. In other words, it will be very________.
Write back soon.
Best wishes,

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-buying-a-ticket-at-the-cinema.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 218
  • Количество скачиваний: 12